I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2155 Evil Immortal (, fate is so wonderful ink dyed lion heart)

The Fifth Daoling noticed that Qin Yu was looking at him, and he just said indifferently: "So, you threw out this secret just to catch me. It seems that there is no definite evidence, and I can deny it."

Qin Yu: "But you won't, because if I tell you this, you will have to pass on this secret. As long as you pass it on, you won't be able to get rid of this crime."

Fifth Daoling was still sitting on the small bench. His height and long legs made him look a little ridiculous, but he was as stable as Mount Tai, without any feeling of being pierced, and he seemed graceful, "Then if I can really pass on this news , are you not afraid of the consequences?"

Qin Yu hugged Jiaojiao and kneaded the fluff, her fingertips felt so good, but her expression was a little stern: "Could it be that if you don't pass it on, then the evil immortal won't do it? If you pass it on, he will still focus on this place anyway, if you don't pass it on. ...he will directly attack the outside world."

Outside, there are countless disciples.

Everyone noticed Qin Yu's intentions, a little surprised, and a little bit. . .

"You used to have a big picture."

"Sometimes the big picture is a pessimistic statement that means sacrificing a few to keep the many."

"You want both? It's hard. Being too demanding is not a good thing."

Qin Yu was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "Okay, I lied to you, in fact, I want you to take the initiative to contact the evil fairy outside and let him locate here - although the confinement cage of good luck can isolate communication, And you have a way, but even if you have a way, you still need to secretly open a gap transmission... Do you think we can capture your small movements with so many people here?"

In fact. . . The message has probably been passed on.

Fifth Dao Ling's expression revealed this matter.

Zhou Xuanqing's expression was light, "I caught that gap, let's go out."


Everyone flew out one after another, and in the blink of an eye only Zhou Xuanqing and Fifth Daoling were left.

And Fifth Daoling, who was fixed, looked at Zhou Xuanqing, who had gloomy eyes and an expressionless face, without any panic, just lowered his head and stroked his own saber.


Outside the confinement cage, Tianjingsha and the others were already outside the walls of the corresponding space. In front of them was an ugly and distorted old man in a black robe. This person held a black crystal bead in his hand, and his fingernails were sharp and black. , Like a minion of a zombie, the finger points to a point on the wall, and the black bead wanders through mysterious runes. This is the art of good fortune, and it is also the method of partially opening the gaps in the confinement cage.

He's going in.

They want to kill and find Fei Chuan's demon soul.

"After I enter, if the situation is about the same during the fierce battle, the cover will be opened. You'd better go in and kill them by surprise, and you'd better capture some important people as hostages."

We are all evil VIPs, so we can act arrogantly, viciously and shamelessly.

Naturally, Tianjingsha and the others should be flying away to prepare for the next fight, and suddenly sensed something, Tianjingsha turned his head and looked, only to see that his evil spirit hadn't entered the hood yet—in the cage The little bird flew out first.

"How can this be!"

"Master Jingsha..."

"Never mind, just follow the original plan."

Tianjingsha was decisive and continued to fly to other directions.

At that time, this evil fairy suddenly faced the flying Qin Yu and other lord-level combat power, although he was surprised, but also. . . There was a moment of panic.

Eh, this evil immortal doesn't seem very confident?

Chu Ci noticed that this evil fairy seemed to be after seeing Qin Yu. . . You are especially cautious, and you don't mean to belittle it, and the first move is a ruthless move!

good fortune. . . The sky-high black light came out of the crystal ball, like a black mudslide, directly churning and covering the sky within ten miles, entangled Baimei and others who flew out, but Jiaojiao manipulated the space and tried to separate and rescue them. a little time.

Fortunately, Qin Yu, Chu Ci, Dao Guang and Wu Se were not recruited.

"You two are the main force, I and Wu Se will give you milk."

In fact, Chuci and Daoguang are thinking about the main force, we are not as good as you, how dare you be a milk?

Qin Yu is really embarrassing, and her milk is more versatile, with one hand zooming in, one hand assisting the state, and a flute assist, so that Chu Ci and Daoguang felt that the state exploded in minutes, and the attack power doubled by more than two Times, the evil immortals were stunned.

In fact, the horror of immortals is naturally terrifying to ordinary monks in the lower realm. The Mahayana period is like a chicken to them, but Chuci is different from Daoguang. , The inheritance is complete, it is comparable to a half-step immortal, if they join hands. . . Maybe there is still a slight gap with the fairy, but with the help of Qin Yu and colorless crazy milk, it will be different.

Colorless: "It's really amazing, the poor monk feels ashamed."

Qin Yu, who was playing the flute, took a break, and said out of nowhere: "Later, if they don't attack enough, you can go up and hit it. I heard that all of you monks have practiced golden bell-covered iron cloth shirts, and can be used as meat buns." Use it."

The colorless expression was calm, slightly tactful and helpless: "Your Majesty, you are joking, I am a Buddhist and Taoist, and most of my practice is the technique of transcendence. Those who fight and kill are basically not good at it."

Qin Yu: "Oh, but I will still use you as a meat bun."


Hope that doesn't happen.

In fact, out!

"Is this evil immortal so powerful?"

In fact, after Daoguang and Chuci were milked out of MAX state by Qin Yu, the four of them should be able to KO a fairy level together, not to mention that Jiaojiao has helped Baimei and the others out of trouble, which is equivalent to a gang fight, but the problem is—— — This evil way is no ordinary fairy.

Jiaojiao: "Damn! Yuyu, this guy has mastered more than five kinds of fortune-telling techniques! He can definitely be regarded as the best elite! Evil ways really want to kill you!"

——This person's cultivation is stuck at the lowest limit of the immortal level, so it is easier to teleport. Basically, every immortal sent to the lower realm has this level of cultivation, but the cultivation is about the same, but the realm is deviated. At such a low level It is indeed extraordinary to be able to master five kinds of earth-gang fortune-telling techniques at a young age.

——Such an extraordinary person should be able to search for information, let me check.

——Yes, this person's name is Guishu Taoist, who has the median core elite authority in the evil selection, and is the third disciple of the ghost cave evil master in the evil path of the heavens. Fighting against high-rank immortals, crossing two ranks, etc., he is a genius, and he also has a lot of status under the sect of Guidong Xiezun.

Evil Venerable Disciple? No wonder it is so powerful!

Obviously, this very prestigious third disciple Guishu Taoist was the one sent by Guidong Xiezun to kill Qin Yu.

Daoist Guishu cannot bring immortal artifacts to the lower realm, because the coercion of immortal artifacts will make the transmission more difficult, so the black crystal ball in his hand is not an immortal artifact, but only a half-immortal artifact. With the five fortune-telling techniques, he was still able to PK firmly against the siege of Chu Ci and others, and the black current he manipulated kept attacking everyone, causing Baimei and the others to suffer terribly, and Jiaojiao also struggled.

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