I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2131 He is here. (Panni and Choi, thank you)


The sound of footsteps was neither light nor heavy, he was not breathing, it was just a corpse, and the devilish energy was everywhere, he came slowly.

When Jiaojiao probed her head and saw Fei Chuan walking on the Yin Road a few hundred meters away, she turned her face, only to see that Qin Yu had finished repairing two Panlong pillars, but the problem was the third one. . . It is erased.

What to do with the part of the secret line that was erased?

It is missing, just like the missing records in historical documents. You cannot repair it with experience and attainments, unless you have the ability to create or read this history early and can grasp its overall context. Restore it.

but do you have it Does Qin Yu have it?

Jiaojiao couldn't help regretting: "It would be great if I had the ability of time."

As a little prince with space ability, he is still very greedy.

But since Qin Yu has a plan. . . Then this third Panlong pillar, how is she going to restore it?

And Fei Chuan has already arrived, and he will arrive here in about a minute according to visual estimation.

Qin Yu just stood silently in front of the third Panlong pillar.

His back was facing the entrance, and his back was also facing Fei Chuan who was walking.


Second by second, life and death are approaching the final location in a second.

When Fei Chuan stood at the door, he stared blankly at Qin Yu and the others inside.

The treacherous and ferocious atmosphere reached its peak.

Jiaojiao's hair almost exploded from head to toe, and Eleven had already stood up.

one two three. . .

will he come in Maybe because he realized that this was the place where he was once held, he had a taboo and didn't dare to come in. If that's the case, they might be able to. . .


Fei Chuan suddenly took a step and stepped into this place of detention.

It's over, he still came in!

Then there is only one result!

The moment Jiaojiao flashes past!

Fei Chuan suddenly strode towards Qin Yu.

Wow! At that moment, Qin Yu in front of the Panlong Pillar, Fei Chuan rushing, and Jiaojiao teleporting all seemed to be frozen images.

If time stands still. . .

If time cannot stand still.

Then let her survive the catastrophe according to the original plan.


In the original plan, when Qin Yu mentioned crossing the catastrophe, since he wanted to cross the catastrophe, he also wanted to cross the catastrophe in order to advance to the stage of crossing the catastrophe.

Survive the calamity in the seventeenth level of purgatory? Qin Yu never thought about killing him before.

In other words, she thinks that she still wants to take the fairy route. The important span of crossing the catastrophe means that she will officially become a preparatory fairy once she crosses the catastrophe. In the future, she will fly directly to the sky. According to her original plan, she will choose a super feng shui treasure land , Surpassing the catastrophe with the most beautiful and unrestrained posture, who the hell would have thought that he would end up in hell and fly into purgatory.

Hey, what a fucking fate.

From Eleven's point of view, she only saw thunder and light, and she also saw the splendor from the sky.

This person has been robbed.

Earth-shattering, dazzling hell.

In the underworld, a certain female Yan Jun pushed down the gold wire-rimmed glasses frame, watched Erlang's leg reviewing the memorial, paused, looked into the distance, raised her eyebrows and smiled, "Yo, crossing the robbery? It's really an extraordinary way , but the movement is too loud, it can still be sent to the underworld after being banned, I don’t know what will happen after the ascension..."

This female Yan Jun is not a good thing in her bones. She tossed a certain little prince so much back then. Under such laxity, her eyes were dignified. She threw away her pen and directly contacted a certain underworld boss.

"You said she can handle it without sending someone from the upper world, are you so sure, if something happens, I won't be held responsible."

"It may not be a good thing for the upper world to send someone down, I would rather hope that she can handle it."


Jialuo Dizang smiled, "I have to be polite, otherwise she has done the things you can't take care of, wouldn't it be a shame to you, Yan Jun?"

When the great monk smiled, there was a sense of kindness and cunning.

Nv Yan Jun was noncommittal to this kind of ridicule, "Just trust her like that? Speaking of evildoers, Fei Chuan was a serious threat to the heavens back then. If that person hadn't appeared, I'm afraid..."

"It's not that I trust her, it's that I trust the vision of the Zen master above."

Female Yan Jun was taken aback, Zen master?

"She's up there waiting to accept disciples."

Female Yan Jun was astonished, her expression was more serious than before.

She had a premonition that the Zen master was so eager to accept an apprentice. . . Will not become another Zen master in the future?

That's really scary.

I don't know what level of thunder tribulation that Qin Yu is going to cross now.


The forbidden underworld was alarmed, not to mention the dark road, the sky was almost brightly illuminated by the boundless thunder.

What color, what level of thunder tribulation?

There is no level, I don't know what it is, I can't recognize it at all, and the golden wall can't give an answer.

"Baked chicken! I don't even know this!"

——Then tell me what thunder tribulation is. "

Jiaojiao: "I won't tell you!"

In fact, he didn't know either.

Poisonous, what kind of thunder is this? Gray, is there still gray thunder? At first glance, the sky looks like a pile of fireworks.

There is fire, but it is the fire that is smoky red among the stars in the ashes, scarlet and scarlet, there is no outer flame, only a scorching red appearance.

But it was terrifying, so terrifying that Jiaojiao felt it was difficult to breathe, for fear that it would strike her.

As for the core of Transcending Tribulation, Eleven stood on the outskirts, watching Qin Yu substitute Na Feichuan into the Thunder Tribulation circle.

Although Transcendence Tribulation is no better than Ascension, there is no absolute protection mechanism, but Thunderbolt's effect is still terrible. Fei Chuan originally wanted to kill Qin Yu and devour her, which violated all Transcendence Thunderbolt's mechanisms.

Without a sound, it came down.

When the thunder fell on Fei Chuan's body, Fei Chuan's demon body froze for a moment. The body that could not be broken under the frenzied siege of Qin Yu and others finally had burn marks and gray smoke came out.


In the land of the world, far away, there is nothing in the world.

Because of a certain heir's rebellion and fierce threat, Gu Daofeng has been in the embarrassing and bleak situation of "the whole family dies or rebellion", but no one dares to offend, and no one dares to go to extremes.

Cangshan Mountain is snowing, and Yubi is lonely.

But it has always been like this, and it has never been shaken by changes in the world or human events.

The years are so long, it is so cold and ruthless, and at this moment, its jade quality is deep. . . It seemed that a pair of eyes moved slightly, and it seemed that a deep sigh came from a distant place in the abyss.

In the dungeon, Zhou Xuanqing, who was holding firewood, also turned his head to look outside, but quickly withdrew his gaze, and put Nanming Limu under the alchemy furnace one by one, expressionless.

In the pill furnace, there were endless screams.


Under the thunder calamity, there were endless screams.

"Oh, oh, don't attack me! Cut him, cut him! Cut him! Paralyzed, the Heavenly Realm's Thunderbolt single attack is okay, but the group attack has never been so stupid!"

Jiaojiao was crying and dodging around, while rubbing the fur on her body that was almost touched by the thunder.

Aww, it's scary!

Compared to Jiaojiao's frailty and cowardice, Fei Chuan is really tough, he insists on enduring these terrifying thunderstorms, and wants to get close to Qin Yu, even though his body is broken, he still wants to get through the minefield. . .

At that time, Qin Yu was also miserable. While bearing the thunder on his body, he pressed on the Panlong pillar, trying to activate the Panlong pillar.

"Be careful, Yuyu! He's passed by!!"

Jiaojiao exclaimed, Fei Chuan actually rushed into the minefield, and when Qin Yu stretched out his hand, those broad and slender fingers were about to hit Qin Yu's back. . .

Watch the timing! !

go you! Qin Yu started.


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