I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2144 Not Difficult


In the huge fruit forest, Qin Yu stood there straight, clasped his hands, like a scumbag being reprimanded in front of the dean.

She explained the general idea carefully, and the specific content was in line with the real outline.

It's just about the collusion with Fifth Dao Ling, she preemptively strikes.

"I also wanted to tell my senior sister you at the time, but the senior brother said that you valued Guchen very much, and after all, I am only your junior junior sister, so how can I compare with his weight in your heart? After all, we are acquainted. But in those short years, I still made you unhappy every day. He told me to stop talking, so as not to humiliate myself... I was persuaded by him, but I felt very uncomfortable. Every time, senior sister, you treat me coldly Boqing doesn't even let me eat buns, I feel like a knife is twisting my heart, but I can't say it clearly, is there such a poor person like me in the world?"

You can't get over the stuffed buns, can you?

She was tactful and put herself in the dust, so that she felt aggrieved, but she was not polite when she put the eye drops on Fifth Dao Ling.

The fifth knife feather: "..."

Should he tell the younger junior sister that he belongs to the accusing party about who dotes on her more, and her senior sister has never directly denied it.

She still wanted to use it to fool Fang Yourong, she really threw it to the ground in front of Lord Yan to kill him. —————

Qin Yu's car overturned, and as a result of the overturning, Fang Yourong turned around and left.

Qin Yu hurriedly chased after Fang Yourong on the steps in the mountains towering like clouds.

"Senior sister, senior sister, I was wrong...don't be angry, okay?"

"Well, I was the one who advocated lying to you. I just didn't want to put you in a dilemma. After all, his grace to save your life is true. No matter what...it's very difficult to choose."

Fang Yourong didn't stop, but just asked lightly: "Then how do you know that it's difficult for me to choose you?"


"What did he do to you?"

"Hmm... In the early stage, maybe I was just fattening me up, using my wood-type spiritual root as a furnace, but later on, I found out that I have the talent of demon seeds, and wanted to use me to breed demon seeds, and then swallow them?"

When it comes to eye drops, Qin Yu is a professional.

Fang Yourong suddenly stamped his feet, looking at Qin Yu with unpredictable eyes, and finally when Qin Yu was worried.

"If I had known this earlier, it wouldn't be difficult for me to let him go."


Fang Yourong was so decisive, when Qin Yu was stunned, he stretched out his hands and gently hugged her up and down the stairs.

He didn't say anything, but he let go after a while, walked up calmly, and only dropped a sentence lightly.

"As punishment, refill the wine cellar."

So far, concealing her, deceiving her, using her, everything is wiped out.

She won't care about it any more.

This is Fang Yourong.


After climbing the stairs for a long time, it can be counted as reaching the gate of the mountain, but when Qin Yu opened his eyes, he saw a group of black people at the gate of the mountain.

Especially the true disciples took the lead, all of them burst into tears.

That lineup looked like someone who had just sent out the funeral suddenly cheated.

Surprise in sadness, disbelief in surprise.

Well, Qin Yu opened his hands.

"As compensation for how much you have missed me over the past ten years, I allow you to give me a hug."


The top of Cangshan Mountain is still the same wooden house, the wine is bought by Changting late on credit, and it is still medicinal wine, but it is not bad to drink.

After drinking, a group of young people went to the lower wall to contemplate enlightenment through the drunkenness and joy.

Qin Yu, Fang Yourong, Fifth Daoling and Chang Tingwan were left in the room.

"A traitor?" Chang Ting Wan turned his wine glass, his eyes narrowed, and he glanced at Qin Yu and the three of them.

"Do you doubt me?"

Qin Yu: "Why do you have such an intuition?"

Chang Tingwan: "The three of you belong to the same country. I am the only outsider, and I am usually not a good person. If you say this in front of me, can I not think so?"

This person is so bad that it is obvious.

But Qin Yu smiled and didn't say anything, but Fang Yourong poured her a glass of wine, and said lightly: "It's really you, she won't say it clearly, just take you down, anyway, you are not her opponent now , not to mention you took out her intestines."

You can stop mentioning this kind of thing, thank you.

Changting Wan put on a smirk, took the glass of wine, and asked Qin Yu again: "Then what do you mean by telling me, is there any real suspect?"

Qin Yu didn't answer directly, but threw out a sentence, "Fei Chuan's demon body is here with me, I just want to know about his demon soul, as the only three younger generations who have been included in Wuque's top secret group, how are you doing?" watch?"

The three of them fell silent together.


In the sky prison, Qin Yu entered alone. This time, she returned as king.

These Wuque bosses all cast complicated gazes.

Seeing Tian Dazhuang, Qin Yu smiled and said kindly, "Uncle Tian, ​​do you still need a bed warmer? I can do it."

No, goodbye.

Tian Dazhuang immediately refused: "Forget it, I changed my taste recently, I like men, goodbye."

Then he slipped away and ran away.

But Qin Yu looked at his back thoughtfully, and when she turned her eyes, she seemed to want the villain to flirt with other big bosses, and Zhou Xuanqing said lightly from inside the cave, "Come in."

Okay, after so many years, this old man is still a mountain on top of his head?

Qin Yu walked in slowly and saw Zhou Xuanqing squatting in front of the alchemy stove silently throwing firewood. This old man looked like the little Zhuanfeng who was burning the stove under the door of the monster in Journey to the West to stew Tang Monk.

Of course, it was definitely not Tang Seng who screamed miserably in the stove like a pig butcher.

Rather like Zhu Bajie.

Chen Hu, what a pity.

It took Qin Yu three seconds to accept this scene, and he said angrily, "Senior Zhou, your stove burns really well. It's thick but not strong. It's not too strong. Life is better than death. It's just right."

Your ass is just right.

As soon as Zhou Xuanqing stretched out his hand, Qin Yu immediately moved the small bench over, and got one for himself by the way, and the old and the young, together with a fat cat, sat in front of the stove and talked deeply.

"Want to know about Fei Chuan?"

"I also ask the seniors to enlighten me."

"You have demon seeds in your body. Since you are a demon, I would be remiss if I didn't fight you. Why should I tell you my Wuque secret?"


What the hell am I! That's not what you said when we colluded and made troubles to kill the Demon Lord!

Now unload the mill and kill the donkey!


Qin Yu twitched the corners of his mouth, "Senior, let your dark side burn the stove first, and the bright side come out and treat me better?"

In an instant, Zhou Xuanqing in black changed into white, and his spirit changed instantly.

Why do I always come up with such a dead pervert-a professional schizophrenic.

——If someone splits up by one, it can't compare to you splitting up a swarm of bees.

Qin Yu pretended not to hear Bibi's slander, and then looked at the bright side Zhou Xuanqing, "The matter of the devil soul...does senior think I can know? After all, I am not a child anymore."

I have grown up, grandpa, grandpa, I can fight monsters for you!

Qin Yu on the gourd baby's upper body is cute. jpg.

Zhou Xuanqing still had Nanming Limu in his hand, pinched one of his fingers, and unconsciously rattled twice on the ground, before saying something in an unusually calm tone that made Qin Yu feel cold on the soles of his feet in an instant.

"You should have guessed that the existence of the Heavenly Prison is to guard Feichuan's demon soul, but you must not know that no matter whether Feichuan's demon body will leave the place where the ancient emperor's tomb was suppressed, its demon soul will be awakened and revived after three years. This is our inexhaustible ten thousand-year catastrophe—after three years, it will be exactly ten thousand years."

When he said this, his eyes locked on Qin Yu deeply.

MD, why are you talking about such a horrible thing and still staring at me.

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