I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2116 Angry?


The suddenly protruding tongue suddenly attacked Jiaojiao, trying to swallow Jiaojiao and the corpse together, his appetite was very big, but Qin Yu's fingertips shot at her before touching even a single hair of Jiaojiao's hair cut off.

With a puff on the ground, the scarlet tongue with a foul smell twisted and bounced a few times on the ground. It grew thorns and shot towards Qin Yu like a hedgehog. All the light wheels were blocked, and the colorless palm pushed again, and the fighting tongue was pressed to the ground by the swastika.

Hey, the same swastika, the same usage.

pressure! All kinds of pressure on the ground!

"I can't see it, the Buddhists like to oppress people so much, do those in the sky do the same?" Qin Yu teased the golden wall in the golden room, but he didn't listen to the movement of his hand, and directly pinched a mark on Jiaojiao's hand On half of the corpse.

——Does the ones you mentioned in the sky include Zen masters?

——If it is included, you are so enterprising. If you want to increase your authority, you can send a text message to Zen Master Zun to ask.

Two sentences made Qin Yu decisively shut up.

Send a text message to ask a Zen master—sorry, just ask, do you like to press people?

Zen Master may return.

Send a spell bomb online.

Hey, Bibi is getting more and more difficult to mess with.

Colorless quickly looked at the tongue on the ground, and the waist wound on the half of the corpse, "Ghostly air?"

He looked at the tombstone suddenly, with a surprised expression, but it was obvious that Qin Yu was much more stable than him, and said directly to the tombstone, which was still distorted and emitting a terrifying aura, as if it was about to retaliate or explode: "The bee has to die after stinging people, you Was it a bee essence before death? Do you want to court death so much?"

The distorted breath of the tombstone became even worse, until both Qin Yu and Wu Se released breaths silently.

A Lord of Buddhism and Taoism, and a Lord of Demonic Dao. . . .

The tombstone quickly retracted its perverted and distorted breath, and typed a line of words on the surface of the tombstone——nice to meet you, what's the matter?

Jiaojiao: "..."

Fish, I want to dig its grave.

A little bitch, so cowardly.


Qin Yu and Wu Se probably didn't expect that the owner of the tombstone was such a guy in his bones.

"Ah, I just like an honest person like you who bullies the weak and fears the tough, but you can be more honest and tell me why you want to attack this person."

"Because he answered the wrong question."

Qin Yu and Wu Se who were waiting for the other party to tell the secret of the cemetery:? ? ?

"Answer the question? You mean...you give him the answer to the question, and if he makes a mistake, you attack and kill him. What if he gets the answer right?"

"Give him the inheritance."

So it turned out that Qin Yu and Wu Se knew each other, Qin Yu asked again: "Then do you know where the ancient emperor's mausoleum is?"

"I can't say this, you have to find it yourself."

Qin Yu's eyes moved slightly, and he took a deep look at the tombstone, "Then what is your topic?"

Tombstone hesitated, because even if Qin Yu and Wu Se couldn't give an answer, it couldn't move them because the opponent was too strong.

However, due to the situation, it still posted a topic.

"I asked him to untie a surgery cage, Neng, it's on the tomb platform."

A magic cage appeared on the plane of the tomb platform, which was made up of very precise spells and secret lines, without any flaws, so meticulous and powerful that even Wu Se became interested after seeing it.

"This magic cage is good, no wonder he can't break it, but the difficulty is so high... Are all the tombs here like this?"

Wu Se asked, but Qin Yu replied instead: "The cage for the dead must be different from ours, teach students according to their aptitude?"

She glanced lightly at the tombstone. The tombstone was terrified, and hurriedly said: "I just don't think I can insult you two with that low-level...I'll change it right away."

"There is no need to change it."

Qin Yu had already picked up the surgery cage, played with it in his hand, and wrote lightly: "It's enough to double the reward, but the inheritance cannot be reversed... I think your level is not bad, and your status should be not bad at that time. Are there any relics in the grave? Those buried with you Those ones."

