I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2130 Purgatory

Qin Yu had a sudden epiphany, and she didn't need Eleven to say it, she had already thought of it, "He has absorbed enough Nether Qi to regret his ascension! If he ascends, under the rules of ascension, Yan Jun and Jia Luo Jizang can't do anything, and when he ascends After that, that strength..."

Eleven lowered her eyes, holding a lamp and said softly, "It's far beyond the Immortal Venerable directly, unpredictable."

Really Nima. . . The world of Tianzang is poisonous, raising such a pervert.

Qin Yu used to think that she was a strange flower. After all, once she ascended, her strength would far exceed that of ordinary immortals, and she would reach the level of immortal venerable just around the corner.

But look at Fei Chuan.

The great evildoer in the three thousand realms, evildoer!

"Creating the magic way...is reasonable, but he has lost his soul, so he can also ascend?" Qin Yu was still looking for loopholes, because she really didn't want to force Na Feichuan alone. The great monk went to deal with Yan Jun.

The sky is falling, and there is a tall man holding it up. This is the beautiful environment that Qin Yu has been pursuing for many years.

Unfortunately, few times it was up to the standard.


"Yan Jun said yes." Eleven Indifferent gave an answer like a bolt from the blue.

Qin Yu was silent.

Jiaojiao sighed in the golden house: "I knew Yuyu never got any good things."

—Maybe if she didn't ask, maybe things wouldn't be so bad.

Your words are so poisonous.

Qin Yu ignored the two scumbags, and quickly followed the eleventh to the seventeenth level of purgatory.

This place was specially used to imprison Feichuan back then, and it has been transformed.

Seventeen pieces of Panlong wood, prison chains, countless secret lines, ancient and fierce, and a dark pool below, the liquid is as thick as ink, and I don't know what it is.

This place is kind of scary and makes people feel very uncomfortable.

Qin Yu checked a wave, and his face was not very good-looking.

"It's obsolete, captivity doesn't work."

Eleven: "Your Excellency has been looking at the three Panlong trees, but there is something wrong with these three?"

Qin Yu turned to look at her, a little surprised, this woman is very sharp.

"Yes, the secret pattern on it has been destroyed or erased."

Eleven: "Possibly patched?"

Qin Yu: "The ones that are destroyed...may be possible, but the ones that are erased are almost impossible."

Qin Yu's face was ashen, Jiaojiao seldom saw her like this, she couldn't help being frustrated, she was about to comfort Qin Yu: "Either I will take you away, I will teleport... but you can't teleport here. Space abilities are forbidden in purgatory, we have to get out first."

Jiaojiao was ready to run, but Qin Yu looked at Eleven.

"Can you still go back to the underworld?"

Eleven: "I'll stay here, where the duty lies."

Her tone was very light, as if she was indifferent to life and death. . .

Qin Yu: "Um, what I mean is, either you take us away, let's run into the underworld, and let Fei Chuan mess around outside."

It's too unsafe outside, there are bosses in the underworld, be safe.

Jiaojiao: "..."

Yuyu is still a fish after all.

Eleven was silent for a while, "I can't go back to the underworld either, the gate of hell that connects here is closed."

In a word. . . Qin Yu and Jiaojiao spoke together.




Of course Qin Yu knew why the underworld did this, he was afraid that Fei Chuan would run back to the underworld to ascend and kill.

"So you came here to die? By the way, you said before that you were only able to come here under special circumstances. Since you can't go back...could it be that you took the reincarnation route?"

Eleven o'clock nodded: "I was going to reincarnate today, and I have a special soul, which meets the conditions. I can only enter here after being practiced by Yan Jun. If I succeed today, I will reincarnate and leave within the specified time."

The soul that has entered the reincarnation period cannot leave, otherwise it will be annihilated in ashes.

Qin Yu: "What if it fails?"

Eleven: "That's nothing."

She puts it lightly.

Jiaojiao was speechless for a while, but Qin Yu sighed.

This is cannon fodder, cannon fodder.

"I've always felt that nine out of ten big bosses of the righteous way are black at heart."

——You will also be a righteous boss in the future, don’t your knees hurt?

In fact, the bosses, no matter what the way, are decisive and extremely ruthless. As for whether they are ruthless or not, that is not in their practice.


Qin Yu snorted coldly and gave up on this path, leaving only two paths.

1. Leave the seventeenth level of purgatory, then let Jiaojiao take her to teleport away, go outside and take all her family members with her, and send away those who can, and then ascend to leave this Tianzang world by herself, and take care of this plane The common people are dead or alive.

2. . . .

"This is the last resort, but time is tight and it may not be successful."

Jiaojiao and Shiyi both looked over.


"Blindly mess around."



Qin Yu began to repair the incomplete secret lines, time was running out, and she could only do her best.

Jiaojiao really couldn't help, so she could only strictly observe from the side to warn Fei Chuan approaching. As for Shishi, she just sat on the side and quietly watched Qin Yu repairing the secret lines.

They all sit cross-legged.

——She looks much more elegant, very temperamental, like enjoying the scenery while cooking tea.

Jiaojiao: "What about me?"

—— Sitting pit, constipation.

Jiaojiao felt lucky that she was doing business right now, otherwise she would really drown this smelly wall in the golden house.

"The situation is very critical now. If you don't help Yuyu, how can you still have the leisure to entertain me! You guys are unreliable! Bah! Never once was it to save Yuyu!"

——I am mobilizing materials for her, and I know it is very critical.

—Then who do you want to help her?

Jiaojiao was taken aback, he didn't expect Bibi to ask such a question, he scratched his head, and muttered: "Since Yuyu didn't say anything, it means she doesn't need help from others."

Complaints belong to complaints, but he has never seen Qin Yu begging anyone, even the most terrifying Yuan Ya, she also stood at the commanding heights of cooperation and never begged for anyone.

Arrogant, he knew that Yuyu's inner arrogance far surpassed the gods in the sky.

—she'll sort it out, I'm confident.

Jiaojiao: "Che, no matter how confident you are, Yuyu loves and loves me the most. You are just a wall."

This unprepared to show off.


But Jiaojiao felt that Qin Yu's repair work was indeed very stable, without any lag, as if his whole body and mind had entered a terrible state - detached and selfless.

Jiaojiao knew that when it came to saving herself, Qin Yu was most efficient.

But why did she feel that Eleven looked at her fishy eyes a little strangely, so deep, and seemed to be absent-minded.

Hehe, be fascinated by my Yuyu's brilliance and prowess!

While Jiaojiao is complacent, she has not been idle, she has been monitoring. . . Until his tail froze suddenly, he couldn't help reminding.

"Yuyu, he seems to be approaching."

"Let him rely, according to the original plan."


Hearing Qin Yu's calm voice with the domineering aura of the president's father, Jiaojiao immediately calmed down.

And that Eleven also withdrew his gaze and looked towards the other side of the Yin Road.

Fei Chuan, are you coming soon?

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