I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2110 Make progress


The scene is so big, the special effects are so powerful, and they are majestic, but they are not as conspicuous as the man and woman.

A man and a woman with the best appearance, body, temperament and strength.

Both pleasing to the eye and thrilling.

but. . . . In the big environment formed by every big scene, there is always a kind of strange flower that will break the atmosphere.

"You little Penglai...feng shui is a bit perverted, are you good at dealing with relationships between men and women? This pair is only a month old."

There are some words, if you don’t say it, it’s fine. Once you say it, it’s like enlightenment, finishing touches, nodding your head and drinking. . .

It's true, they're both male and female.

Look at those two Wuque.

Look at those two little Penglai.

Look at these two here again.

It just happened that something came out of the three lanes, the intersection of the triangle, looking at each other like this, look, how awkward the atmosphere is now? ! ! !

Because of the embarrassing atmosphere of one cancer, another cancer needs to be solved.

This is another level of people who need to tie the bell to untie the bell.

Qin Yu: "Why are you so old? Threesome?"

Wan Teng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled wretchedly.

Everyone was stunned. They didn't understand at first, but after seeing Baby Wanqi's wretched smile, they all had an epiphany.

Li Shuang and the others in Little Penglai had strange expressions, while He Jinai and Jian Zhi Huixue frowned. They already knew that the Demon Dao had changed to a Demon Lord, and they also knew the general information about this Demon Lord, because the sect valued him very much , The first wave of information has been put in place, and the follow-up investigation is still continuing, trying to understand this person as well as possible.

The intelligence mentioned that this person was deeply scheming, hypocritical, evil, and tricky.

But seeing it right now, it's more serious than serious.

As soon as Qin Yu's nasty jokes started, the righteous one put on airs and refused to accept them, but the demonic ones didn't dare to accept them, because they were from alien planets. . . Wan Teng wanted to say something, but Lin Heng suddenly said, "Tell your master to come out."

His words are still quite scary, even if they are not very cold, but they always feel penetrating.

He Jinai came out, raised his hands in a bow, apologized for the scene, and then said to Jianzhi: "Junior sister, go in and ask the master."

Jian Zhi Huixue nodded, walked towards the door, knocked on the door twice, but there was no response.

"With so many people, your master must know about the general situation. Either they don't want to see us, or they are busy."

Qin Yu crossed his arms, lazily, and glanced at the house, "Maybe in the shower."

She said this very casually, and she was used to talking nonsense.

But how many people in the world dare to talk nonsense about the Lord of Little Penglai?

Nangong Mei and Baimei's expressions were slightly abnormal, while Xue Sheng's face was dark.

The expressions of Xiao Penglai's senior management and disciples changed one after another, and they looked at Qin Yu as if they were looking at a scumbag.

"Bath? We can't make us wait for her." Baby Wancheng was very upset.

Qin Yu: "Either I climb over the wall to take a look, and you give me a lookout?"

Baby Wan Teng: "Why am I the one keeping watch? Can't you turn it around?"

Qin Yu: "Your legs are short, I'm afraid you won't be able to turn over."

Fuck! ! Baby Wan Teng was furious, but saw that Qin Yu was eager to try to climb over the wall, and little Penglai Qi Qi had an awe-inspiring aura, as if he was facing a big enemy, while He Jinai and Jian Zhi Huixue were extremely fast, and stopped in front of him in the blink of an eye, but Qin Yu had already blinked past them and was about to go up.

Karma, the door opened.

The Lord of Little Penglai stepped over the threshold and looked at Qin Yu.

Qin Yu: "Yeah, it's out."

Lord of Little Penglai: "It seems that the appointed time is still a little short, is Your Excellency in a hurry?"

Qin Yu: "Supreme Lingkui, a countryman like me, has never seen the world, so I'm flustered, so I'm anxious, I'll make you laugh."

The lord of the little Penglai smiled lightly, pure and elegant, "So that's how it is. It's a good way to relieve stress by asking my subordinates to resist hoeing and digging bamboo shoots in my bamboo forest early in the morning."

Qin Yu: "Who?"

