I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2113 The Buddhist Family

Qin Yu: "It's not a screening method in the normal sense, so I don't think this ancient emperor's mausoleum may be an inheritance."

——If you analyze it like this, it is indeed a bit weird.

——Generally, the existence that you think is weird is basically dangerous in the end.

——Then do you still want to do it?

Qin Yu: "I've come in, can I not do it? If it's a benefit, it's natural to fight for it. If it's a disadvantage, then because of the existence of the Golden House, I have to participate, right?"

That's right, so the purpose of Qin Yu's analysis is to grasp its danger and raise his vigilance so that he doesn't get the benefits and get caught up in blood.

"But now the question is where is the ancient emperor's mausoleum? There are only ruins here. I haven't seen any magnificent tombs, just some bumpkins on the graves..."

Jiaojiao has the ability of space. After a large-scale search, she found many bumpkin graves, so she reported it to Qin Yu.


"Go and have a look."

Qin Yu led Jiaojiao to the nearest grave, and there were ruins and wrecks all over the place. There were so many corpses around these graves that there was almost nowhere to go, but one person, one cat, and one came to the grave.

"There's not even a stele, what a pity, hey..."

"That's right, it's so pitiful."

While sighing and pitying, they each turned Chaoci and the Three Kings' Scepter into shovels.

When Huang Jinbi posted a row of eye-rolling emojis, Qin Yu and Jiaojiao were already digging graves with shovels.

Good students skilled movements, skilled experience.

Huhushengfeng, frenzied.


Digging graves is not necessary, and Qin Yu will not do it. She is not a pervert, right? The reason for digging is because - it cannot directly attack blasting.

"It looks very rustic, but in fact, there is a defense mechanism underneath. After all, it is a strong man who fell in the age of saints. There is always a remnant soul guarding his corpse. If he directly attacks violently and concentrates the layer of defense on its shell, it will trigger .”

"What will happen after triggering, is it a fake corpse?"

"I don't know, the first thing is to blow up the grave."

Jiaojiao was silent, imagining the tragic scene of the sudden explosion of the graves of the saints, and the climax of the ghost blowing the lamp tomb robbery notes would not dare to be so cruel. . . He was a little cautious when he shoveled the soil.

Avoid the case of the grave mound, and stick out the hole from below.

After all, it is a ruin, and the ground is so hard that it cannot be attacked by force to blow up the grave, nor can it be easily divided into holes by magic techniques, so naturally the grave can only be dug manually.

"But Yuyu, didn't you say that before? Treasures are generally not kept. There may be nothing under these grave mounds, so why are we digging them?"

Qin Yu: "It's nothing. The resources and treasures must have been taken away. This grave was also made in a hurry. It is estimated that the survivors buried it hastily at that time, but! As long as it is a grave, it is equivalent to having a place to stay. His body and soul will survive more easily than the exposed dead, and after a long time, there will be some things left behind, I mean-the attainments of the realm."

Compared with any treasures, Qin Yu wanted these attainments more.

"Let those people find the real location of the ancient emperor's mausoleum first, let's dig the grave first."


One person and one cat are full of vigor and fighting spirit, as if they are doing a great event from the past to the present.

Huang Jinbi silently remembered that Fang Yourong had asked Qin Yu to concentrate on business.

——I think she is overthinking. Compared with messing around with men and women, you are still very ambitious.

Qin Yu became serious, with a strong sense of professionalism, and soon he teamed up with Jiaojiao to dig a hole. The dusty grave hole inside leaked out, and the cold and powerful aura gushed out, which turned out to be ferocious and bloody, rushing straight at him. Qin Yu was about to swallow it in one gulp.

Sesame oil is quite fierce!

Jiaojiao slapped a shovel!

It was slapped on the ground by a shovel, blood spattered, Qin Yu avoided the blood, fingertips together, the spell lingered, nostalgic for these blood beads to fingertips and delicate, raised eyebrows: "It's the bloodthirsty way of the evil sect, It's no wonder that after so many years, he can still condense such a mouthful of blood."

It's such a thing as digging a grave and digging a grave of an evil way. . . If it was done by a righteous person, it might be a really bad thing, because the road is blocked and there is no reference point, but it has no effect on Qin Yu.

She is involved in both righteous and evil ways, and there is no difference to her, so she quickly used soul techniques to pull out the evil spirit hidden under the grave, Jiaojiao thought that she was going to use some kind of soul search technique to destroy his realm. Find out all your accomplishments. . .

No, just give K a big meal, and then swallow his soul.

Jiaojiao: "??!!!"

Qin Yu: "The inheritance of the apron mentions that demon seeds can devour souls. This is a bit of a cowhide. I have always been interested in it, but I couldn't get started until Liu Rushi peeled off the soul-type demon-seed and took it. Only after analyzing and researching can we get started.”

She is so understatement, Jiaojiao can only be amazed.

——This way is a bit dangerous. You have experienced it before, so be careful.

——A demon species, after all, it's off the beaten path.

Huang Jinbi could only remind him a little bit, but he also knew that Qin Yu must be aware of it.

It vaguely feels that Qin Yu seems to be particularly interested in the magic way, and it is not known whether it is because of his judgment on the progress of this world, or something else. . .


Qin Yu and Jiaojiao have experience and practical ability. Even if the remnants or remains under the graves are very dangerous and aggressive, they are basically killed by the two. The lethality at the peak of the stage, the strongest is also the leader of the Mahayana stage.

"Although some of them are not weak, they are still not powerful. The masters under these grave mounds should have been just minions or small bosses back then, not even elites, let alone compared with ancient emperors."

After digging twenty-five graves, there are both demonic and righteous ones, pick and choose, some can just observe and remember, but some, Qin Yu took them all and devoured them, but digging. . .

"Someone else has been to this area, why have these graves been dug away, shit!"

Jiaojiao, who was dragging the shovel, felt angry that someone had poached the sweet potatoes in the vegetable field in my backyard.

Qin Yu observed these graves, thoughtfully: "It seems that they were not dug up by our group, it has been a while."

They came in almost at the same time. She must have others who, like herself, saw the value of these remains of saints, but they would not move much faster than her.

"Has anyone come in before?"

Jiaojiao was startled.

If that's the case, then this ancient emperor's mausoleum would not have been dug by others.

Qin Yu shook his head, "I don't know, maybe it's not from the outside, maybe it's from the local area."

As she said that, the secret stream she released with her palm facing down had stripped a wisp of gray air from the soil of the grave.

"This is?"

Qin Yu was thoughtful, but quickly sealed the corpse's aura into the sealing magic weapon, and continued digging the grave with Jiaojiao.

After about an hour, the sky in this area is getting darker and darker.

This space should be independent, but does it have day and night?

Qin Yu looked up at the dark night sky, only seeing a crescent moon with a light color.

But the moon looks quite normal, but there is nothing but a crescent moon, which feels a bit weird.

Jiaojiao suddenly felt something was wrong, "Yuyu, why is there fog?"

I missed a lot of content out of chapters. No wonder I feel that I wrote a lot today, but the last two updates. It turned out that I missed it. It was really funny recently. Now the content is normal, and there may be some extra for today. Posted in advance, it will be released tomorrow, but you can watch it smoothly, good night.

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