I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2132 The Seventeenth Dragon Pillar! (Cover your pockets, see you at the end of the month, ok

Activated the sixteen Panlong pillars! If one is discarded and there are only sixteen, what effect can it have? If it's a machine, if one part is useless, the whole is useless, and the purgatory panlong formation is also useless?

Indeed useless.

When Qin Yu finally poured all his spiritual power and soul power into the sixteen Panlong woods to attract the power, but they did not form a complete binding power after all. In a word, Fei Chuan's hand. . . Pooh!

Passing through Qin Yu's back and through his heart.

Blood dripping, flesh and blood spattering.

Jiaojiao roared angrily, and turned into a ferocious beast from behind, biting Fei Chuan.

In the past, Fei Chuan's delicate skin could not be broken by biting it, but under this thunder attack, his demon body finally broke through the skin, and Jiaojiao bit down on this small broken skin wound.

That scene was tragic, but there was no follow-up, because. . . . There is Longming!

Longming? Could it be that Jiaojiao has become a dragon in Huanian? Or is the blood dragon here?


Jiaojiao doesn't have the Transformation Dragon, nor the Blood Dragon. The reason why there is a dragon chant is because the Coiling Dragon Formation suddenly formed!

The seventeenth Coiling Dragon Pillar was abandoned, but Qin Yu survived. In the state of perfect epiphany during the catastrophe, she used herself as the seventeenth Coiling Dragon Pillar to connect with the other sixteen.

Whether it has the full effect of the year is still unknown, but the dragon chant indeed came out, and the dragons on the sixteen coiled dragon trees also opened their eyes, and the coiled dragon's body moved along the pillars, and the dragon's beard High-spirited, the dragon breathes in and out, and the dragon pillar in the mouth shines brightly.

They climbed along the chains, as if becoming one with the chains, out of the seventeen chains, sixteen were alive, coiling downwards to wrap around Fei Chuan's demon body.

It turned out to be a success!

Jiaojiao made a nimble backflip and landed on a coiled dragon chain, seeing Fei Chuan trying to tear the chain open, "Wow! It's done! Great!"

Before it was too late to be happy, Eleven outside suddenly reminded: "It feels like he can tear it apart!"

Qin Yu regards himself as the Panlong Pillar, although it can be used as a component of the seventeenth root and activates the sixteenth with spiritual power, but it is not genuine after all, and cannot achieve the complete effect of the Panlong lock. Therefore, his struggle It is possible to succeed in tearing - if Lei Jie passes, if he really makes a hole, then everyone here will die!

what to do? !

Eleven's reminder, in fact, Qin Yu has already noticed, but she is very steady, "Jiaojiao, come up!"

Where are you going?

Normally, Jiaojiao and Qin Yu always go against each other, playing tricks on professionals, acting like a petite expert, but when they fight together in a crisis, Jiaojiao never delays, with a heart-to-heart index of MAX, she understands Qin Yu's meaning in minutes.

So, wow! He's transfigured, simulated and exactly like - a dragon! Like the dragon on the dragon pillar.

Although he said before that he didn't want to offend the real dragons and would rather go to COPY to go to the west, but at this critical moment, don't worry about it!

Then the seventeenth dragon appeared and entered Qin Yu's body.

Dragon Qi! Dragon chant!

The seventeen articles are complete, sure enough! The core of this panlong formation is the panlong and the secret pattern, she can't complete the secret pattern, but she can manipulate the panlong.

hum! ! When Qin Yu controlled the seventeenth Coiled Dragon Lock, he also coiled around Na Feichuan, and Eleven on the periphery suddenly felt an ancient power.

Back then, when the saints fought against the devil and the dragon locked the devil emperor, perhaps not many people could see and feel its power with their own eyes, but she felt that the scene in front of her was probably about the same.

The heavenly thunder is peerless, the coiling dragon locks the formation, it is earth-shattering!

Fei Chuan didn't roar, nor did he make any sound, but his attempt to tear the Panlong lock became ineffective, and the lock became tighter and tighter. . .

perhaps. . . To succeed?

Eleven saw waves surging in the black pool below, as if affected by the power of the coiled dragon lock above, twisting vortex ripples appeared on the water surface.

"Did Yan Jun tell you what the pool below is used for?" Qin Yu asked Eleven from the air.

It's also because of the tight time, she didn't think about the function of this pool for a while, and didn't go to investigate, she just focused on getting the Panlongzhu, now it's too late to think of it in an emergency.

Eleven: "I never said it, because she also failed to enter the seventeen levels of purgatory, but I said that when Fei Chuan was sealed, all the power of the world of Tianzang was exhausted!"

The power of one world!

Is it the seventeen Panlong pillars, or the seal outside?

Maybe there are other functions?

"Even if these seventeen coiling dragon pillars can entangle him, it still needs to consume its energy..."

Could it be this black water pool?

As soon as Qin Yu finished speaking, he saw that Eleven took off his bracelet and threw it directly into the pool!

When it entered the viscous black water, it squeaked, and the magic weapon of the highest grade spiritual weapon suddenly melted.

Eleven in the ghost body turned pale immediately, and spit out soul blood from the corner of her mouth, but she wiped the corner of her mouth and said to Qin Yu, "There is something below that can suppress spiritual power."

Qin Yu didn't expect such a straightforward move on the eleventh day. That thing should be a magic weapon of his own life, connected to his own soul.

However, she couldn't say anything more, she only decisively controlled the seventeen Panlong locks, trying to suppress him down!

Into the black pool!

Only by getting him into the pool and suppressing his spiritual power can he be powerless! Without spiritual power, what strength would he use to tear the terrifying Panlong Lock!

Qin Yu moved quickly, and Fei Chuan didn't struggle much, and he was about to be pushed into the black pool.

From top to bottom, the surge of the black water pool is getting bigger and bigger, and the swirling ripples are getting deeper and deeper, as if it is preparing to swallow Feichuan, as if it was born for this!

Qin Yu, who was pressing down on Feichuan on top, exhausted all his strength, and his spiritual and soul powers were constantly being consumed. He saw that Feichuan was only half a meter away from the surface of the black pool. . .

"Go down!"

Fei Chuan went down, and when his calf was immersed in the black water, Qin Yu keenly noticed that his struggle became weaker!

It worked! Success is just around the corner! !

Qin Yu is planning to make persistent efforts!

At this moment. . . Soul attack!

Powerful and comprehensive soul attack

The soul attack from the dark and sinister path made Qin Yu's mind go numb for a while, and the intensity of the suppression was a little slow, but she still regained consciousness in less than two seconds, and pushed Fei Chuan, who was trying to escape, down again. Suppress, and look outside where the sound attack is coming from!

It's a woman!

The sky is pure sand!

The sudden appearance of Tianjingsha surprised Qin Yu, wow! The woman was unscathed, and seemed to be stronger than before!

By the way, the eyes are different, they are actually silver pupils! Like crystals extracting the light color of mercury, the radiance is icy cold.

Looking from a distance, the soul attack has arrived.

Qin Yu, who was enduring the soul attack, gritted his teeth and burned his blood, hum! !

Fei Chuan's thighs were directly submerged in the black water.


Eleven rushed to the door, trying to seal the hole with ghost magic, but was a step too slow. Nian Jingsha took a step and instantly crossed three kilometers until he reached the gate, attack?

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