The little Penglai Lord's pupils were dim, and his breath was blue, "You."

With his hands down, Qin Yu stood with his back on his back, turned sideways to the heads of the demonic dogs and said, "Did you hear that, don't do such things in the future, or it would be rude."

After finishing speaking, I apologized to the little Penglai Lord: "I am so weak and useless, and my superiors dare not be strict with these vicious and cunning demonic people. The next way."

Lord of Little Penglai: "Since your Excellency was able to hang out under the former demon king for ten years and seize power in one fell swoop, I think you will not lack to learn this way."

Look at the appearance of those demons who dare not speak out.

Qin Yu: "That doggy man can only teach the imperial daughter, let alone the imperial servant, how can you be better than you."

The rank of the little Penglai lord was quickly revealed. She was calm, with a calm and elegant smile on her face. When she walked out, she said: "There is a specialization in surgery. In comparison, I can only control , I don’t know how to court a daughter, and I don’t dare to be an excellent word.”

Qin Yu: "Shall I teach you?"

Lord of Little Penglai: "Talent is limited, let's go."

Qin Yu: "Then you don't make progress without me."

Lord of Little Penglai: "..."

Stay classy and don't want to talk to you. jpg.

Everyone quietly watched the two leaders of the Demon Way and the Righteous Way maintain an elegant and hypocritical posture. You savor, you savor carefully.

Sure enough, those who don't shake Bilian are slightly better.


Almost all the people have arrived, including Hanhai Chaoyi.

Haiwang Jianjun and other top masters from Little Penglai also arrived. The Supreme Lingkui is already in the hands of the Lord of Little Penglai. She is holding the sky net and looking at the Supreme Lingkui inside, she said: "Please judge the space of my Little Penglai. The most stable and most suitable place to open the entrance to the ancient emperor's mausoleum, okay?"

The Supreme Lingkui was imprisoned in the Tianluodi net during this period, and he was a little sluggish. Hearing this, his eyelids moved, "You are quite polite. Didn't you say before that you can drive the little Penglai? Why, I'm afraid Have you ruined your place? Are you so unconfident."

The Lord of Little Penglai smiled lightly: "This place leads to the upper realm, and the breath of opening the ancient emperor's tomb will be captured. If you don't want to be taken directly to the upper realm when you open the ancient emperor's tomb, and your body will be dismembered to open the entrance. It’s better to hold the initiative in your hands.”

Supreme Lingkui's body froze, and he fixedly looked at the Lord of Little Penglai.

The latter smiled like usual, and did not back down under the sharp eyes of the Supreme Lingkui.

Supreme Lingkui's eyes flickered, and he snorted softly: "Actually, you don't want to share this benefit with the upper realm, do you? Hmph, aren't you afraid that the upper realm will trouble you?"

Lord of Little Penglai: "Those flying from below, unless there are people behind them, there are not many who will not be troubled."

Obviously, such an elegant and bookish little master of Penglai is also an absolute realist, but she has the kind of expression of such a sense of naked profit-seeking reality in a peaceful and gentle way, which makes people not feel disgusted, and she also expresses it in a gentle way. Hard to despise.

"It's the dignified and elegant people who have a dark heart." Qin Yu smiled lowly, and the Supreme Lingkui couldn't say anything. After all, he gave in to his own life and death, cowardly and arrogantly said: "Then go to the side of the glacier, where the spatial stability is the strongest, and the extremely cold and gloomy frost clouds can cover up the breath."

Go if you say so, but not everyone will go, at least for little Penglai. . . .

Qin Yu originally thought that the little Penglai Lord would set some rules, such as how much cultivation and strength.

But she just said lightly: "If you want to go, go, life and death are fate, wealth and honor are in heaven, practice, it's like this."

Xiao Tingyun's expression was slightly touched when he heard the words, and he said to Qin Yu through voice transmission: "I'm afraid this person is very powerful."

What she was talking about was not cultivation, but brain power and heart.

Although it was only a short time of contact, she felt that this person was unfathomable, yet back to basics.

Qin Yu: "I had a strange feeling the first time I saw her."

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