I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2146 Soldiers approaching the city (fourth update! Please subscribe for genuine version)

After burning incense and praying to Buddha, Qin Yu raised his head for the last time, looked up cautiously, and didn't see any terrible scene——a head suddenly appeared, reappearing from a Korean movie, a certain perverted old man stood on the side of the toilet and smiled how you look like.

"It seems that the patriarch grandma is not angry."

Sure enough, I still don't know what she did, thanks to her good job of keeping secrets.

Jiaojiao: "But she also ignored you."

Qin Yu: "..."

"This jade bi is a bit strange. Ice and fire go both ways. I can't find anything out, but it could burn my eyes before, but now it doesn't respond at all."

Qin Yu was entangled in Xie Tingyongxue's secret, and also entangled in whether he should take the initiative to contact him, but before he could think of something to take over, his face suddenly changed slightly, and he looked into the distance.

Jiaojiao also felt it, and jumped onto Qin Yu's shoulder to look ahead, wagging the cat's tail, "What's going on, so many people are here, isn't it a good thing?"

"I'm not here to have a drink and go home, then Chuci... I'm afraid he's here to cause trouble." Qin Yu's face was stern.

This trouble is still very big, and he is confident, otherwise people like Chu Ci would not make such a big fuss.

Taking advantage of the situation and taking advantage of the situation to raise troops, it is obvious that the division is famous.

"I am afraid that the secret that is perfect is no longer a secret."

"That dog thing leaked the secret."

The so-called dog is obviously the traitor.

Qin Yu's face was a little dark.


At that time, Wuque occupied a large area at the front of the mountains, facing the mountains and the sea, with the beautiful scenery of the river, and the vastness of the sky and the earth. Que rises, and those who know it think that Wuque is revived, but they all agree that Wuque is now at the peak of luck and spiritual power, which is really incomparable to the past.

But no one expected to have such an encounter today—that day, is it going to change?

I saw the howling mountain wind and the turbulent sea area. Standing at the place where the mountain gate overlooks the hills, looking into the distance, you can see that the mountain and sea tides are about to come.

Even if their cultivation bases were not high, all the disciples of Wuque's sect felt flustered and fearful, Qiqi looked at the increasingly gloomy eastern sky.

The appearance of Fang Yourong and Wu Daoling calmed many people's hearts, but they didn't leave either. They only saluted the former, and they were silent and waited quietly.

"The visitor is not necessarily a guest, but no matter what you see, don't be afraid, don't panic."

Fifth Dao Ling's words calmed the uneasiness in everyone's hearts like a rock, and many disciples raised their hands and bowed their swords.

Such gradual progress, like the gentlest ray of breeze, soothes all injustices.

The elders didn't worry too much about the riots in the sect, they just stood in front of the disciples and welcomed the faster and faster general trend with the true disciples.

Until the space in the distance is distorted.

In the large teleportation array, not only visitors are visitors, but there is no doubt that there are many of them, and they are very strong, and they don't seem to have the intention of hiding their intentions - they are in the sky in front of the Wuque Mountain Gate of the majestic group teleportation.

Like the technique of moving mountains and seas, the army is approaching the city in an instant!

Such a big movement is earth-shattering, not to mention Huaye Dajing Prefecture or Ulcheon Dajing Prefecture as the "offensive side", even the northern Xinjiang alliance system of Lielu Dajing Prefecture that has been "teleported" is aware of this change After that, I was also surprised.

"Today... is it going to change?"

Originally, due to some ulterior or well-known reasons, the leader of Lielu Dajing State, the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, had the heart to eradicate Wuque, because they had already realized that Wuque was The biggest obstacle to the unification of the four parts.

But this kind of thinking followed Qin Yu's rise in the magic way, and also followed Fang Yourong and the two of them all the way to Xiaopenglai. Know. . . This accident is so sudden and so fierce!

The hawks of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance almost cried out from laughter, Xing hurriedly consulted with the current leader of the alliance, Wei Beichuan, the Great Zhujun of Lielu.

Soon, they had a decision.


Originally, many of Wuque's disciples had never seen the majesty of other Dajing states, nor had they seen those lofty existences, such as Little Penglai.

I saw it today.

There were quite a few people there, but the handsome and handsome men could only be regarded as the background, and the four people were the most eye-catching.

Those are the leaders of the four strongest organizations.

Fang Yourong and Fifth Daoling saw Xue Sheng, Nangong Mei, Chu Ci, and of course, another person.

Although they had never seen each other before, Fang Yourong and the others knew who they were just by looking at the other party standing with these people.

The head of Jingmen, Daoguang.

There are also old fritters with white eyebrows.

These five people are from Daejeong Prefecture in Ulcheon, and also from Huaye, such as Wuse

With so many lords and their subordinates, it is not just a visit.

Fifth Dao Ling and Fang Yourong were in the sky, facing such an overwhelming situation, they saw the wind and the clouds surging in the distance, and the coercion of the strong gathered like owls, they did not speak.

What should come, is still here.


Jian Zhihuixue was also among the traveling people of Xiao Penglai, and when he saw Fang Yourong and the two who had just parted, their expressions were slightly subtle.

In fact, before this, she hadn't known what her master was going to do to Wu Que, and she had followed her previous decision.

But the latter suddenly left with the reason that he wanted to take his junior sister home.

At that time, Jianzhi Huixue had a strange feeling——Little Penglai, who ordinary people spend their whole lives trying to squeeze in, may be to others, it just happened to be with a certain junior sister, since the junior sister is leaving, Then of course she has to go.

Whether you will come back or not is up for debate, but it is certain that you will not be able to stay at that time.

This Wuque always produces strange and powerful people.

But even with such a judgment, Jian Zhi Huixue also knew that the situation was awkward between them at this time, so she kept silent, and did not allow her disciples to speak up at that time - she was not afraid of offending Fang You to allow them or something , it's not that he is afraid of the unfathomable Wuque, but that he can't grasp his master's decision-making attitude.

Always felt. . . Today's move is so unexpected.

Jianzhi Huixue would be so cautious as a disciple leader. In fact, the best disciples of the other three top organizations are similar. They are all smart and sensitive. Regardless of Wuque's background, Feichuan Demon Soul is involved after all.

The disciple group is silent, while the elite group is indifferent. They are the largest fighting group. When they are called to this place, it means that there is a possibility of fighting.

But maybe everyone didn't expect Wuque to have only two young juniors to preside over the overall situation.

Is this fear, or is it too contemptuous of them?

But based on their understanding of Wu Que, Wu Que did not act like Meng Lang. Could it be that he was holding back some big move?

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