I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2142 ghost

Chu Ci leaned against the door, like a very normal and ordinary young woman in the mortal world.

But such a delicate and intelligent face made people feel more pleasing to the eye than a peerless face.

Jianzhi Huixue has always respected his master, so he lowered his head slightly when he saw this, and said in thought: "Master's heart, Huixue has not been able to achieve it at present."

"Ah? Actually not, the difference is that Qingqiu is not threatening you, but me."


Chu Ci rubbed the corners of his eyes, feeling a little helpless, "Look at another person taking advantage of my little Penglai, will I agree?"

Jianzhi Huixue thought about it too, that Qingqiu was a strange flower that only appeared in the Tianzang world for many generations, but she also knew that this was not the master's connivance to the latter, but. . . .

"Master, do you suspect that Fei Chuan's demon body is in her hands?"

Jian Zhihuixue was curious, but Chu Ci took a deep look at her, "Whether Fei Chuan's demon body is in her hands or not, she is the main force, and she is indispensable."

The return of the sword is clear.

If Qingqiu was just a pure demonic person, his master would naturally not want to be with him. Judging from the old grievances of the other party's entry into the demonic way and killing the demon king, the other party is indeed not a demonic person.

If it is to deal with Fei Chuan, for the well-being of the Tianzang world, we can only temporarily put aside our prejudices and join hands with him, so Master will back down.

Hear the strings and know the elegance.

The return of the sword to Xue suddenly realized the intention of his master to remind him.

"The disciple understands that there will be arrangements for Fang Yourong and the Fifth Dao Ling, especially Fang Yourong."

She is a swordsman, and so is Fang Yourong.

After Jian Zhi Huixue left, he didn't realize that his master was leaning against the door and lightly hooked the corner of his mouth, drooping his eyes and smiling lightly. . . Obscure and profound.


After eating and drinking, Qin Yu took advantage of Xiao Penglai's advantage to the end, and ordered a large private room for the evening.

Saying goodbye, the alien friend is leaving tomorrow, I can't bear it, let's have a late night snack.

So Xiao Tingyun and the others were finally able to stay in the same room with Qin Yu, eating hot pot, drinking and chatting about the mountains.

Laughed while chatting, cried while laughing.

Xuan Luobai and others all came over to give Qin Yu a hug, except for Arsenodis and Xiao Tingyun.

After they all got down and snored, the three of them raised their glasses and clinked each other.

"Aren't you going to ask me what to do next?" Qin Yu asked with a smile.

Xiao Tingyun: "I'm not good enough to evade prying eyes from evil elections. Sometimes it's not a good thing to share secrets, but keeping them is."

She spoke seriously, but Qin Yu smiled and did not deny this point of view. He only took a sip of wine and said in a low voice with the aroma of the wine, "I will go back soon, please help me tell my parents and Xixi Oh them."

This sentence is really light and soft, like the lingering longing of a wanderer who hasn't returned home for a long time, but also a firm attachment.

Xiao Tingyun: "Yes."

After a pause, Xiao Tingyun asked: "Is there a problem with Tianzang's native righteous way?"

Qin Yu didn't expect her to be so sensitive, he pondered for a moment and said, "Did you feel it?"

Xiao Tingyun tasted the wine and said lightly: "The matter of the ancient emperor's mausoleum is not something that Tianjingsha and the Supreme Lingkui can fully facilitate. In fact, they are not the main force."

She didn't say it too directly, but all three of them understood.

Arthenodis: "That Chutz is a bit strange."


Green Bamboo Courtyard, the courtyard is secluded, and in the tea room of the side courtyard, the fragrance wafts up, and the bamboo shadows are adorned with light.

Chu Ci savored the fragrance of tea with his fingertips and lips, lowered his brows and eyes slightly, and said, "After today, she might suspect me."

"The lord of the dignified little Penglai, the world's number one leader in Tianzang, are you still afraid of Qingqiu?"

Chuci: "Is there a second one?"

The other party was silent, and seemed to be smiling lowly. It sounded like a smile, but it didn't look like ordinary people's smiles. His smile was cold, light, and secretive.

Of course, it is also steady and indifferent.

"Fei Chuan's demon body has emerged, it's time to take the next step."

Chu Ci put down the teacup and tapped his finger on the table, "Even if it might have fallen into Qingqiu's hands?"

"Is there a difference? Whether it is in her hands or not, it will eventually return to Wuque."

Chu Ci laughed when he heard the other party's words, "So, it's time to take this last step, right—directly pointing to Wuque."

The man on the opposite side got up, his robes fell down, and his tall figure was reflected on the screen wall of the pavilion with the moonlight.

"The demon soul of Feichuan is suppressed in Wuque, let the news out."

In a word, it is almost earth-shattering, Chu Ci can imagine the disaster it will bring to Wuque.

"I heard that there are always two types of people in Wuque, one is rebellious in their bones, or the sect is deeply rooted in their roots. If you are not rebellious like you, why do you disobey the sect? Don't you know that... .Is Wuque likely to be overthrown?"

After a pause, Chu Ci said deeply: "Even if it is Wuque."

The standing man looked down at her, but without saying anything, he turned and left.

Chu Ci looked at his back with a delicate expression, and shook his teacup.

"If you talk about conspiracy, tea is like wine. You can enjoy a hundred years of loneliness, but you don't know if you can last for ten thousand years."

After this step is completed, is Wuque destroyed, or is it. . . .

She gulped it down, her eyes seemed drunk.

Perhaps her disciples still don't understand that this is the fun she wants - the fun of making waves in her soul during the ordinary days and days.


On the other side, the smell of alcohol in the room was strong, but it didn't smell bad, probably because the three women had distinct fragrances.

Qin Yu's eyebrows were dark, and he explained something to the two women in deep thought.

"Before, I traded a secret from the old man in the sky prison. He told me that there is a ghost in everything."

The biggest ghost in Wuque is you, right?

Xiao Tingyun was taken aback: "A traitor?"

Qin Yu nodded: "He can even be described as a ghost, which means that the other party hides deeply and has terrible strength, and he couldn't find it."

Xiao Tingyun: "There are ghosts in everything, and there may be ghosts in Tianzang Zhengdao, just among the group of people at that time, the status was still high... Maybe they belong to the same system-for example, they are all evil choices. "

Both women had been leaders and had also been involved in politics. With their political sense, they heard some details of the ancient emperor's mausoleum's answer at that time, and they all tasted a little bit.

Qin Yu thought seriously: "Did that De Lan tell you?"

De Lan? Elf king? You are quite familiar, and you have simplified people's names.

Xiao Tingyun: "Yes."

Qin Yu: "Hey, he treats you very well, he can say anything."

Xiao Tingyun glanced at her sideways, with a smile that was not a smile: "What about your tone, if you don't think he is too good to me, you don't think it's a good thing. Or you don't think it's a bad thing, and you want to use this relationship to treat me as a springboard to approach him."

Born in a family of political warlords, his words and rhetoric are very lethal.

Qin Yu: "..."

Am I the kind of scum who just wants others to treat you well? ! !

Well, I am the second type.

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