I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2134 You know what a fart!

A head popped up from behind the mirror, with sleek and cunning eyes, smiled slyly at Qin Yu, and then activated the mirror.

As soon as it was activated, Qin Yu and Jiaojiao started swearing again!

that mirror. . . And double 叒叕 is a fairy weapon.

But this time, when one person and one cat insulted the Golden House of the Chosen faction, Jinbi's desire to survive was overwhelmed, and he immediately made his position clear.

——The evil selection of the chicken is not good enough and can only rely on external forces. How can it compare to your self-reliance and self-improvement, which is unparalleled in the world!

This fancy rainbow fart is not bad, but unfortunately it can't change the door that appeared after the mirror was activated.

As soon as the door appeared, Qin Yu knew what it was.


——It is the ghost mirror, which can reach the world and the underworld at will!

——Qin Yu, you are young. . .

Without being careful, Fei Chuan suddenly exerted a huge force, throwing Qin Yu and Jiaojiao away, and rushed towards the ghost gate in an instant.

After working so hard for so long and wasting so much energy, if it escapes to the world, it will not be of any use to waste all previous efforts.

When Qin Yu rushed over, the Supreme Lingkui was very proud. He made a face at Qin Yu, and then flashed into the ghost mirror himself, and then manipulated the ghost mirror to open the space and disappear.

But at that moment, Jiaojiao appeared in a teleport, grabbed the mirror with one paw, and swallowed it in one gulp.

Then his stomach glowed with a grunt.

Qin Yu who rushed over was shocked, and then terrified, "Smelly Jiaojiao! Who told you to eat it! Spit it out! That dog is worth your risk?! Spit it up!!"

In Qin Yu's view, no fate in the Tianzang world can compare to Jiaojiao's safety! !

She immediately regretted getting involved in this stupid thing, and pulled Jiaojiao's fat tail to hang him upside down, trying to spit out the mirror in his stomach.

Jiaojiao: "I...I have a space secret! The space fairy can't be used in my stomach, which means it belongs to us! I'm fine, woo woo, don't dump it, it's disgusting, I want to vomit... ."

Then he burped.

Is that so? Is it so powerful?

Qin Yu calmed down, straightened it up immediately, and patted his stomach.

"Then you are great, but next time you are not allowed to eat anything, except shi."

Jiaojiao: "???"

Dump it after eating, and you will be ruthless.


There is peace below, and there is peace above.

When Qin Yu emerged from the black pool, he was careful. . . Faced with a human head.

Whoops, scare me to death!

Qin Yu took a step back to avoid meeting the opponent's eyes, which was only a short distance away.

But he still saw clearly the man who sat quietly on a luxurious chair by the pool and looked at him quietly.

Noble and extraordinary, domineering sideways, cold and ruthless.

After a terrible and fierce battle, the clothes were neatly arranged, without any wrinkles or embarrassment.

Undoubtedly, it was that stinky, fastidious dog man.

"It's you!"

Qin Yu was taken aback when he saw Lin Heng, and then quickly scanned his surroundings.

Eleven is still there, but the old housekeeper and the others have taken care of them. On the other side. . . nobody.

After looking away, Qin Yu noticed that Lin Heng was staring at herself, oh, at her chest.

Qin Yu silently held his pierced chest. Because of the forbidden spirit, he couldn't repair it so quickly. He could only repair it with the essence of flesh and blood, so his fingertips were red and bloody.

She didn't feel anything, but she was not happy to let a man look at her wound like this.

Made her look like a mess.

Is she shameless?

Seeing her action, Lin Heng withdrew his gaze, but his expression was a little colder than before, and his temperament was as cold as ice.

"She ran away."

Qin Yu: "Did you run away?"

Lin Heng: "Is there anyone else?"

The speech is yin and yang, and the eyes are not quite right.


Yes, very disgusting.

Qin Yu: "I don't like you looking at me like this, so let's have a good chat, let's break up after chatting."

Lin Heng clasped his hands, each slender and pale finger was crossed, forming a beautiful cross pattern, his skin didn't smile, and his flesh didn't smile: "It's better than I look at you with certain eyes, than you often ignore me. Be polite."

Sure enough, he is very eccentric, mean and unkind, and it has been like a day for decades.

Qin Yu was about to speak back, but he saw this man slowly pull out a plain blue scarf from his sleeve, and said coolly in a half-dead Jin Gui arrogant tone: "Black, ugly."

Then he threw it at her.

Qin Yu took the handkerchief, secretly slandering that this man is really an exclusive pervert, the handkerchiefs are all black, dead people are not so unlucky.

But only then did she realize that she was covered in black water, and she couldn't bear to look directly at it.

She was annoyed in her heart, but she was as calm as before, and while wiping her face, she said lightly: "I made a black mud mask made from the exhaustion of a world, you know nothing."

Lin Heng: "..."


You are beautiful and everything is right.

Qin Yu could actually get out of the pond, and then use her spiritual power to clean her body, but she didn't. The reason why she stayed in the pond and wiped her face was because she was thinking about how to deal with Lin Heng.

Moreover, the glory of her surviving the catastrophe is coming.

The movement is not very loud, silent and quiet, very gentle, and the luminosity is not high, gray and white with silver, silver with gold, entering Qin Yu's body inch by inch.

As for the influence of the Huaguang from the sky on her this day, outsiders can't see it.

The old butler was very curious, but he didn't dare to test it, because his lord didn't test it.

Lin Heng just quietly watched Qin Yu absorb the brilliance.

Those eyes were a little bottomless.

Jiaojiao: "Did he come to save you?"

Qin Yu: "Have you ever seen those dungeons I experienced, which man was crazy about me, duangduang, and hit a big wall without thinking about me?"

There are, and there are quite a few, but most of them are not capable enough, and it is not enough for Qin Yu to ask the other party to step back and help.

Hey, Qin Yu knows that she has never been a Korean-style Taiwanese Mary Su style heroine, she followed the route of the American drama "The Good Wife".

After wiping his chin clean, Qin Yu raised his eyes and looked at Lin Heng calmly. This dog man was also very scheming, so he just looked at her unhurriedly, as if waiting for her to speak.

After Huaguang ended, the last luminosity disappeared deep in Qin Yu's pupils.

Qin Yu is no different from before.

But that's scarier than the difference.

Lin Heng knew that she must have made huge gains, but. . . She didn't want him to see through.

"What do you want?" Qin Yu cut to the chase.

"You don't panic at all. It seems that Fei Chuan's demon body has fallen into your hands, or you are sure to find and control him."

"You should have spatial ability. You can't be unaware of the movement under the pool just now. You naturally know that he escaped, so why ask me like that."

"The teleportation artifact is in your hands."

"No, I can swear to God!"

In the belly of my dead fat man!

Qin Yu was so sure that Lin Heng pulled the corner of his mouth coldly, "You can't believe what a woman like you says."

Qin Yu: "???"

Lin Heng's gaze slipped, "I thought you and your cat were one, but it turned out to be nothing more than a plastic relationship. If I capture and cut open his stomach to take the magic weapon..."

Fuck, this dog man is really cruel.

Jiaojiao immediately covered her fat stomach and bluffed, "How do you know that!"

Lin Heng: "So I'm not very sure, I just confirmed after testing."

Jiaojiao: "???"

giao! Treacherous dog man! Deserved to be murdered by his wife!

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