I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2122 Collaborate again (book fans N times and Choi, thank you, the last two days at the end


After getting the relic, Qin Yu's eyelids moved slightly, and he glanced at King Hualing, "Where's the inheritance pearl?"

King Hualing hurriedly handed over his inheritance, "Here, everything is here."

Qin Yu played with the inheritance beads, seeming quite interested, "You want to have children so much, does your number of exercises have something to do with it?"

King Hua Ling: "There are some, and I have created the "Growth of All Things". Take a look."

It doesn't sound like the exclusive and peerless mentality of the evil master, but it looks like a professional discipline of farming.

Qin Yu held the inheritance bead for three seconds and looked at King Hualing with deep eyes.

"Maybe it should be called "Scientific Breeding and Management of Sow Production". Would you like me to write a book for you called "Self-Cultivation of Boar Prostatitis Infertility"?"

King Hualing: "..."

Boss, you are not only ruthless, but also extremely poisonous.

But it turns out that Qin Yu is not only vicious, she is also very vicious.

When Hualing Wang Ruoruo reminded Qin Yu that he wanted her to leave his grave after the exam, Qin Yu should be happy, but he jumped up and threw the grave on fire.

It was the demonic flame, the kind that the lords were terrified to see.

Hua Lingwang screamed in the grave, and disappeared after a while.

The thick smoke was billowing, I don't know but I thought it was

The old man Baitan next door was stunned, and suddenly met Qin Yu's eyes, and he pulled out a stiff smile in embarrassment.

Qin Yu smiled lightly, "Why are you panicking, I think you are still very pleasing to the eye."

Her hand lightly patted Old Baitan's shoulder. The latter was startled at first, but then suddenly startled. He looked at Qin Yu with complicated eyes, but he didn't say anything.

Qin Yu patted the old man Baitan on the shoulder, but met Lin Heng's gaze.

"You're a little later than I expected."

"Well, I want to see who will be the happiest if I am in danger."

As soon as he said this, Qin Yu's gaze slowly swept over Goutou and the others.

Everyone in the magic way tightened their chrysanthemums.

Fortunately, Qin Yu didn't make trouble in public, because her time was precious, so she wouldn't waste it on these people.

She ran to the tomb next to King Hualing and tapped on the tombstone again.

no response.

Knocked several times with no response.

Qin Yu frowned, and asked Old Baitan from a distance, "Are they pretending to be dead?"

The old man Baitan showed helplessness, "They are already dead, but... they should really be afraid to let you take the exam."

Look at the black smoke billowing from the tomb of King Hualing.

Is it not tragic or tragic?

Qin Yu: "It's okay? It's in the rules that you don't have to take the exam? No, it seems that I have the initiative, otherwise you would have refused to succeed before."

The old man Baitan had also refused three times before, and in the end he let Qin Yu take the coffin book.

"Generally, it cannot be refused."

Qin Yu: "What if it's unusual? Like..."

Qin Yu suddenly noticed something strange, and when he turned his head, he saw that the tombs who had just rejected her by "playing dead" took the initiative to contact Tianjingsha, Baimei, Wanqi Baobao and let them take the exam.

Even Lin Heng was hooked up.

Qin Yu: MMP!


Don't even think about getting benefits from other tombs. Qin Yu didn't expect these saints to be so cowardly. She could only go back to the ancient emperor's tomb with a dark face, and casually talked to Chu Ci. Enlightenment, people opened their eyes and responded.

"Probably they didn't expect you to be so powerful and fierce in future generations."

Are you praising me or hurting me?

"Thank you for the compliment." Qin Yu has always been very tolerant towards the young lady. He smiled and began to comprehend. He had no inspiration before, but now he has.

Because some were found from other tombs. . . Feel.

Jiaojiao didn't dare to disturb Qin Yu, so she sat on the edge and ate. About an hour later, Qin Yu finished his enlightenment, and after thinking for a while, he still turned his head. . . But Chu Ci was also looking at her.

The four eyes met for a while.

Chu Ci suddenly said, "Let's cooperate."

With a thought in his mind, Qin Yu raised his eyebrows: "Why?"

Chu Ci: "Its components are very complicated, and it is a huge system. Even if a person reaches a high level, it is impossible to be completely knowledgeable. Even if a person spends a lot of time learning from scratch, even if he can penetrate other systems, it is impossible Reaching such a high-end level—you should also feel that its level of attainment has reached the level of a semi-immortal, and the weakest link is also at the level of supernatural powers. It is difficult for a person to complete it, and even an immortal can't do it."

"So, let's cooperate," Chutz said.

Qin Yu: "I'm considering whether to promise you or not."

Chutz: "You think so in your heart too."

Qin Yu: "Women are usually duplicity, please understand..."

Then she pondered for three seconds, and she pretended to be reluctant, "Okay, since you are so enthusiastic and strongly requesting me, then I will agree, just the two of us?"

Chu Ci nodded, "What do you want?"

Qin Yu: "The more people, the better, exciting!"

Chutz: "..."

After Chuci got up to contact others, Jiaojiao on the side couldn't help pressing Qin Yu's thigh with her cat's paw, and said seriously: "You can still act like this on the ground, but don't go to heaven like this, ordinary immortals Fortunately, if it’s those who are above Immortal Venerable... Basically, they don’t have a good temper—perhaps the most dangerous thing is that they seem to have a good temper on the surface, but they are actually very murderous.”

Qin Yu: "Zen Master?"

Snapped! Her mouth was covered by Jiaojiao.

Very secretive.

Qin Yu pulled down its fat paw, kneaded it in his hand, and said with a smile, "Is she that dangerous? I think she treats you pretty well."

Jiaojiao snorted softly: "Can you compare me? Don't you know how cute I am? Let me tell you, she likes me! When you go to heaven, I'll introduce you, and I will make her treat you better."

——Let them communicate together how to give you a test paper in class?

Zen Master + Qin Yu?

Jiaojiao's body froze suddenly.

And Chuci has already contacted other people.

It is not yet known whether they have gained any benefits in the cemetery of the saints, but there must be some successes and some failures, these are not important, the important thing is that they will join forces again.

Will others object? No, no one objected.

The reason can be applied to the fact that they teamed up to help Supreme Lingkui open this cemetery space.

Everything is for profit!


Since they want to work together to solve this semi-immortal-level metamorphosis and cumbersome secret pattern, they must first understand what they are good at and work together.

Baby Wan Teng: "I'm good at the attack method of death and power system, and occasionally include the art of refining medicine such as breast enhancement and health preservation."

Mitheus: "Sinking magic and wizards refining medicine and cursing."

Delancalest: "Immortal elf secret pattern, all-attribute magic."

Bai Mei: "Fire element, wood element, and gold gang flow."

Nan Gongmei: "Killing attack type, fire and gold dual paths."

Colorless: "Exceeding, exceeding, still exceeding."

Tianjingsha: "Death, ice, melee ambush."

. . . .

Everyone reported the general system, and when it was Qin Yu's turn, she said: "The magic pattern, the power of the devil, the curse and poison of the evil, the immortality of the righteous physique, the way of the sword, the secret attack of all attributes, the main attack of the soul and the poison system. Yingong, let me think about it, by the way, there are nurses..."

Chu Ci had to interrupt and ask: "What is the nanny department?"

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