I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2115 Cemetery

Qin Yu felt that the great monk had a special skill called——I just wanted to watch you silently, to see if you were embarrassed.


"Please." Qin Yu deliberately teased him.

People of the Buddhist family, how can they be so easily bewitched by the witches in the world, so they calmly said: "Amitabha."

Or the folded hands version.

Qin Yu felt that he should not bother with this kind of great monk, "For us, it is a new species, and we have never seen the existence of this ability before, and in its memory, they call themselves ghouls, Born from this ruin, it is half corpse and half ghost, so it can be unpacked and transformed into a body, and it can also be attached to other living beings, with some cunning and treacherous methods."

It was also the first time for Qin Yu to come into contact with this kind of creature. After studying it, he figured it out, but his expression was a little dignified. "In his opinion, they ghouls are not the most powerful species here. They have always been afraid of each other."

Colorless: "It's also a newborn?"

As soon as he finished asking, he noticed that Qin Yu's eyes were a little strange, "No, it's very ancient... a species that almost all practitioners like you and I know."

Colorless: "For example..."

Qin Yu: "The one behind you."

The great monk Jumei turned around and gave a domineering slap with a backhand, slap! The seal of Buddha is magnificent, and it slapped the shadow that quietly merged into the darkness and approached on the ground, but it didn't slap it to death, but the golden light of Buddha sealed it on the ground.

Then the Juemei Demon Lord and the Juemei Great Monk squatted down on the ground in an elegant manner, and carefully commented and studied the roaring ugly creature.

Qin Yu: "This...is so long."

Colorless: "It's pretty thick."

Qin Yu: "So strong."

Colorless: "Generally, it's all like this, this one is just a little bit bigger."

Qin Yu: "Take it easy."

Colorless: "I don't use much force."

Jiaojiao, who was holding a shovel beside her, said, "Will you die if you add two more words to your words?"

Qin Yu: "Oh, the zombies here seem to be a bit mutated. Look at the zombie teeth, which are like the tusks of wild boars. They scare people to death."

No, I don't think you're intimidated.

Almost all cultivation worlds have cowhide evils like zombies, and Tianzang world also has them. I heard that one of the three masters of the evil way is a zombie boss, but Qin Yu has never seen him in Tianshu Secret Realm.

The other party didn't come.

"Zombie, raised by the power of Yin Yuan in the world and the body of the corpse, after all, it was a participant in the battle of the saint era. The corpses here are all powerful, so it is not surprising to be able to raise a strong zombie."

After a pause, the colorless palm hangs on the belly of the black ****, and the palm wheel turns out a golden swastika. This is stiff and painful, the body curls up and twists, very violent, that roaring sound. . . It couldn't fly out, because it was blocked by Qin Yu with a snap of its fingers, and it couldn't scream for long, because the zombie body was exorcised and melted by the terrible swastika Buddha light, leaving only an egg-sized round grunt gray corpse Dan.

"This end also has Mahayana stage cultivation. Judging by the strength of the corpse, I'm afraid it was a small boss-level figure back then. It shouldn't be stiff in this area."

Wu Se is a great monk, a great master, quite insightful, after stripping off the corpse pill, with the fancy use of the golden light swastika, the investigation is almost done.

"I'm afraid it's more than one, and it probably came out of the emperor's mausoleum." After Wu Se's investigation found out, he even asked Qin Yu: "If your Excellency is fine, would you like to go with the poor monk?"

She grew up, folded her arms around her chest, and smiled half-smile: "You seem to have forgotten that I am a demon."

Colorless: "You are different from the previous Demon Lord."

Qin Yu: "Naturally, that doggy man can't compare with me."

As a joke, Qin Yu also took Jiaojiao and followed Wu Se away—by forcing out the corpse aura of the corpse pill and leading it in front, he would naturally be able to track him to his destination.

Zombies are actually similar to people. There is a saying of lair, where one is born, the more breath one stays there.

Let's go back to the source.

And this destination is likely to be where the ancient emperor's mausoleum is.


