I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2133 Men? Ah!

She didn't attack Qin Yu, because she knew that she couldn't hurt Qin Yu's body under the thunder of crossing the catastrophe, as for the soul attack. . . It was already the strongest blow just now, but it still failed to destroy her.

The maximum limit is invincible.

Then there is no need to attack directly, according to the original plan. . .

Tianjingsha suddenly folded his hands together, and a crystal ball appeared in his palm. This is a magic weapon, and it is also. . . Fairy?

Grass! Immortal artifacts are worthless!

This evil femme fatale actually has a fairy weapon!

Why! Why! ! !

The sourness in Qin Yu's heart was about to break through the sky! I can't wait to pick up the hammer and smash the gold all over the floor in the gold house!

La Ji picks the system, and there is no ass hole for giving birth!

The moment this crystal fairy artifact appeared, the coercion from the fairy artifact was released, and a drop of bright red blood was sealed in the crystal ball!

"Yuyu, it's blood! It can't be Fei Chuan's blood!"

"Probably not, his body is here, and it's not bloodless! It won't have any effect on him!"

Tianjingsha input spiritual power, and a drop of blood in the crystal fairy was drawn out wisps of bright red breath as thin as hair, and this breath was released.

Qin Yu vaguely felt that it was similar, and he didn't know where he felt it. . .

She hasn't reacted yet, the suppressed Fei Chuan. . . Suddenly it exploded!

The strength was extremely terrifying, as if he had awakened all of a sudden, the terrifying obsession made him go crazy with the densely coiled Panlong locks on his body, and the Panlong locks let out a ferocious dragon chant inch by inch, and Fei Chuan also uttered the first sound in a low voice .

Intermittently, deep into the bone marrow. . .

"Xie Ting..."

Xie Ting. . . Xie Ting! ! !

Qin Yu: "!!!"

I am Nima! ! !

Is it the old woman?

Maybe it's just a coincidence.

Maybe his surname is Xie Mingting? Maybe it's a man, or a big guy who picks his feet.

There are tens of thousands of bases, and Taoism and demons have nothing to do.

She should be optimistic.

Although he is crazy about hope, Qin Yu's nerves are jumping, his body is very honest, and he plans for the worst, but he has the motivation to survive in the Jedi, burns blood, and suppresses crazily.

But it was too late.

When Fei Chuan paused for a moment, but in the next second, his thin lips suddenly became cold, and a sentence drifted out in a daze.

"Xie Tingyongxue."

That is an obsession that has grown slowly and will never die, sealed away from hell for many years.

Sesame oil, what kind of obsession is this? The soul is gone, but the body remembers that woman?

The ancestor of our Gu Dao Peak is poisonous!

Qin Yu was desperate, and for a moment, boom!

Before the Panlong lock was broken, Qin Yu immediately took the initiative to disintegrate it, so as not to lose even more if the chain was broken!

Wow! The moment Fei Chuan was about to jump out of the black water pool, the corner of the mouth of Tianjing Sand outside hooked up.

It's done!

Eleven, on the other hand, was startled, and opened his mouth slightly, as if about to shout something, but the voice was covered, and Qin Yu jumped down directly from above.

He caught Fei Chuan squarely, and an object appeared in his hand.

That's a bellyband.

Press it directly on Fei Chuan's face.

Shouting while pressing.

"A drop of blood counts! This is your mistress' bellyband!! You gave it to her! It still smells like her! Smell it!"

The terrifying Fei Chuan froze for a moment, and subconsciously touched the bellyband. . .

As soon as he lost his mind, Qin Yu hurriedly controlled the chain to wind again, and then pressed down the black pool with his bellyband.

This time I pressed it in a real way, quite numb.

The sound of splashing water.

Viscous splashes of black water.

Eleven on the periphery: "???"

Tianjingsha: "..."

For some reason, I want to vomit blood.

Super Seventeen Dragon Pillars AND Crystal Immortal Artifact VS A Piece of Bellyband = KO series.

