I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2112 Evil Way


What happens when the car rolls over?

Human instinct is also the most sensible choice - climb out of the window first.

Anyway, Qin Yu glanced ahead and saw the complex and unpredictable expressions of some of her "people", she said, "I deliberately thought this way in my heart, and tested it, this Laji Lingkui really has two brushes. But you don't have to worry, the past is always in the past, people have to look forward, so that the world can progress and the future can be bright, don't be obsessed with the misery of the past, and don't reminisce too much about the joys of the past. above all."

She is serious and coercive without losing her composure, like an outsider who has realized the avenue of life, giving people a sense of epiphany.

That is a super soul power, and it is also an abnormal pyramid scheme. . . .

Until someone said something abruptly.

Baby Wancheng: "So did you have any children in your previous life?"

Qin Yu and Lin Heng: "..."

Qin Yu felt that the eyes of people like Xiao Tingyun were sharp.

MMP, Wancheng baby, you scumbag, go to hell!

Qin Yu didn't want this topic to turn into a storm, so he quickly changed the topic: "The space seems to be not quite right."

Look, there's a handjob!

The topic was changed, and it was very successful, because the breath in the space was indeed not right, mainly because it was mixed with the breath of another world.

that world. . . Ancient, decadent, gloomy, bloody.

This extremely negative air pressure swarmed in and enveloped the glacier for thousands of miles. Under the glacier, the spirit beasts of the sea area who had reproduced for thousands of years were terrified. Some weak ones even vomited blood and became unconscious or even died suddenly. .



When Supreme Lingkui, Qin Yu and others increased their output, a small gap in the spatial flow finally opened up.

Such a gap, if it was in the past, even the weakest person here would dare to enter it as a stream of smoke, but the air pressure leaking inside it is too terrifying, enough to imagine what kind of mausoleum space, juniors dare not move, but many The strong backbones didn't dare to move, they just watched Qin Yu and the others nervously and warily pushing the gap wider and wider.

At this time, Qin Yu transmitted a few words to Fang Yourong and Xiao Tingyun respectively, telling them to pay attention to safety, and it is best to enter in the first few seconds. . . She can accurately judge the strength and spiritual power fluctuations of many people here on a large scale, and guess when they will enter. Qin Yu is reminding Xiao Tingyun that they should avoid the peak period of some strong people, so as not to be injured.

Xiao Tingyun and the others naturally accepted everything according to the order.

Fang Yourong and Fifth Daoling only responded briefly.

Fifth Dao Ling: "Be careful."

Fang Yourong: "Concentrate on business."

I know the business, treasure hunting to make a fortune, so what is the non-business?

This question may be a bit dangerous, and it will attract personal attacks. Qin Yu resolutely gave up, and responded: "You guys treat me so well, like a loving father and strict mother, I am so touched."

Fang Yourong and the two: "..."

They didn't mention the things behind Qin Yu's killing of the demon king.

Because of the wrong timing, since they entered the secret realm of Tianshu, they have never had the opportunity to sit down and talk about the past.

But it doesn't matter. . . There will be opportunities in the future.


Chu Ci, the lord of Little Penglai, has seen the world after all, and he is very stable. While outputting the main force, he told everyone: "After 13 seconds, I will enter as soon as possible. After that, the gaps in the space will merge at an extremely fast speed. Er There is only about 9 seconds to enter, otherwise the entrance will be closed and there will be no more time to enter."

"Like the ancient emperor's mausoleum, life and death depend on fate!"

No one objected, and all were ready.

Thirteen seconds passed quickly, the gap was the size of a watermelon, and then Supreme Lingkui rushed in first, Qin Yu and the others flashed their eyes, and at almost the same time, all the lord-level figures shot in as streamers, Then came the strong in the Mahayana period, and then. . . .


"not good!"

"It's evil!"


In the chaos, a burst of light from the depths of the glacier entered the gap at an extremely fast speed, among which the three halos were the fastest.

Evil Lord?

There were some backbones of evil ways behind them, but they collided with the evil ways and righteous ways behind them, and there was no war, just scrambling to enter. . .

In the last seven or eight seconds.


