I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2127 Hanging (Thank you Panni and Shibi, good morning, fairies, please subscribe.)

As soon as Qin Yu raised his eyes, he saw several silhouettes in front of him in the devilish energy, one of which she was familiar with.


The two masters Lin Heng and Chu Ci struck at the same time, which is equivalent to one against two, and they took the palm of the phantom.

The expressions of the two of them changed, and when they were about to lose their hold, Qin Yu came up from behind, bringing Jiaojiao along with others. . .

Karma! The ground exploded.

The entire floor of the ancient mausoleum on this floor was completely shattered, shaking the earth and shaking the mountains!

There was a big commotion on the top, and the demonic energy was earth-shattering, as if the sky was about to collapse.

Right way: Grass! Devil! It really is a conspiracy of the devil!

Mo Dao:? ? ?

Evil way: Hey hey.

What the hell is this! The dog head waited for the owner to be confused, thinking that his own perverted demon king was besieged and blew himself up to have such a terrible demonic energy.

But the dog head is cunning and sensitive, and has noticed the sneakiness of the evil way. Is it related to the evil way? Or is it related to the clean sand that day?

It's too late to think about it, let them vomit blood first!

The momentum crushed from above was so terrifying that it caused the dam to collapse, landslides and tsunamis, everything was destroyed and collapsed by it, the graves collapsed one after another, and many dead souls came out of the tomb, and they saw the surging magic flames above with phantoms, the old man Baitan saw After taking a look, his face was ashamed, and he let out a long sigh.

"In the end... it still came out."

That immortal demeanor, that sympathy for heaven and man, but in the next second, he slipped into the grave, dodging extremely fast.

The other ghosts were about the same.

The appearance of this phantom overturned everything, making people fearful and unbearable.

At least the result of this first wave of group siege was - all vomiting blood!

Have you ever seen that scene?

The master, a group of masters, basically all vomited blood.

In the midst of the demonic energy, everyone retreated to the outer circle. This time, seeing how terrifying this guy was, not to mention the wavering of the locals, even the aliens all wanted to withdraw, but Chu Ci was decisive and immediately sacrificed the heaven and earth net !

"Everyone, please help!"

Her calmness is still very deterrent - this woman's majesty is not reflected in sternness, but expressed in a steady calm.

Anyway, just like the capture of the Supreme Lingkui that they worked together before, they are familiar with this sky-digging net.


The aura of the master's strength and the soul power were combined into the heaven and earth net, and the power of the heaven and earth net appeared immediately, which was many times more powerful than the previous capture of the Supreme Lingkui. After all, there were still great restrictions in the Tianshu secret realm at that time.

The power of the fairy artifact was terrifying, and after covering the phantom, it also absorbed a lot of magic energy, and the sight became clear.

When everyone's minds were a little more stable, they finally had time to spit out another mouthful of blood.

When he vomited blood, he didn't know who it was and asked: "Damn, what the hell is this? The ancient magic way? Who?!!!"

But there were also people who responded in the air.

"It's not the ancient magic way."

As the most knowledgeable local leader No. 1, Chu Ci opened his mouth.

no? What is that? I always feel that you have a big move to play next.

Qin Yu was apprehensive in his heart, and stared heavily at the phantom in front of him whose demonic aura had dissipated a lot under the control of the heaven and earth net.

Originally, because Qin Yu was the first person who was hit by the other party before, and she had imagined this guy-a murderous man like a peerless devil.

But when she really saw the other person's appearance, she was shocked.

Because the other party looks alike. . . . The body is slender, clear and tall, but the appearance is very clean.

Sven, fair and clean, with red lips and white teeth, this kind of white is also sickly, very pale and dull, like a poor scholar who has been in poverty for many years, his eyes are all dull and lifeless, like a dead body that cannot be easily attacked.

But it also comes with the coercion of scaring the three armies to death as soon as they appear on the stage.

Contradictory, very contradictory.

Horrible, very scary.

Then. . .

Then there is no then.

Qin Yu heard Chu Ci say in a trembling clear voice: "It's the ancient devil emperor, Fei Chuan."

A title, a name.

It amazed an era and terrorized an era.

His appearance made the world of that generation run rampant with evil ways, and the corpses of the common people were everywhere. It also caused countless saints to be born in the troubled times, fighting for the light and killing him.

His fall brought the end of the era of saints, and buried the bones of the saints who killed him for three thousand miles.

Finally, he reappeared.

"Fei Chuan!! Why is it him!!" The voice of Zhengdao old slippery white-browed man became thinner, and Nangong Mei, who had dedicated his life to being a demon, also had an ugly expression on his face.

Coming out of the mausoleum of the main saint who killed him back then, the ancient emperor, with the results of the conspiracy that no one can guess, his pale face, slightly red lips, and godless eyes stood in front of the devil who was swept up by the net. In the air, quietly.

it's over?


Qin Yu: "He has no soul! It's just a body!"

With Qin Yu's reminder, everyone suddenly realized that it was just a demon body?

No, it's just that the demon body is so perverted?

Then how powerful the Devil Emperor Fei Chuan, who was at his peak back then, must have been!

No matter how powerful he is, he has no soul now, but his demon body has been controlled by them with a heavenly net of immortal weapons.

There should be no threat. . .

At this moment, Fei Chuan, who was originally quiet, suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the film of the sky net.

Poker face.

Just tear it off.

puff! ! !

Sesame oil, a group of masters vomited again.

Qin Yu who also vomited twice: "..."

I don't want to do this dungeon anymore, it's out of line, sir!


Next, a group of people were frantically hanged and beaten.

Jiaojiao thought that this fight would definitely be impossible, and it was not on the same level at all. How did those saintly old bastards in the saint era win him?

Immortals descending to earth may not be able to handle it!

Since it can't be done, it is natural to save your life! Jiaojiao immediately pulled Qin Yu to teleport away,

But Qin Yu stopped him.


"They're down there."

Who are they? Jiaojiao had an epiphany in minutes, and she gritted her teeth, "Then let's join forces, I will use forbidden techniques, but I don't know if I can..."

Jiaojiao is going to do her best, and she will be with Qin Yu, just like she was back then.

"It's useless." Qin Yu has his own judgment, the gap is too big, whether it's him or Jiaojiao or they all exhausted their strength together, they are no match for Fei Chuan's demon body.

If you refuse to leave and you are not your opponent, what should you do? Sit down and pray?

Jiaojiao was puzzled, but Qin Yu quickly gained insight.

She was thinking about one thing - if the gap in force was too great, she could only take advantage of the opponent's weakness to restrain him.

But what is the weakness of Fei Chuan's demon body?

Qin Yu's eyes fell on the surface environment that was almost crazily collapsing, as well as the ancient tomb. Its tombstone was broken and there was a cave. . .

Qin Yu could vaguely detect a strange aura in the cave with the naked eye, which was not clear, so she activated the soul pupil technique.

Not enough, still can't see clearly.

Qin Yu gritted his teeth and sacrificed most of his soul power in his pupils.

At that moment, the pupils seemed to be burning, and the color and poison of the pupils were occupied by countless secret flow soul lines, capturing all substances and existence in the space with tens of thousands of times the analytical and penetrating ability.

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