I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2119 Hungry


As the leader of the largest local villain organization in the Tianzang world, Mo Dao, and the most brutal, domineering, unreasonable, and glamorous alien leader, when Qin Yu looked at Lin Heng, the others spontaneously had this idea in their minds: Really special What a pair of extremely beautiful and romantic dogs and men, they must join hands to do bad things!

But soon, their thinking was—Oh, no, the strongest villain in history, the male and female CP, failed.

But then - but she tried to hook up with other people to become a new CP.

As the male version of the true ice and snow white lotus, the male version of the elf king who is recognized as the benchmark of morality and temperament, when he was targeted by the most famous demon king in history. . . .

De Lankelister said calmly: "It's the problem, I'm solving it, it's extremely difficult, no need, thank you."

The style is deep, and all the questions are answered, concisely, without any redundant details, and the final thank you is the finishing touch.

Jiaojiao: "Let me translate, the specific content of his thank you should be - no, thank you, no appointment, no appointment, stay away from me, get out!"

Qin Yu: "..."

What else could Qin Yu say, but he pinched Jiaojiao's fat face, and said to De Lancalester: "Well, I'm just asking casually, I knew you wouldn't agree..."

Then what are you asking?

Others rolled their eyes, but there were also a few people who quickly had a premonition that this Qingqiu was going to make a big move.

Sure enough, in the next second, I heard this guy say slowly: "I just want to say a few more words to His Highness De Lancalester."

To blatantly seduce? So rampant!

"After all, after getting acquainted with you, I will be able to get in touch with Arthenodis and Sister Xiao more closely."

Everyone: "..."

Your appetite is really not small.

Qin Yu knew that they didn't believe it when he saw the reaction of De Lancalester and the others, and it was fine if they didn't believe it. Anyway, she was misunderstood not once or twice.

Qin Yu carefully looked at the secret flow on the tombstone, frowning slightly.

Jiaojiao knows Qin Yu better, "Is it difficult?"

"It's not difficult, it's very difficult." With Qin Yu's comprehension ability, this is the first "problem" that she didn't feel anything at first glance.

In other words, she failed to find its entry point in the first place.


Yes, very deep.

"It's in another realm, a realm that I haven't reached yet. The level is different, so naturally I can't find an entry point."

Jiaojiao was shocked, it was so difficult, "If you can't find the entry point, then they can't even find it?"

Qin Yu was not so optimistic about Jiaojiao's self-confident assertion, "Not necessarily, don't forget how long these old things have lived."

Her eyes glanced at the little Penglai Lord and those people rather vaguely.

Jiaojiao: That's not what you said when you molested people before.

But for women, superficial social interaction will never involve actual feelings.

You can see that Qin Yu and Chu Ci are the most obvious examples.

Compared to people like Chu Ci who are still working hard, no matter whether they have researched something or not, anyway, Qin Yu studied the tombstone for about ten minutes, she patted her sleeves and turned to leave.

Baby Wan Teng was still biting his pen and working hard, and was surprised when he saw this, "Hey, you don't do it anymore?"

"If you're not at the same level, if you can come up with something, it's better to go out and find inspiration."

After Qin Yu finished speaking, he ran to the mausoleum below.

By the way, the size of the mausoleum below is not small, Qin Yu looked at it, "This may be the mausoleum of the lord-level saints in the saint era, and it may be a little worse than the ancient emperor."

It can be distinguished by the size of the grave mound.

Qin Yu picked a tomb that looked very well-known, raised his hand and patted the tombstone, "Hey, brother, don't sleep, get up and take the exam."

The tombstone ignored her and remained aloof.

Qin Yu patted it again.

Um. . . Still no response.

All right, Qin Yu stroked the corner of his eyes gracefully with his left hand, and took a third shot with his right hand.


The tombstone left a palm print of iron sand.

A group of people up, down, left, and right were startled, and they slowly went online when they saw the owner of the tombstone. By the way, its high-end style is reflected in the fact that some of the tombstones below can only be typed online. It is different, and it shows its shape.

The soul energy condensed and turned into an old man.

Leaning on crutches, with one hand behind his back, he asked tremblingly: "I didn't wake up just now, the little girl has a bit of a temper."

Qin Yu smiled, and touched the Three Kings Scepter on his wrist.

The scepter of the Three Kings changed into a shovel, which was thrust into the ground by Qin Yu with a clang.

Leaning on the shovel, Qin Yu smiled and said, "Usually, when I only show my bad temper, it's precisely when I'm more gentle."

The old man heard Qin Yu's threat - when she was not gentle, she might dig the grave without saying anything.

"There are rules in the cemetery, so you..."

Qin Yu: "Do you want to take the test?"

The old man: "You go to the next door to the Fairy Master Lingtong or King Hualing."

Soul boy fairy teacher? Flower King? Qin Yu knew the names of these two people, saying that they were one of the most famous saints in the era of saints at that time.

Let’s talk about the age of sages. It doesn’t mean that that era is full of sages. It’s like the contention of a hundred schools of thought in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods. It is a concept of cultural environment and a characteristic of the times.

The pioneers of the age of saints were those saints. The ancient emperor was one of the saints, and he was also one of the leaders in the saint group. At that time, there was still a land of feudal borders, and he was the king of conquest, so he had the title of emperor.

Compared with the great reputation of the ancient emperor, people like Ling Tong Xianshi and Hua Ling Wang belonged to the outstanding figures of the sage era, but they could not be leaders.

"They have a lot of background, what about you? I don't know your name..." Qin Yu asked the old man.

The old man was a little vague, and said: "The dead, why do you need a name?"

Qin Yu: "I have to know whose inheritance and inheritance I'm going to take over later."

The old man was overwhelmed by the shock, his expression froze, and he couldn't help persuading him earnestly: "The old man is a practitioner of the righteous way, you are a demon, so you are not suitable."

Qin Yu: "I have a big appetite, I'm hungry, come on, I'm ready."

The teacher won't let you take the test, you have to take the test, or you will smash the door.


The old man had no choice but to release the title

He reckoned that Qin Yu is a demon, is he a demon, murderous by nature, presumably he is not good at certain aspects.

Qin Yu was stunned when he saw an egg sacrificed on the tomb platform.

"This is?"

The old man stroked his long beard and said with a smile: "This is the problem, if you hatch it, you will pass the test."

Looking at Qin Yu's dazed face, he felt quite relieved.

Jiaojiao at the side felt that the old man might be playing tricks.

Qin Yu quickly came to his senses, took the egg to play with, and said to the old man: "You don't want to leave your inheritance to a demon, so you deliberately use the life system that demons are absolutely not good at to ask questions. Don't you think it's too much?"

The old man was not annoyed when he was punctured, "If the way is different, don't conspire with each other."

Qin Yu: "See that I'm very powerful? Are you afraid?"

The old man was stunned, and no one of the righteous way would admit that the magic way is very powerful, not to mention that the main cause of the battle between the saints back then was the battle between the dao and the demon.

He died at the hands of a magician.

"I just think that the younger generation is awesome and should not be underestimated." This old man also has two talents, otherwise he would not have directly seen Qin Yu's strength without knowing Qin Yu, and would not be willing to give her the test.

But now that the topic has been revealed, it is enough to make her feel deflated.

"Good students take the test. If you fail the test, I won't attack you."

"You can't beat me now, unless you have the strength back then."


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