I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2117 Rules


This cemetery is still very gloomy and terrifying, and the tombstones are also very scary. Not everyone has the strength of a lord like Qin Yu and the others. The rest can be dealt with, even if they may not be able to solve the problem, it is still very easy to not die.

The survival rate of most people in this cemetery is very low.

Countless people were seriously injured, and countless people were dying.

So when a young female cultivator who has practiced for a hundred years is attacked, half of her body is covered with blood, which is normal.

What is not normal is that she was rescued.

The person who rescued her was Qin Yu.

The person Qin Yu saved was Fang Yourong.

Clasping Fang Yourong's wrist with one hand, the spirit flowed under the fingers, quickly suppressing the eroding toxicity of the wound above, and the fingers of the other hand moved slightly, the scepter in his hand directly cut the poison ivy coming out of the tombstone, the scepter rotated, and the sharpness exploded Shooting, the demonic energy surged, blasting away the terrible poison ivy.

Poison ivy crushed.

The tombstone screamed, as if very angry, and Qin Yu turned his wrist, and was about to stab the tombstone hard.

But Fang Yourong's other hand grabbed her wrist suddenly, and she could only hear her slightly hoarse and forbearing voice.

"There are rules, don't get angry."

After Fang Yourong persuaded, Qin Yu pursed his lips tightly.

At this time, some people from nearby also rushed over, such as Wu Se, who didn't say anything, just suddenly realized - it turned out to be Fang Yourong, no wonder.

But also what was said.

For example, Baby Wancheng, I saw her squatting on a tombstone with her short legs bent, extremely rampant, "Yo, I wonder who made such a big noise, it turned out to be Lord Mojun, no wonder...but you are afraid I don’t know, there are big rules in this cemetery, these dead ghosts have to follow the rules, let alone us living people, those who disobey the rules will pay the price, so even if it hurts your dear Senior Sister Fang Fang, You have to endure it, isn't it very surprising and exciting?"

Wan Teng's baby is not simply provocative, because it is.

Circumstances are stronger than people.

People who make enemies everywhere like her have to endure it. Could it be that Qin Yu, who is deep-minded and always able to assess the situation, is irrational?

Fang Yourong frowned slightly, suppressing the poison in her body, and cooperated with Qin Yu's spiritual inflow to expel those terrible toxins, but it was obviously terrible and made her physically tired, so she could only support Qin Yu's shoulder with the other hand, He lowered his head slightly and took a breath, lowered his voice and said: "You are obedient..."

Qin Yu frowned, but still took the scepter.

The stele let out a contemptuous low laugh.

Everyone heard it, and then. . . boom! ! !

The tombstone was kicked over by Qin Yu!

Everyone was shocked, and Baby Wan was even more shocked. He did a backflip and jumped back, and shouted: "You are crazy! The ban will break out!!!"

Some of the monks who were nearby probably saw the consequences of some people breaking the rules, so they were very frightened by this, and they quickly moved away from this place, and they were also prepared to deal with the counterattack of the prohibition—maybe they also wanted to see the person who killed the demon. How does the new demon king who takes over the throne deal with this forbidden counterattack.

They did wait, the tombstone was kicked over by Qin Yu, fell to the ground, and shattered, but there was a crack under the tombstone, which was where the tombstone was just now, and there was a strong poisonous gas lingering underneath, distorting a picture Face to face, "Rampant person, you will regret it, you actually offended my cemetery..."

Its voice suddenly froze, as if its throat had been strangled, and the face transformed by the poisonous gas curled up and twisted, as if in extreme pain.

Technique - Confinement!

While being closed, Qin Yu moved towards the void with one hand, and the demonic energy condensed and turned into a terrifying entity, the Dark Claw. He directly lifted the tomb platform, and after lifting the tomb platform, there was a coffin underneath, but This coffin looked terrible, and thick poisonous ivy grew out of the coffin, wrapping it tightly.

The devil's hand slammed into the horrible coffin, and then it seemed to crush something inside, and finally took out a blood-stained object.

A green bead.

Everyone was a little confused, not understanding what was going on.

"Ban counterattack? Why not!"

"That's not right, it happened before!"

"Could it be that the ban also depends on what people order, and if you think she is powerful, you won't attack?"

Many people are sour, why don't they have such differential treatment!

Baby Wancheng was even more angry, "This is not normal!!"

Before that, she wanted to protect her own people, but in the end she was scared off by the counterattack of the ban, and watched her own people die.

But look at Qingqiu, it's okay to hit Huanglong and smash the coffin!

If the baby turns into lemon essence in an instant, it's almost time to hire a lawyer to sue the cemetery.

Fang Yourong was also suspicious at first, she didn't want Qin Yu to do it because she was afraid of offending her, but now it seems that. . .

When Qin Yu was holding the green beads to detoxify her, Fang Yourong suddenly clasped Qin Yu's wrist, glanced at the five fingers of Qin Yu's palm, and said, "You took the initiative to infect yourself with this poison?"

"There is no absolute rule that is perfect. Even if there is no loophole, there is another potential mode of operation-you and the tombstone are one kind, and other people other than you have a relationship with the tombstone is another."

When Fang Yourong was thinking about Wan Teng Baobao and the others, Jiaojiao next to him was taken aback: "Have a relationship?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Fang Yourong slapped Jiaojiao's mouth lightly with the back of her hand.


Jiaojiao didn't dare to speak anymore.

——As the little prince of the heavenly court, are you going to bear it like this?

——Just because she is pretty?

Jinbi couldn't help hurting him.

Jiaojiao: "Of course not, what perverted logic do you have?"

——Then let me put it another way, for example, Chen Bao or Xuan Luobai slapped their hands on your mouth like this. . .

Jiaojiao instantly thought of that scene, and a black line appeared on her head.

"Fuck! I broke his five limbs!"

The golden wall was silent.

You see, this is normal logic.


Probably due to the excitement of the crowd, although an extremely smart girl like Fang Yourong has found the answer by herself, there are still some people who don't understand, and Qin Yu doesn't want a group of people to gather around to ask for an explanation, so he uses the method to detoxify Fang Yourong When I saved you, I said lazily: "I saved you, it has nothing to do with you and its rules, but when I saved you, I was infected with toxins, and it quietly controlled the toxins in an attempt to explode directly in your body to kill you, which means it also took the initiative to attack me. If I strike first, I can naturally fight back. This is the most basic rule - other tomb owners have told me before that they generally cannot take the initiative to attack people. Since there is such a premise, then my counterattack must also be in the cemetery The normal range you can tolerate."

Qin Yu was of course the other party who had the tolerance to explain, but also for others to hear, and everyone suddenly realized.

Baby Wancheng is even more confused, can he still play like this?

She couldn't help jumping to the side of the two girls.

"How long have you been here? How did you come up with it?"

Qin Yu: "Just arrived."

Baby Wan Teng: "I don't believe it, you must have a back door."

Qin Yu: "Do you know what it means to have big breasts and no brains? We are different."

Baby Wan Teng: "..."

It's the end of the month, and the monthly pass has been blown up. If you have some, hurry up and vote. Thank you for your support.

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