I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2111 I have been here (end, sleep!)

What was the first feeling, Xiao Tingyun: "Is it really exciting to flirt with a woman from a good family?"

Qin Yu:? ? ?

I suspect that you have strayed from the topic, but I have evidence.

Qin Yu: "What, be serious, I mean she failed to destroy the Demon Lord, or why she didn't destroy the Demon Lord."

Xiao Tingyun was surprised, what is this statement?

They couldn't say more. After all, there are strong people gathered, and it's not good if they are spied on.

Everyone stood up with swords or flying lights. On the way, Qin Yu remembered something and smelled: "Is the root of the evil way of Tianjingsha on the other side of the glacier?"

"Yes, the three lords of the evil way are not here today. I am afraid that something happened to Tianjingsha, so I dare not come."

The dog's head looked at Qin Yu cautiously, secretly thinking that he must be afraid of this person.

Qin Yu: "Don't dare? I think I expected that the ancient emperor's mausoleum would eventually be opened on the glacier, and I waited there."

"Master Mojun, are you going to do something to them?" Goutou felt that Qin Yu's attitude towards them was very strange now, and it was okay to have it or not.

But they all know that people have value in order to live, and they must prove their worth, or the murderous new demon will kill them in the future.

"To be a man, you need to be utilitarian, just for money, and don't fight and kill at will."

Qin Yu sighed and admonished, and all the demons could only respond with a smile without a smile, and were hesitating whether to touch their conscience and blow down their own demon king's ideological and moral realm.

But Qin Yu added, "If the ancient emperor's mausoleum is full of monsters and extremely dangerous, and you kill too many people, who will go in and be cannon fodder?"

Goutou and the others are all determined.

As expected, this hypocritical and cunning tigress is still biased towards their evil ways.


In the eternally cold place, far away from the glaciers, in the turbulent wind and snow, apart from Qin Yu and the others, even those in the Transcending Tribulation Period felt some pressure.

Just because the ice here is not ordinary ice.

"The glaciers here are generally thousand-year-old ice, and there are not a few of them that have been frost-cold for thousands of years. Under the cold water, there are thousands of years of black ice, which is naturally powerful."

Fifth Daoling and Fang Yourong also came this time, the two of them were reticent, listening to some other people talking, and occasionally glanced at Qin Yu and the others who were in front of them very fast, as if they were very casual and didn't care too much look.


For some reason, Baby Wan Teng flew to Qin Yu's side, "Hey, now that you are a demon king, you don't pay attention to your big brothers and sisters? And you don't pay attention to the little friend you just met recently?"

Qin Yu: "There are often stories in novels—some shameless people who are weak and incompetent and want to play crooked ways. Once they can't deal with someone, they will think of taking her beloved. I will never make this kind of mistake. The more I love them, the colder I become toward them."

Baby Wan Teng: "..."

It sounds very serious and serious, why do I always feel that something is not right.

It seems that I have been scolded, and it seems that some people have been molested by you from a distance.


Xuan Luobai felt that he was drunk, and his face flushed red.

Xiao Tingyun stretched out his hand and stroked the tip of his eyebrows, showing helplessness, but then looked at someone's brother and sister.

I am so calm.

Of course she calmed down, as a goddess who had been repeatedly fooled by a certain junior sister for many years, Fang Yourong was quite calm about it.


"Let's go to the front." The Supreme Lingkui didn't want to fly too far, it was meaningless, these human cultivators were more ruthless than the other, and most of them were scum who were kind-hearted but cruel.

The longer the delay, the easier it is to attract people from the heavens.

It doesn't want to die.

On a large piece of glacier ground in front, everyone pressed the streamer down one after another. After the Lord of Little Penglai landed, he controlled the net of heaven and earth while allowing the Supreme Lingkui to play freely.

It is said to be free, but in fact, the big bosses like Baby Wancheng have sealed this place to death.

With so many lords, the Supreme Lingkui didn't want to seek death, so obediently prepared to open the ancient emperor's tomb.

Just like the code reading by the program, it takes a little time.

Qin Yu is not in a hurry. Unlike these practitioners who are stuck between the heaven and the human world, she has a bright future ahead of her. She wants to enter the ancient emperor's tomb just to earn points for this dungeon, and try to get a good score on this journey. That's all.

Standing on the edge of the ice, Qin Yu casually looked into the distance, but actually communicated with Han Hai Chaoyi, "Did Liu Tutu come out?"

"This lord is unfathomable. If she appears, she will be easily seen through at a glance. I don't want to take risks."

