I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2128 Femme fatale

In fact, very quickly, in just a split second, she saw that there was a substance other than power in it, and it came out of the mausoleum, forming a slender straight line, one end connected to the ancient tomb, and the other end connected. . . Fei Chuan's demon body!

what is that? Qin Yu couldn't be sure.

The role of the seal? There is still something inside that is connected to Feichuan's demon body, but Qin Yu can see that the farther away from the ancient tomb, the lines become thinner. In fact, this Feichuan demon body is so powerful, but it has never been able to do one thing. The thing—is to instantly kill someone with the terrifying speed he should have. He had the ability, but he couldn't do it, otherwise Qin Yu and the others wouldn't have been given the chance to besiege.

So. . . why can't he?

Because he was restrained, he couldn't teleport in front of Qin Yu and the others to kill them when they subconsciously dodged outside.

This is the weakness.

Qin Yu intends to tell everyone to escape in the shortest possible time—before he gets rid of the constraints of this line,

But she also knew that this couldn't be done, because for Fei Chuan's demon body, even if he couldn't instantly kill their lords while restraining him, he could instantly kill the people below from a long distance.

As long as he hits the ground with one fist, or makes a coercive attack, all the people below will be turned into powder. The reason why he didn't do it is because he is still besieged by Qin Yu and the others, and he didn't free up his hands to expand the attack range.

Because the following people are not important to him.

But it was very important to Qin Yu.

Now that there is a result, Qin Yu has a decision.

A split second of decision, followed by a split second of action—she moved.

Driven by the magic seed, the magic energy is released.

It was an absolutely pure and powerful demonic energy, even under the surging demonic power released by Fei Chuan's demonic body, it was not insignificant, because it was originally different.

Too pure, too high-end.

It is the power that any mage practitioner desires to master or devour, just like the previous demon lord coveted and planned, just like Gu Chen's plan for her, the demon seed in her body is the best demon feast.

Fei Chuan, who had been vomited blood by all kinds of crit lords, naturally sensed Qin Yu's demon seed.

If he had a soul, he probably just noticed it and would hesitate, but he didn't, he was just a body, a godless body that only obeyed instinct, so when Qin Yu released the demon essence, he rushed over .

Qin Yu rushed too.

He went directly to the ancient mausoleum, and entered the entrance of the magic cave without looking back, even taking Fei Chuan's demon body with him.

The blink of an eye.


One person and one demon body are gone.

Beat the dog with meat buns. . . Gone forever?

The bosses who had been hanged and beaten to the point of doubting their lives were stunned and didn't know what was going on for a while.

Could it be that Qingqiu led Fei Chuan away by self-sacrifice and dedication, so as to give them a chance?

Before everyone had time to think deeply and make a judgment, they saw a black shadow flash past.

Lin Heng went in.

"Your Majesty!" The old butler shouted, and rushed in with his subordinates without saying a word.

Everyone: "???"

Just as Lin Heng entered, the next second, he was staring at Tianjingsha in the devil's lair thoughtfully, without the slightest joy of finally calculating everything and successfully "sending" Qin Yu to death, only suspicion and caution.

Suspicious, she suddenly snapped her fingers together, tearing the air, but Jiaojiao, who had escaped from the space, had already pounced on her chest, her two fleshy claws slapped onto Tian Jingsha's slender swan neck, and she swiftly teleported .

"Heh! In order to thank you for your hard work, my family, Qiuqiu, wants me to take you in to face life and death together! Big rustle! Let's go!"

Jiaojiao's domineering side leaked ferociousness, dragging Tianjingsha and rushing in.

"Clean sand!" Yan Shili also yelled, letting out his dead breath, and rushed in without saying a word.

Everyone: "???"

In the blink of an eye, many people were missing.

First reaction: What are you doing?

Second reaction: Qingqiu, a super-bichi, will never die in vain. Is it her superficial intention to die, but in fact she wants to monopolize some benefits in the mausoleum?

Third reaction: Why did Lin Heng follow in? This man pays all attention to etiquette. Even if he had a relationship with Qingqiu in his previous life, he would not follow him in to die. There must be his interests, not to mention his subordinates. They all went in too, and it was clear that he was going to die, not to mention not in line with his character, nor in line with Lin Guo's administrative rules.

Fourth reaction: If it has nothing to do with conspiracy, Qingqiu’s brain is really broken and he sacrificed generously. The one who let the fat domesticated cat take the initiative to abduct her is still a goddess. Then Lin Heng really gave it away for nothing. They also went in for nothing.

But now the question is, should they go in, or not?


As soon as Qin Yu rushed into the magic cave of the ancient emperor's mausoleum, what he saw was not a mausoleum chamber, but a dark and gloomy space, which seemed to be a road.

This road is gloomy, the wind is everywhere, and the evil spirit is heavy.

As soon as Qin Yu entered this space, two words popped into his head - Hell?

However, Qin Yu still moved at the fastest speed. Although she knew that Fei Chuan was more restrained in this underworld, it was better to be cautious.


Someone sent it.

It's Jiaojiao!

The moment Jiaojiao appeared with Tianjingsha, Jiaojiao jumped back and avoided Tianjingsha's fierce and decisive blow, but Tianjingsha's blow was not intended to kill Jiaojiao, but It was to get away, so after Jiaojiao left her, Tian Jingsha dodged sideways - she knew that Qin Yu must be waiting for her.

Tian Jingsha's judgment was correct, but unfortunately she still couldn't escape!

When Qin Yu pressed her back with his palm, Tian Jingsha's chest was shaken by such a terrible blow, and his internal organs were seriously injured.

but. . . Tianjingsha's pupils were mysterious, and there was a hidden wind, frost and cold wave, as if he was calling for something.

at this moment.

A finger pressed on the back of Tianjingsha's head.

Soul ban.

It's too late to hide in the sky and sand.

She also suddenly found out - this Qin Yu is much more powerful than what she dealt with before, is it because he devoured the demon seed? Strength increases geometrically.

After the soul was banned, the summoning of Tianjingsha was erased.

"Although I also want to see what your second clone looks like, but I can't be too arrogant. I'm not sure how to deal with you and it that exist at the same time..."

Qin Yu took control of Tianjingsha. The latter was very good at judging the situation, but he was not desperate or angry. He just looked at Qin Yu calmly, "Fei Chuan has already set his sights on you, dragging me will only waste time, unless you do it now kill me."

"Oh, you are still so arrogant! You think we dare not kill you! You bad woman, Yuyu, fuck her!"

Jiaojiao is eager to try, after all, this Tianjingsha is worth a lot of rewards.

"Can't kill." Qin Yu said so.

Jiaojiao was taken aback, her cheeks bulged, she put her hips on her hips and said angrily, "Smelly Yuyu, you don't mean to feel sorry for this femme fatale just because of her good looks, right?"

Qin Yu: "Yes."

Then he stabbed Tianjingsha's abdomen with a flute sword, pierced through, and blood spattered.

Jiaojiao: "!!!"

Tianjingsha: "..."

Femme fatale, maybe more than one.

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