The fog is getting heavier and heavier, and there is a strong fishy smell in it.

"It's so fresh, I can see blood."

Qin Yu and the others searched for the smell of blood, but at their flying speed, it took a while before they found it again.

I don't know how many graves or huge piles of bones that don't even have graves on the road.


They saw a building behind the fog of night.

It seems to be a mountain.

The mountain is not too high, but at first glance, its function is very clear - the cemetery.

It's quite old, with hanging signs, fences, and lush crooked-neck trees sitting in a row, and behind it are countless tombstones.

Qin Yu walked to the gate, looked at the moss on the stone slab with disgusting patterns and colors, touched his nose, and said lightly: "This is devil's green, commonly known as corpse emperor grass, a great treasure for the environment of raising stiffness. It’s rare to find one, and there are so many here.”

Colorless didn't expect Qin Yu's eyes to be so poisonous, so he didn't check it out, and it was clear after a look.

"It's the Devil's Green, so powerful, then the cemetery was established either with sinister intentions, or later someone took over the land and became the king."

The colorless, fair and delicate Buddhist face also had a dignified look, and he asked his fellow travellers, "Which of these two possibilities do you think the Lord Mojun prefers?"

"I don't care what kind it is, anyway, it's a little bitch who is trying to figure it out." Qin Yuhao showed off the arrogance of a demon for a while.

Well, it's a bit vulgar, but since the person who said this is the new demon king who killed the king and usurped the throne, it's already a shame that he is willing to speak but not do anything.

At their level, they don't need to evade the devil's green corpse poison, so they can go in directly, but Qin Yu still dug up a devil's green. Jumped.

And when Qin Yu knelt down to pick the devil's green, her eyes inadvertently glanced at the tombstone in front of her, as if something was always watching her.

But when he looked up, he only saw the tombstone.

The tombstone recorded the other party's life, a bit of background, but that's all, not even the current Qin Yu, but Qin Yu still glanced at it as if nothing had happened.

With the compassionate heart of the master, Wu Se asked curiously: "Are you going to dig the grave? Shall I save you first?"

Qin Yu: "..."

I told you that you are crying graves, can you respect women.

While criticizing him in his heart, Qin Yu said coldly, "Go over this one first, and I'll dig out the one next to it. After digging, it's just right enough to dig yours."

You are quite efficient, first-class water service ah.

The poor monk was just talking casually.

Colorless can only smile politely, "Okay."

After touching the Buddha beads, the sense of ceremony suddenly became clear, Wu Se's mouth moved slightly, and he was about to start his own grave. . .

Ah! !

A hog-killing scream erupted.

Jiaojiao and Qin Yu, who were holding a shovel and were about to start working next door, looked at Wu Se.

Wu Se touched the Buddhist beads with a serious face: "It's not me."

After speaking, they disappeared in place.

Lock on and rush over as fast as possible. . .

But Wu Se must not be as fast as Qin Yu, because Jiao Jiao teleported there with Qin Yu.

When Qin Yu appeared in front of a tombstone, he happened to see a person whose half body was being sucked in by the tombstone. The waist was dripping with blood, and the flesh and blood were flying everywhere, just like a meat grinder. , Qin Yu was startled by this bloody scene, Jiaojiao raised her hand to attack the tombstone, but was stopped by Qin Yu.

Jiaojiao: "Yuyu?"

Qin Yu: "Don't attack the graves outside easily, let alone the ones here."

Only then did Jiaojiao remember that, looking at the half of the body again, the person must be dead, it's the difference between leaving half of the body and not leaving at all.

At this moment, Qin Yu cut off the half of the body with his fingers, separating it from the bloody mouth of the tombstone, and Jiaojiao flashed over and dragged the corpse's feet to the side, but the tombstone Seemingly angry, he stuck out a long tongue. . .

After 2698 today, if you count 2598, then I owe you 5 more, I owe you all, and I will pay it back when I am in good condition, but I still ask everyone to give the monthly pass, I feel like I will be kicked out of 20.

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