Is there such a perverted thing in this world?

The peerless demon, Fei Chuan, is a madman in a bellyband, isn't he?

After all, man, heh!


Fei Chuan was dragged into the pool by Qin Yu in a super-abnormal way, and when the thunder in the sky came to an end, the last thunder also split into the black pool.

Tianjingsha glanced at the sky, his eyes turned cold, and he rushed in and jumped off the pool?

No, she wouldn't be that stupid.

That Qin Yu is poisonous, especially the forbidden spiritual power in that pool, she doesn't want to confront him head-on anymore.

Then. . . . Tianjingsha stared directly at Panlongzhu!

As long as these Panlong pillars are destroyed, Qin Yu will definitely suffer backlash, and the Panlong lock below will also disintegrate.

Tianjingsha was decisive and ruthless, raising his hand to attack the Panlongzhu!


Under the black pool, Qin Yu brought Fei Chuan to the black pool with the help of his bellyband. It is true that Fei Chuan's spiritual power was banned the moment he got down, and she and Jiaojiao were not much better. had to be broken down.

Just at this time, also because of the restriction of spiritual power, the bellyband. . . melted away.

Because it itself is fake!

The real one has already been turned into an inheritance for her to use, but she has seen the appearance of that bellyband, and also remembers its smell, so. . . To change the shape of the technique, to change the smell, just use flowers and plants to extract it.

What can be done in an instant by manipulating in the ring, she is really a smart and mobile little witty ghost.

But now it's melted! ! !

Holding the apron in his hands, the expression and eyes of Fei Chuan, who was always in a daze. . . . He remained motionless, then stared at Qin Yu.

In the black pool, Qin Yu, who had just endured the last thunderbolt, was terrified. He could only smile awkwardly but politely, and said to Fei Chuan, who had lost his soul, "It's been ten thousand years, and the bellyband...isn't used anymore. Don't blame me!"

Fei Chuan didn't say anything, and rushed towards him viciously!

Without spiritual power, only hand to hand combat!

Qin Yu and Jiaojiao fought frantically with him.

bang bang bang!

Amidst the loud noise, the tide surged violently, and such shouts came intermittently.

"Don't hit! I know where she is!"

"She is my Gu Dao Patriarch, our family!"

"Ouch! I'm going! You're so irritable! I can help you! Get her out of here!"

"I'll take you to find her! If necessary, I can hold her down for you! Let you do whatever you want with her!"

"Fuck! You still hit! Why didn't she want you back then? It must be because of your domestic violence!"

"Scum! Bah!"

Don't look at Qin Yu scolding fiercely, in fact, Jiaojiao and Jiaojiao are not the opponents of Feichuan's demon body at all, they can't hold it in two or three times, and keep dodging. Fortunately, the opponent is restrained and the speed is not fast enough, but Qin Yu followed Jiaojiao was terrified, she wanted to prevent him from rushing out, but also to prevent him from hitting herself.

This is so difficult! !

At that time, Qin Yu also heard the movement above.

Sesame oil, someone is fighting!

There must be Tianjing Sanda Big Pool!

"She should want to attack Panlongzhu, you little bitch! Next time I will definitely kill her!"

Qin Yu didn't want to lose to the evil-chosen Bichis. He took Yin as the benchmark, and the first-class female Xiexiu as the vegetarian dish. The one who wanted to win the game immediately wanted to tie Fei Chuan to death as soon as possible. Trapped at the bottom of this pool, she rolled up her sleeves and went up to clean up the clean sand.

For women, willpower can recharge physical strength, Qin Yu and Jiaojiao felt as if they had been injected with chicken blood, pulling on the Panlong lock to wrap Fei Chuan into rice dumplings, but at that moment. . . .

"What's that down there? There seems to be light."

Both Qin Yu and Jiaojiao noticed the existence of the light and took a closer look.


It was like a mirror.

Ordinary, but when it had a slight brilliance flowing in the mirror, Qin Yu's face suddenly changed, "Go!!"

That's too late!

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