I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2121 Grave Explosion

Faced with this appalling incident, Qin Yu gave the following judgment, "I think if they can't conceive, maybe you have a problem."

Not at all tactful.

This angered King Hualing, "Just say whether you will live or not!"

Qin Yu raised his eyebrows, "It seems that I have to give up on you."

With the rules in place, she can't smash this guy, lest she be banned from counterattacking, so she plans to give up.

A person cannot be hanged on one grave, one grave is useless, there are still a row of graves waiting for her to choose!

Qin Yu was so straightforward, but Hualing Wang's eyes flashed, and he smiled charmingly, "Since you asked me to answer the question, you have been out of control."

All the test papers are given, and you want to change a paper when you see that you can’t do it? Is there such a good thing?

"Come in for me!"

In an instant, the evil wind gusts, and immediately rushed to Qin Yu, trying to drag her into the grave.

As for getting involved. . . Who knows.

Maybe having a baby.


It is said that after Qin Yu was dragged into the grave, he thought it was the place where Heibu was in the middle of winter, but when he heard a snap of his fingers, the lights were brightly lit in front of him. It turned out to be red lanterns, red candles, a big bed and a red blanket!

I go!

Rao Qin Yu was also stimulated by this scene, looked up at King Hua Ling who was smiling and rubbing his hands forward: "This is it?"

King Hualing: "The most exciting thing in life is nothing more than when I applied for the title of the gold list, and at the wedding night in the bridal chamber. Since I died, I have been preparing for a long, long time, and I want to marry a ghost wife. Don't say it, everyone is here, and the bed is too big." Get ready, a spring night is worth a thousand gold, come on!"

Then he rushed towards Qin Yu!


Outside King Hualing, a group of people had already gathered, their expressions and eyes seemed to be terrified.

That female devil was actually dragged into the grave by a seed fertilization maniac to give birth to a child? !

Is there such a terrible thing in this world?

Hurriedly risking his way to this floor to see what's going on, the dog-headed devil, regardless of the presence of many righteous bosses, all showed sour expressions: shit! God has eyes!

However, they are ecstatic inside, but they dare not show it on the surface, so they are happy inside, sour on the outside, and look worried and sad.

So sour!

Compared with the sourness of the demons, the reactions of righteous and evil people are different.

Nangong Mei and others asked Xue Sheng about the authenticity of this matter, Xue Sheng was a little cautious and only spoke roughly.

This is probably scary enough, it made Jianzhi Huixue and others who just came up stunned.

Baby Wan Teng's eyes glowed, and he hurriedly said: "So in general, this guy Qingqiu was dragged into the grave to give birth?"

Xue Sheng: "..."

It seems that you are right when you say that!

Baby Wan Teng: "Hahahahaha!!! Hiccup!"

You see, they were laughing so hard that they hiccupped.

It can be seen how happy it is to hear and see.

An indifferent person like Jianzhi Huixue was thinking about it—it seemed that Qingqiu was not very popular, and that's right, she didn't think he was a serious person when she looked at him.

Mishus, the fallen wizard, looked at the tombstone, feeling a little strange, "What do you two think?"

Which two?

It was Lin Heng and Tian Jingsha.

It's not good for you to ask who, but you have to ask these two people, why are you at ease!

Tianjingsha was okay, looked coldly at the grave below, and said indifferently: "If she is so easy to deal with, then what am I?"

Then what am I?

Not sad at all, cold and ruthless, extremely arrogant.

As for Lin Heng, he didn't say anything, just looked at the grave with deep eyes.

The old man Baitan on the side observed the two of them, and wondered to himself, is this future generation so developed? One, two or three juniors are so unfathomable.

However, he still admired Qin Yu and said, "Actually, it's not very serious. Based on my understanding of King Hualing, they won't be able to have children."

You old Tan next door also know this secret.

But I can't have children or anything. . . Is it good news?

Everyone had strange expressions, but someone noticed one thing - the cat. . No panic at all.

Not only did he not panic, he even put his paws on his hips, and counted with his paws spread out.

"1, 2, 3..."

When counting to eight.


The tomb cover exploded.

Then they heard a heart-pounding, horrific slapping sound.

Everyone: "..."


As the colorless master who just arrived and witnessed the scene of the tomb of an evil sage blowing over with his own eyes, he summed up the number of ways to get down to Qingqiu—the one next to her on the grave is a normal exam, and the rest are not. To dig a grave is to blow a grave.

You see, the old man who is the only survivor is still trembling with his tombstone in his arms.


It also depends on who you are fighting with. The old man Baitan thinks that time flies by and the years turn around. The younger generation is really scary!

You can see that after the cover of the tomb was overturned, the ghost aura was rubbed against the ground by the monstrous demonic aura, and the Hualing King who had been dragging people into the tomb to give birth before was now pinched by two ferocious claws and slapped.

The Devil's Claw was controlled by Qin Yu, and Qin Yu himself was rummaging through boxes and cabinets, digging the ground and smashing walls to find things.

"What about the inheritance? You bastard! Marrying a daughter-in-law without a dowry and wanting to have children, you are so beautiful!"

"Say it! Where did you put your inheritance?"

"Otherwise, I'll burn your primordial soul Dao foundation, cut off contact with the reincarnation of the underworld, and prevent you from being reincarnated forever!"

Accompanied by her nagging was the sound of slapping and clapping.

Terrible, really terrible!

This is the soul of the saint who participated in the war in the past! Although it is definitely not as powerful as before after hanging up, but. . . .

This is really saint level!


King Hualing's head was swollen, and he was crying so hard.

He was terrified, really terrified.

When I participated in the war back then, the demons were fighting fiercely among the three realms. Of course the strongest and most terrifying one was the Demonic Dao, but apart from the Devil Emperor, the ancestor of the Demonic Dao, there was really no one as ferocious as this one in front of me.

As a king-level combat power of the evil master, he has also killed a lot, and he has a great reputation, otherwise he would have been kidnapped and coerced and forced more than 30,000 female cultivators to give birth to him.

It was not easy to meet a top pregnant player.

He just pounced on her just now, when her eyelids moved, he met her gaze, as if his soul was dragged into a terrible abyss, and before he could react, his soul was greatly weakened and controlled, and then his neck was constricted by a terrible With a pinch of the devil's claw, he pressed directly on the bed.

Clap clap!

Scared to death!


"It's all here, really gone. I was originally an evil way, and I made a lot of enemies. I participated in the battle and died in the battle. I was revenged by those righteous people. I spent a lot of treasures and resources to protect my soul. Really? I won't give you..."

Hualing Wang held his swollen head and squatted on the side weakly begging for mercy, while his bridal chamber was already rotten.

Qin Yu took some storage mesons, picked and picked them, and was very disgusted, "As an old man, if you don't save some furniture, you just think about the trivial matter of having children, can you pursue it a little bit! Like Wouldn't it be good for you to cultivate yourself like the old Baitan next door and stay single to save yourself a coffin?"

The old man Baitan showed embarrassment: I think it is not good at all to have a pile of property saved by being single for thousands of years, and it is better to have children.

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