I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2118 Together? (It's so difficult, this update, it's over, it's been bombed a

The flat chest you ridiculed every day suddenly let go of the broken pot, and you said that you are not angry!

Baby Wan Teng puffed out his cheeks, carrying a sickle, and suddenly swept Fang Yourong who had been detoxified, and grinned, "She praised you for being extremely smart, but you're not as smart as her."

There is a double-edged sword in what you said, poison or not!

But she ran away after speaking, not daring to stay and wait for Qin Yu's reaction.

Ah! Qin Yu sneered, turned his face to look at the calm and calm gaze above, "Don't be angry, senior sister, she will never understand our mood of wearing as many buttons as we want when we wear clothes...Look at me What are you doing with the neckline?!!! Senior sister, I didn't expect you to be such a person..."

Fang Yourong smiled slightly at Qin Yu's hypocritical face, and did not comment on this topic. He only watched Qin Yu squatting there to deal with her toxins while cross-legged and adjusted his breath, and also whispered some rules of the cemetery , she arrived earlier than Qin Yu, which can be regarded as popularizing knowledge for her.

Qin Yu listened carefully, and the toxin was cured. Before getting up, he asked, "What kind of problem does it ask, even you, senior sister, can't solve it?"

"Illusion, I couldn't break through."

"What?" Qin Yu was stunned, a little subtle, "Isn't Senior Sister's temper broken?"

Things like illusions are sometimes not related to the strength of the soul, but to the nature of mind.

However, Fang Yourong's soul and xinxing are terrifying, so it can't be broken?

Maybe it's still the shadow of my youth.

Qin Yu felt a little distressed, so he looked at Fang Yourong with eyes full of maternal love.

Fang Yourong:? ? ?

Probably stimulated by Qin Yu's "rule loophole" violence, many bigwigs started treacherous mode to challenge the cemetery's examination system.

By the way, speaking of exams. . . Qin Yu, who was popularized by Fang Yourong, already regarded this cemetery as a large-scale examination site.

With a glance, although they were attracted by the accident that Qin Yu just caused, everyone quickly went to the "examination" on their own.

Qin Yu noticed that the people who were active in this area were very similar in strength, most of them were elites, and the bosses were basically not here, like Baby Wanqi who just ran up.

"This area is not suitable for you, you can try it on it." Fang Yourong said to Qin Yu after finishing his breath adjustment.

"Is there an ancient emperor's tomb on it?"


"Are they all archaeological questions about the emperor's mausoleum?"

"Maybe, but if the baby can be lured down, it means that the questions in the ancient emperor's mausoleum are difficult. They may not be concentrating, and they may find other tombs to practice their hands in order not to waste time..."


After Qin Yu found out, he said goodbye to Fang Yourong, and led Jiaojiao up.

She didn't go straight to the ancient emperor's mausoleum, she also tried to take the exam a few times on the way.

Oh sorry, maybe not a few times, maybe a dozen times.

Fang Yourong could hear the movements above from below.

Violent, miserable, shocking, jealous, and crazy. . .

She lowered her eyes and smiled slightly.

Junior sister, you are so good.


When Qin Yu rushed to the top of the cemetery, he couldn't help sighing when he saw the scene ahead.

"Speaking of which, even after death, this person pays attention to superiority. This ancient emperor is indeed the boss of this cemetery."

I saw a mausoleum in front of it occupying a floor. Not only the tombstone occupies a large area, but the carvings are classical, and there are gardens and bamboo forests around it, overlooking the mountains and the sea.

There are still some people in front of the ancient emperor's mausoleum, and they are basically meditating.

When Qin Yu went up, he almost attracted everyone's attention.

Including Chu Ci, the lord of Little Penglai.

But Qin Yu's eyes were first attracted by one person.

"Yo, you are here, Dasha."

Dasha? who? Who is she scolding?

Damn, she swears as soon as she comes here, basically all of them are at the lord level, why should she be so rampant!

"Look at what I'm doing, and it's not you who I'm yelling... By the way, whoever didn't look at me is the one I yelled at."

It only took a second for everyone to realize it, and looked at that person.

It's Dasha, not Dasha.

Tian Jingsha turned to look at Qin Yu expressionlessly, more glacier than glacier, "I don't seem to know you very well, Demon Lord.


Qin Yu smiled, "Beat it a few times and you'll be familiar with it."

Do you want to go straight to war?

Tianjingsha was silent, but she didn't show any signs of fear, the cold air on her body was getting stronger and stronger, but behind her. . . A young man walked out slowly, with a sickly face, even his lips were bloodless, and he had a sickly breath.

He didn't speak, just stared at Qin Yu.


It's a zombie, and it's also a master.

The evil lord Yan Shili, the zombie lord.

Others thought they were going to fight, and most people expected them to fight.

Because if you hit it, it means consumption, and there may be death.

A few more deaths would be good for them.

Unfortunately, after looking at each other for three seconds, Qin Yu smiled lowly, took a deep look at Tianjingsha, and said casually: "Actually, I'm familiar with you even if you don't fight. Same."

Also, those three words mean a lot.

Tian Jingsha frowned, and the gray pupils of the zombie master Yan Shili flickered slightly.

The woman saw that he had chosen evil too.

Qin Yu seemed to want to take down the two evil-chosen lords together.

Rampant? Or does she have such strength?

Yan Shili took a step, as if he wanted to make a move, but suddenly heard the sound of Tianjingsha behind him, as thin as a wind and snow.

"If a person becomes the center of the world, not only can he enjoy the view of the flowers in front of him, but he must also bear the sharp arrows from all directions. If he pays special attention to the sharp arrows of one side, it can only mean that the other party will hurt the most."

After a pause, Tian Jingsha met Qin Yu's eyes, her eyes were filled with endless wind and snow.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your approval."

Provocation under extreme restlessness? No, it's the arrogance under the calm of jealousy.

Tian Jingsha, the leader of the evil election, has always had a sense of arrogance that is close to the benchmark of the righteous election, which is different from the treacherous and evil nature of most of the evil elections.

——Compared with you, she may be more like a natural choice.

Golden Wall silently went online for evaluation.

Qin Yu silently knocked him offline, "Then how about I change it with her?"

The golden wall flashed, Qin Yu was also noncommittal to Tianjingsha's response, and turned to look at the tombstone of the ancient emperor's mausoleum.

After taking a look, Qin Yu's expression became serious.

She had a question she needed to pick someone to ask, and she just picked the person she had just spoken to.

"Dasha, is this its problem?"

It was just now that swords were on the verge of breaking out. Are you ashamed to ask her now?

Tianjingsha ignored her, hey, this is so cold.

OK, let me ask another question.

With a glance, he paused on Lin Heng.

The big brothers were shocked, and even Chu Ci frowned slightly.

No one wants these two people to join forces, because once they join forces, no one can resist.

The division of interests will also infinitely favor the duo.

Under the eyes of everyone, Lin Heng noticed Qin Yu's gaze, narrowed his eyes slightly, and then heard Qin Yu's elegant and gentle smile.

"His Royal Highness, may I ask if it is the question on the tombstone? Are you solving it? It feels so difficult, do you want to go together?"

The peerless soft girl's high-end bitch's top white lotus-like attitude.

Lin Heng: "..."

Oh, forgot, some elf king is in the area behind him.

De Lancelester: "..."


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