I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2141 Are you happy? (Thank you Ma Sihei Na Zimei)

then. . . The souls of those who died in battle were all brought out. After passing through these younger generations, they are hard and soft (for example, burning incense or burning graves is a multiple-choice question). At first glance, it seems like a friendly inquiry, but Ah Piao I understood it in seconds, especially after some ghosts of evil ways and demon ways were dissipated by the live broadcast.

Everyone finally got the general information—someone behind the scenes wanted to get Fei Chuan out.

Nine out of ten are demons? It's not like, those demon bosses are quite confused when watching the Demonic Dao. Anyway, since a traitor from the righteous way joined the camp, their life has not been easy.

Anyway, in general conspiracy or something, whoever gets the most benefits and enjoys the most is most likely the person behind the scenes.

The evil way is a disadvantage, on the contrary, the evil way may be. . . .

But whether it's evil or evil conspiracy, they have to be organized in the righteous way - once Fei Chuan returns, the world of Tianzang will be over.

So stop it.

"It's not our turn to shed our blood on your Tianzang matter. Anyway, we can't get the secret collection of the ancient emperor's mausoleum, so..."

The aliens were just about to express their schadenfreude to the illusion of the dire straits in the Tianzang world, when they suddenly felt a shaking of their feet.

Immediately afterwards, many streamers rushed out of the cave.

It was Lin Heng and others.

It was too late for everyone to guess what the other party got in it, and why they came back at this time.

The earth shakes and the mountains shake, space crushes.

"Not good! This cemetery is about to collapse!"

Everyone fled in a hurry.


In this world of ice and snow, after the space was torn apart, everyone jumped out one after another. Chu Ci was the last one, and after he came out, he began to repair the space gap.

Someone asked Lin Heng how he was going in, and if he had seen a certain demon king.

Lin Heng glanced at the other party, and said lightly: "I am looking for the devil emperor, the devil emperor is not worth my trouble."

Just at this time, the last small gap that Chu Ci was about to repair was suddenly grabbed by a hand from the inside out, and the gap was torn open by her.

Then Qin Yu walked out holding on to the wall of the space, and pressed his chest against his chest, with weak brows and pale complexion. . .

No, I have a familiar sick feeling.

Those people with white eyebrows were about to say something.

Sesame oil, too late.

Chu Ci saw that the other party pressed his thin shoulder with one hand, and vomited blood while leaning sideways beside him.

The movements are so smooth, the gestures are so graceful.

It not only has the softness and beauty of dodder, but also has the freshness and elegance of white lotus.

Everyone: "..."

I really wasn't surprised at all.


Qin Yu, who was weak and seriously injured, thought that everyone would have twisted thoughts, but even if they were aliens, everyone was upright, and he didn't want to attack Qin Yu like before.

Qin Yu: "Hey, why don't you look at me?"

Baby Wancheng: "What are you doing?"

Qin Yu: "See if you can kill me, or you can just sweep me with your soul thoughts secretly."

Xiao Tingyun almost didn't laugh.

Do you think you are a QR code? See someone scan you.

Baby Wan Teng: "Let's forget it. We don't know each other. If you really have such a perverted desire, I'll buy a broom to give you a good time. Do you want me to sweep your face? Or Sweep under you?"

Even the most aggressive baby Wanqi is so tactful and polite in his daily driving. It can be seen that his love for Qin Yu is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and he dare not offend.

Qin Yu was slightly disappointed——she wanted to try her actual combat ability after breaking through, and there was no psychological burden to practice with aliens.

However, there were other reasons for not doing anything to Qin Yu.

"I don't know if Your Excellency Qingqiu met Fei Chuan..."

Chu Ci, a man of culture, asked politely.

"I met him. To tell you the truth, I have already killed him."


You are afraid to be funny.

Heavenly Immortal is no match.

Chuz was silent for a while, and then said: "Then you are awesome."

"Fortunately, you look elegant and refined like a cultural person. Even if you say something insincere, I will take you as a compliment."

Qin Yu and Chu Ci are the two people who are best at official diplomacy. If necessary, they can communicate in a friendly way with hypocritical phrases without any emphasis for a day without repeating the same.

But if it is not necessary, just a few words can kill the crowd.

The atmosphere was awkward for a while, until Qin Yu asked Baby Wancheng, "Why haven't you left yet?"

I don't have a green card, and I haven't returned home after so many days.

Waiting to stay on a cross-border blind date to have a relationship with a man and a woman and have a baby?


To be honest, the aliens are not very willing in their hearts. They went back and forth several times and didn't get anything. But they have no reason and conditions to stay, unless they really want to go to war with Tianzang World.

But in Tianzang World, Qin Yu's words probably won't count, but Chu Ci's words will count.

Everyone looked at Chu Ci.

She smiled lightly and said with a generous demeanor, "Whenever you leave, I will set up a table to see you off."

Ah! ! !

Most of the aliens are not reconciled, a few are indifferent, and there are still some. . . People like Mishus just smiled coldly.

"Since the ancient emperor's mausoleum is only a place where Feichuan is closed, now that Feichuan has been released, I think your Tianzang World will be very lively in the future, and we outsiders will not join in the fun."

Oh, what a mouthful.

But after being told by Mishus, the aliens feel much more at ease. Looking at the natives of the Tianzang world is like looking at the little poor——How powerful Fei Chuan is, they still know a little bit. This is in their world The disaster of extinction, the turning point of the Tianzang world from its peak to its decline was also the birth of this demon.

But this doesn't change the fact that they have to leave Tianzang World.

People from all planes are about to leave. . .

"Let's go now? Don't you want to set the table?"

When Qin Yu said a word, the aliens were stunned for a moment, and then they saw someone looking at those people in the Elf King Realm reluctantly, and said brazenly: "Little Penglai is setting the table, everyone, you are welcome, sister Chu, what do you think? "

Chutz: "..."


Little Penglai really put it on that day, it was really a big banquet.

Returning to the sword Xuexue came out wearing a slender inner shirt after taking a bath, and was about to see the elegant, solemn and holy little Penglai Wu Dojo. Hundreds of tables were set up.

Slaughtering pigs and sheep, hanging down the eyes, the smoke billowing from the kitchen, is really extraordinarily human.

Jian Zhihuixue was silent for a moment in front of his courtyard, his brows and eyes were a little dazed at first, but then he calmed down, turned around and walked towards the green bamboo forest.

Her master is still warming the books and releasing the scrolls in the green smoke, and she has naturally taken a bath, and the blue silk shawl is slightly wet.


"Is it lively outside?"


"Are you happy?"

joy? Jian Zhihui was taken aback for a moment, Chu Ci got up, folded one hand, and put it lightly behind her back, walked to the balcony and saw the outside scene, the breeze was coming, she lightly raised the other hand, and her fingertips fell on Jian Zhixue's head , touch the soft silk hair, white and black, it seems that she smiles lightly with the wind.

"Live for a long time, and the path of longevity becomes a form of practice. If the days remain the same, it is a very exhausting thing. Occasionally, it is quite interesting to have something different."

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