I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2145 Patriarch grandma (three more!)


Three years is not a long time. For a cultivator, it passes in a blink of an eye. Even a fast-growing person like Qin Yu feels anxious.

The main reason is that Fei Chuan's threat is too great.

It's just that the demon body that has lost its "energy" is so powerful, and if the demon soul itself wakes up, it will not be able to shake the sky!

"Senior, what do you mean, after three years, he will wake up, but his original soul is still trapped under my inexhaustible means, or can he escape? I think...there is a big difference."

Of course the difference is huge, but she has always been able to focus on the key points.

Zhou Xuanqing: "It's the kind of difference you are most afraid of."


Can the demon soul escape from Wuque?

"Could it be that as soon as he awakens, he possesses powerful soul power to break through the suppression? If so, either the means of suppressing him ten thousand years ago have begun to weaken, or he is stronger than ten thousand years ago!"

Zhou Xuanqing took a deep look at Qin Yu, "You are testing me. You want to know how Wuque suppressed him, and where he was suppressed. If so, you might as well say it clearly and let me take you there to see it." one look."

Qin Yu grinned, a little obediently, "If senior takes the initiative, that would be great..."

Zhou Xuanqing: "It's so secret, only people in my prison can know."

Qin Yu: "It's okay, I'm willing to go to jail."

It is possible to go to jail, but she still has to come and go freely.

Zhou Xuanqing: "Then do you know that before you go to jail, you have to do one thing first?"

Qin Yu: "If you tell me, I'll know."

Zhou Xuanqing: "I swear to our patriarch to keep the secret to the death, and I am willing to pay all the price for it, otherwise the sky will be struck by lightning and my soul will be scattered."

You are scarier than wedding vows.

Qin Yu had an embarrassed expression, "Master Patriarch... you're quite strict."

Zhou Xuanqing glanced at her, and said lightly: "Under normal circumstances, she doesn't pay attention to people. If she is willing to show strictness, it means that it is valuable."

You are clearly a fan of licking dogs.

Qin Yu is not willing to entrust his soul to others, and judging by what Zhou Xuanqing means, this is nothing more than a means of keeping secrets and controlling. Even the people in Tianlao are all controlled, and I don't know if it includes brainwashing.

But she couldn't give up the opportunity to see the place where the demon soul was suppressed.

"What, are you afraid?"

"Ah? No, how could it be? For Patriarch Xie Ting, the admiration in my heart is like a surging river."

"You say this to your face."

Zhou Xuanqing stuffed Nan Mingli under the stove, and looked at her with a half-smile, "It's been a long time since I've been back. It's fun to eat, drink and laugh with those little dolls, but I never thought about going back to Gu Daofeng to see it? Ghost?"

You are a very bad old man.

"No, I'll go later, why don't you take me to see Fei Chuan's demon soul first."

"You have his demon body on you, take you there, what if you stimulate him to wake up in advance?"


The reason for this refusal is really irrefutable.

Qin Yu knew that Zhou Xuanqing had a tight mouth, and she was afraid that it would be difficult to ask questions, so she got up and wanted to leave, but Zhou Xuanqing wanted to take her to see Xie Tingyongxue.

"No need, I'll just go by myself, and you can work wherever you want."

"I'd love to take you there."

"I'm not happy."

"Then you take me there."


Facing Zhou Qingxuan in white, Qin Yu thought for a moment that this old thing was bewitched, but soon realized that this was a cold joke from the other party, more like a mockery.

But if this old man is really there, two people are better than one person. Anyway, she always feels that facing Xie Tingyongxue on her stomach is a terrible thing.

"Okay, then I'll take you there."

"No, the stove is going to burn."


"It was free just now, but now it's gone."


You are so arrogant at such a young age, you must be poisonous.


Qin Yu went out with Jiaojiao in his arms, but he didn't see those people, it was empty and quiet.

Inexplicably, it was so empty and secluded, Qin Yu glanced at it, and rubbed her delicate head, "Where do you think Fei Chuan's demon soul is hiding?"

Jiaojiao: "I don't know, why do you ask me this kind of brain-requiring thing? But do you have any doubts about that old man? Could he be that mole?"

"I don't know if he is a traitor or not, but he must have concealed a lot from me. I don't know how much of what he just told me is true."

Qin Yu had always been jealous of Zhou Xuanqing, and he wasn't naive enough to believe what he said, "Besides, none of these Wuque bosses were normal."

"Huh? The traitor is among them? Do you see who it is?"

"No, precisely because I see no one."


Qin Yu narrowed his eyes, "Privately speaking, I should be able to see through their morality now, but the problem is that I can't see any of them. This is not normal."

Jiaojiao was startled when she thought about it, "That's right, we didn't have enough cultivation before, but now we still can't see it. It's okay if I can't see it, and you can't see it either... You have seen through the demon king."

"Could it be Zhou Xuanqing's method for them?"

"No, it's more likely to be my patriarch grandma."

Qin Yu looked in the direction of Gu Daofeng, thoughtful.

It is not surprising that this woman has such means, but what she is curious about is why she does it.

Yuyu: "Would you like to catch someone to see, no matter what the method is, just dissect it. I think that flower picker is very suitable."

What about Tian Dazhuang? Can you dissect it?

Qin Yu wanted to, but Zhou Xuanqing was there, and she wasn't sure if Xie Tingyongxue's feelings were in these people.

Forget it, go back to Gudao Peak first.


Gu Daofeng, Qin Yu just flew down, dawdling close to the yard, and poking at the pillar secretly to peep at the yard. . . jade bi.

Nothing has changed.

It was as if that woman had never existed.

The one in the jade bi is also half dead.

Huang Jinbi couldn't see it, and felt that Qin Yu was too cowardly.

——Anyway, I want to meet her face to face, why is it so, it's better to be more confident, at least I can hold the aura.

It seems to be right.

Qin Yu took a deep breath, pulled down the hem of his clothes, flicked down his sleeves, walked out with his head held high, and walked up to Yubi, with his hands behind his back, looking at Yubi calmly.

The ice surface was silent, and even the scorching sun could not dampen its chill.

This kind of ice and fire contest makes people feel contradictory, but it is so shocking.

——I think it's your people who shocked you, look at your trembling eyes and heart.

Huang ran on the line, but he was still satisfied with Qin Yu's current posture, until Qin Yu pulled it out in the most cold posture. . . Tables, dishes, peanuts, candy and chicken, duck and roast goose.

Set it up and plug in three incense sticks.

The movements are handsome and elegant, with a peerless demeanor.

Then she bowed earnestly three times.

Well, the fat cat next to him also worshiped together.

Judging from the back, one person and one cat have exactly the same movement frequency, and even their temperaments are similar.

Extraordinarily pious.

The golden wall was silent.

——I was about to weep my grave.

It was wondering if the Eastern Emperor and the Zen master in the sky could see this scene.


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