I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2126 Specter

Qin Yu: "Then you think highly of me. I also guessed it suddenly before stopping them from solving the problem—but before that, I think the existence of this cemetery is very contradictory."

Wu Se heard the words with a complicated expression, and couldn't help saying: "Indeed, Your Excellency the Demon Lord and I discussed this matter at the beginning, but the poor monk didn't think too much about it."

The treasure is right in front of you, so confusing, who can think too much.

"Its existence is ghostly, and the grave of the old man is a bit weird. I checked it and found that its forbidden secret technique has two sides. The bright side is the exam, and the dark side is very hidden, but I couldn't find it out at the time. It wasn't until we co-produced these, and I learned some of its rules and tricks, that I discovered the chain prohibition when I touched it."

What's more, when she first entered the cemetery, she sensed something mysterious was watching her.

She doesn't like this feeling very much, because it means that she is going to be calculated.

Only people who have dropped a lot of shit in the night road will be so sensitive, but she doesn't want these local thieves to know about this kind of black history.


There are discoveries, speculations, and finally an epiphany—this ancient emperor's mausoleum is probably a seal!

Jiaojiao: "Coupled with your bad luck, and your unlucky salty fish life, everything is sealed, and I'm ready!"

——Ready for what? You think that even if Qin Yu has realized the truth now and prevented others from opening the seal in time, it will still happen in the end. . .

Why don't you shut up!

Jiaojiao just wanted to kick the wall twice, over there. . . Suddenly it exploded!

Sorry, it's not a tomb, it's a zombie king.

Yan Shili suddenly attacked Qin Yu, and Tianjingsha also attacked at the same time, and the evil way was even more blatant.


Huge shock!

And at the top, the big bosses in front of the ancient emperor's mausoleum broke out in the face of Tian Jingsha and the others. . . It could have been easily dealt with, because it stands to reason that there are more of them, and one or two are the most powerful, but the problem is that. . . Not only Tianjingsha and the other two!

But when Mishus and Baby Wan Teng fought against Baimei and the Elf King, many strong men split into two camps in an instant, and one side-opened the mausoleum! One side - don't get out of the way!

It may be so short that it is not clear who is in which camp.

Anyway, within three seconds, lightning-like suppression!

The riot was suppressed, before Chu Ci and Qin Yu could breathe a sigh of relief, all of a sudden!

"Fuck!" Qin Yu scolded in person for the first time, and reached out to stop him, but it was too late.

Because the ghostly shadow that appeared in the chaos has already rushed to the tombstone of the ancient emperor's tomb at an extremely terrifying speed, and directly pressed the gray mark in his hand.

"Ha! A group of idiots! It's on, you all have to die! My master is coming back!!!"

this voice. . . . There is no one left for the Supreme Lingkui, that gossip little slut.

Everyone: "!!!"


As a person who did not participate in group cooperative deduction, did not have a complete combination, and did not have the conditions to fiddle with the correct answer, did this Supreme Lingkui come out by himself?

This is absolutely impossible, it can't do it, because even a fairy can't do such a comprehensive and high-end deduction technique. In a sense, it is an impossible seal-you see, if there is no Lin Heng, these foreign powerhouses, are involved in all aspects of talent. Even if all the monks in the Tianzang world are gathered, including Qin Yu, it is still an unbreakable seal.

But in fact, they are all here, and they have successfully cooperated and figured out the correct answer. The question is, how long has this Supreme Lingkui been hiding here, and how did it get the answer?

In fact, it's very simple, it can see through people's hearts, and even Qin Yu was peeped into his mental activities before he was not on guard, so, when everyone deduces. . . Its processes, especially its results, can obviously be copied by it as well.

So it succeeded, at least no one thought of it - after opening the ancient emperor's tomb, almost everyone forgot about it, because it was worthless, but who would have thought that it was a part of the mastermind behind the scenes?

Qin Yu didn't expect that this way is not very complicated, but it is too deep and too high-end. She never thought that someone would set up such a deep game, even the Supreme Lingkui = a pawn.

Perhaps, it was the bait that lured all of them here in the first place, but now that the answer was obtained, the bait opened the mausoleum with the answer.

If the tomb is opened. . . . Qin Yu and the others rushed over to stop the Supreme Lingkui, only to see the ghostly aura gushing out from the tall tombstone, almost like a collapsed dam, and the countless demonic aura inside had condensed.

Well, it is in liquid form, gushing out from head to face.

magic? Could it be that some ancient demon is sealed?

The closest ones were undoubtedly Qin Yu and the others. They all resisted the terrifying magic power in shock. Qin Yu was the only one who was from the magic way. The damage of this terrifying magic power to her was limited, so Qin Yu was the only one who didn't retreat. But it was also precisely because she didn't back down. . .

Katsa, after the tombstone was shattered, it revealed a hole like a horrible devil's cave, a mass, a mass, like a burning black flame, and like a terrifying shadow from the flame.

When the flame and the tall specter appeared, Qin Yu felt oppressed. Her soul and body trembled, especially her body. The blood in her whole body seemed to be coagulated, and it seemed to be flowing backwards. It was an instinctive feeling of fear. .

But the strongest reaction came from the demon seed in the abdomen.

When Qin Yu suddenly felt the restlessness of the demon seed, her mind flashed, and she immediately mobilized and blocked the demon seed.

This seal is definitely related to demons.

I don't know what powerful stuff it is, she can't take risks.

Qin Yu had just sealed the demon seed, but he held the Three Kings Scepter in both hands. . . .

boom! !

The opponent's phantom slammed down with a palm.

At present, in terms of physique, apart from Lin Heng's immortality, Qin Yu's immortality is the most powerful, and with the blood refining attribute, she is the most capable.

There are few things she can't bear.

But this time. . . .

When the scepter of the Three Kings was broken, the power of the half-immortal was released wildly, and the will of the Three Kings also collapsed. Qin Yu could only flick his sleeves and hold them together in the palm of his hand. His anger also exploded because of the resistance just now.

Rendered in black and red, the sun and the moon have no light.


When Qin Yu retreated, the phantom continued to press down, and the terrifying magic power gushing out from behind was like a monstrous tsunami of magic dao, crushing the audience.

At that moment, Qin Yu, who retreated, had no time to spit out the blood welling up from her throat, when that thick palm pressed heavily towards her head.


The delicate afterimage flashed for a moment, and she directly hugged Qin Yu's waist for a thrilling teleportation, but she could only be transported to the other end seven or eight meters away.

She was terrified, and Jiaojiao was also terrified, what kind of shit is this, so fierce! ! !

Qin Yu's experience, if it was in the past, a group of people must have burned paper money and thanked God, but now. . . They were also terrified.

How powerful Qin Yu was, he had no doubts in his heart. To be able to beat her to such an effect with one palm, this phantom is really scary.

There was no need for everyone to appeal, because after Qin Yu was rescued by Jiaojiao, the ghost couldn't express whether he wanted to pursue him, because someone had already rushed to him.

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