Blood splattered, screams piled up!

A glacier soon bleeds all over the ground, and eventually everything returns to silence.

Come in or die!


The Mausoleum of the Ancient Emperor is supposed to be a mausoleum.

I didn't expect it to be a battlefield.

Ruins of the battlefield?

Qin Yu was entangled by Jiaojiao, jumped in a space, and the chaotic space in front of him disappeared. After a space membrane was broken, a person and a cat appeared on the barren ground.

As soon as it landed, there was a rubbing sound.

It looks like something is broken.

Qin Yu looked down and saw that a skull had been crushed by her.

"I'm going, fat girl, can you teleport me to a better place, this is a pile of dead people!"

When Qin Yu lowered his head, he didn't even see the land, it was full of bones.

Jiaojiao hangs in the air, stepping on the air with her hips on her hips to yell at her, "You still hate it, if I hadn't been dragging you just now, you would have been teleported to nowhere."

Qin Yu: "The teleportation place is not good."

Jiaojiao: "Can you blame me? You don't have any clues about your teleportation path? It's either a bath or a hot spring pool... It's good that I didn't teleport you to the toilet."

Speaking of the toilet, Jiaojiao remembered the time when she almost fell into the toilet when she opened her eyes when she went to the apocalyptic world.

In other words, Qin Yu woke up in the bathtub that time.

——It means that she is always related to indecent things like being naked, and you are always related to shit.

Qin Yu: Shit!

Jiaojiao: Damn!


"What kind of battlefield is this? Could it be the battle between righteousness and demons in the age of saints?" Qin Yu was suspicious, examined these bones, and quickly confirmed his guess, it really was the relic of the battle between righteousness and demons.

"Is this the treasure of the mausoleum?" Qin Yu felt that the ancient emperor's mausoleum was too watery, "Is there no descendant to build it?"

——I have checked the war between righteousness and demons in the age of saints in this Tianzang world. There were too many saints who participated in the battle, and almost all of them died. It may be because of too many deaths, and the destructive atmosphere left here is too strong. It is difficult for people to enter, so it is impossible to talk about the mausoleum.

"No, if this is the case, there will be no such thing as the ancient emperor's mausoleum. Please help me continue to search for the ancient emperor's information."

——I checked, the ancient emperor is really not an ordinary saint. In the era of saints, he was one of the four emperors of the Righteous Way camp. He was extremely powerful and once fought against the immortals. . . .

Huang Jinbi gave a lot of information, Qin Yu sorted it out, narrowed his eyes, "It's interesting."

--How to say?

"The treasure gimmick of the ancient emperor's mausoleum itself is a bit contradictory. 1. If the ancient emperor was so powerful and respected, after the battle that year, either the tomb was not built because of the danger, or there were indeed survivors or descendants who could enter , so here comes the question, as after a great war, the contemporary powerhouse is in a state of suffering heavy losses and is eager to recuperate and recover. Will the ancient emperor's inherited treasures and resources not be used? They should be put in the mausoleum for future generations to inherit Not to mention the future generations. This is not the ancient feudal world, but this is the world of self-cultivation. Everything focuses on strengthening strength, and the rest of the spiritual aspects of ideology, morality, funeral and sacrificial rituals are all imaginary. 2. If there is a treasure Instead, if you have to put it in the mausoleum, the ancient emperor’s own inheritance, which may not be absorbed by contemporary people, exists for the sake of orthodoxy, attracting future generations to inherit the inheritance, but in this case, its threshold is too high, and it is no longer looking for an inheritor. "

Jiaojiao: "That Supreme Lingkui is a strange snake spirit."

I went to the hospital for an examination yesterday, and it seems that my waist and limbs are strained again, sore, uncomfortable after sitting for a long time, and I can’t concentrate, and I can’t sleep well. Go to adjust the status, but the monthly pass is still required, and the rule of adding 100 changes from 2098 is still there. Yesterday 2498 counted a total of 3 changes, and today it is not 2598, it is still 3 changes. Don't worry, I'm going to save up for the next post, I hope everyone can try their best to give votes, 20 will be released soon, come on!

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