Qin Yu suddenly said, "It makes sense, but doesn't she have a name? It's weird to have such a long title."

"Chu Ci, her name, but she has practiced for too long, and not many people dare to call her by her real name. Over time, she was replaced by the Lord of Little Penglai."

"Before you said that there are two factions in Little Penglai, one faction belongs to her?"

"Huh? No, she doesn't really care much. She has delegated a lot of power, and there is a dispute between the two factions, but it is all on the bright side, and she dare not be ruthless. It is just a competition for power. In a sense, it is a balance technique."

Of course, Qin Yu understands that she often uses this method to save worry and effort, as long as she maintains absolute strength to suppress it.

"You seem very interested in her."

"Aren't you talking nonsense, I'm the devil now, sooner or later I'm going to have sex with her, know yourself and your enemy, by the way, did Liu Tutu forget something, that night."

one thing? Hanhai Chaoyi has no intention of getting involved in their affairs.

"I'll let her talk to you."

"Don't ask her for a reward. It's embarrassing in person. Please remind me."

"I'm Liu Rushi now, what can you do with me?"

"I know, I just told you on purpose."

"I just went online and didn't hear it."

"Oh, actually, it was Han Hai who reminded me to ask you for a reward. She felt that saving a life, but the saved person didn't show any signs of it, and refused to give the promised reward as if she had forgotten it. This is too shameless. I think she This idea is a bit extreme, we are friends, how can I be so ruthless, but she is so persistent, I can't do anything about her, so when will you pass on that magic way to me?"


Liu Rushi stabilized, "I was going to give it to you last night. Who told you to go so fast? It's too late. I'll find a chance to give it to you when I enter the ancient emperor's mausoleum. What's the rush?"

Are you happy watching two bitch dramas?

Qin Yu was about to hurt the stingy Bichi Rabbit when the Supreme Lingkui over there suddenly became louder.

Qin Yu passed by, and as soon as he got to the crowd, he suddenly saw Lin Heng who was not far away, not looking at the huge spiral space flow caused by the Supreme Lingkui, but staring straight at the water surface, his eyes were a little strange and a little dazed.

Jiaojiao: "Fish, he won't be..."

Qin Yu covered his mouth, looked at the Supreme Lingkui indifferently, and was about to enter the ancient emperor's tomb.

At that time, the Supreme Lingkui's body twisted, and his face suddenly turned red, "Damn it, I underestimated its power, my spiritual power is not enough to push it open, some of you guys help me!"

After the Supreme Lingkui made a difficult call, the Lord of Little Penglai also noticed the instability of the spatial flow, and immediately called out a few people.

Qin Yu, Lin Heng, Xue Sheng, and the leaders of the other three major planes.

"Your Majesty?" The old housekeeper noticed that his king was absent-minded, and reminded him.

When Lin Heng came back to his senses, Qin Yu glanced at him and said nothing, when everyone joined hands as if they had sworn to heaven. . .

Supreme Lingkui suddenly said to Lin Heng: "Brother, you are distracted and want to go east to west, why do you seem to have been here before?"

Lin Heng was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes sharpened suddenly!

It read his mind?

The rest of the people were also shocked and suspicious, by chance?

The Supreme Lingkui smiled: "How do you think I found the gossip? Insight into the soul is also one of my abilities. At such a close distance, you activate both spiritual power and soul power at the same time. Of course I can spy on it, don't you believe me? "

"Nong, brother, do you know what's going on in her heart, that woman across from you?"

"not interested."

Lin Heng kept his word, since he said that he would not entangle Qin Yu with the past, he would not argue with her face to face, so he didn't ask, so he didn't want to be pointed out by this unlucky Lingkui .

But now that it's pointed out, maybe I can know by the way whether I have come into contact with her in similar glacial polar regions. . . Maybe it was some unforgettable memories that he cherished deeply.

More likely it was the place where he made love to her.

Otherwise, how could he be so touched.

It seems that the soul is throbbing deeply.

"She was thinking: Do I want to slander Lin Heng in person for having an affair with Tian Jingsha? Kill two birds with one stone!"

Qin Yu: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Sure enough, the heart is very dark.

Supreme Lingkui: "Then she was thinking again just now: Grass, this chicken Lingkui has opened his eyes. I must not let him see that I killed this dog man in the glacier in his previous life. His body sank and no one took it away." .”

Everyone: "..."

Fang Yourong and the others: "..."

What a mouthful of lingering, pathetic, infatuated men and women, tragic, terrifying, suspenseful melons.

Lin Heng: "..."

Qin Yu: "Fuck!"

I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air.

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