Say this in front of someone's grave. . . This Demon Lord is very elegant, at least he didn't directly smash and grab it.

The owner of the tombstone was stunned and didn't want to pay much attention to Qin Yu, but when he saw the fat cat next to him pointing the shovel at his tombstone, it flinched and gave up immediately. , "I will give you, I will give you everything, as long as you can solve the problem successfully..."

The cage he upgraded has already exhausted his life's accomplishments. Even if the opponent is powerful, it looks like he is relying mainly on the body and close combat, so he must not be able to solve it, so it will be safe. . .

Just as he thought so, the owner of the tombstone suddenly heard a rattle, and then saw Qin Yu undo the cage.

It's like opening a box of biscuits with your hands.

? ? ? ? ! ! !

Ah ah ah ah ah! ! !

It screams like a groundhog! ! !

Qin Yu glanced at the tombstone, and said calmly, "Take it out by yourself, or should I take off the lid of your tomb and dig it out myself?"

M, you are a weasel digging out eggs, and you even lift the lid to dig out eggs yourself!

The owner of the tombstone roared like a devil in his heart, and released the following content.

"No, no, how dare you trouble your lord, I will do it myself."

Then several storage rings and a light bead appeared on the tomb platform.

Inheritance and inheritance beads.

He was trembling after giving the things, for fear that Qin Yu would be dissatisfied.

"Oh, not bad, not bad, really cute." Jiaojiao was happy, and immediately scanned them, and asked, "Is there anything to eat?"

You are poisonous!

Who the hell was buried with him to eat with him!

roll! !

It seems a bit miserable.

Wu Se clasped his hands together, recited a sentence of Amitabha, then looked at the corpse on the ground and sighed, "It's a pity for this person."

Qin Yu was noncommittal: "Will you attack people who don't try to solve the problem?"

She and Wu Se have never been actively attacked by these tombs, but it seems to be related to their strength. Those tomb owners have died once and have become soul bodies, which are extremely sensitive to souls. Although Qin Yu and the two did not release their breath , they can't perceive the real strength, but they can't see the reality either.

The scariest thing is not seeing through how strong the opponent is, but that you can't see through.

So Qin Yu and the others came in quite smoothly.

"Generally not, we have rules, but some... don't follow them."

Although the owner of the tombstone was somewhat cryptic, Qin Yu and the others were not surprised.

This cemetery is not safe, and it can even be said to be very dangerous, because the person who died was a leader in the Mahayana period, and he could be regarded as a figure who called the wind and rain outside, but he died so aggrieved here.

"Cultivation, that's how it is, either randomly gamble character, or risk gamble opportunities, just like trading, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer."

Qin Yu took the things and was very interested in the cemetery's "Exposition and Blog Inheritance" model. As for the death of other people, she didn't care.

Wu Se didn't comment on Qin Yu's cold heartedness, but only prepared to save the deceased. . . And Qin Yu is about to continue "digging his grave" in an alternative situation.

Suddenly, her expression changed, her gaze swept upwards, and she suddenly disappeared.

Huh? No one screamed!

Jiaojiao followed, and Wu Se followed because she was worried that something might happen. Although he was not as fast as Qin Yu and Jiaojiao, it only took two seconds.

Although in this second, he heard a loud noise, and a miserable scream, and there was an aura of crazy explosion.

There is both a ghostly aura and a monstrous demonic aura.

Wu Se has come all the way to see how cool and idle this new demon king is, and rarely sees her in real life.

Either the enemy is Xeon and has to be taken seriously, or it is. . .


Under the colorless doubt, he rushed to the place where the incident happened in the blink of an eye, and when he saw it suddenly, he was dumbfounded.

The scene in front of him was indeed shocking.

Not only the colorless who just arrived, but also many people above were frightened by this scene, and then the scene was silent.

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