I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2156 Sword Man

At a certain moment, Daoist Guishu, who had restrained everyone, suddenly took out an object.

That's a magic weapon.

It is also a crystal ball, but it seems familiar.

It seems to be the one used by Tianjingsha before. . .

not good!

In an instant, this celestial crystal ball suddenly erupted with bloody light, and everyone who was irradiated froze in the accessible place.

But Taoist Ghost Shu didn't rush to kill Chu Ci and the others, but flew over in an instant. . . One palm! ! !


Bombed down directly.

With that palm, the chest of the person who was hit was sunken, and the golden light of Buddha's aura scattered around his body, reaching all over the world, as if he was illuminated by the light of Buddha. . .

"He's so vicious, he's so powerful, he's really not a person!"

Qin Yu scolded the ghost Shu Taoist sharply.


He still vomited blood after being pushed decisively and fiercely by Qin Yu just now, but just after he vomited out the blood, he also felt someone hiding behind him. . . It suddenly turned into a magic light and rushed out.

"Well done, you are the one who killed you!!"

Daoist Guishu was afraid that Qin Yu wouldn't come out, so when he saw her come to his door automatically, although he was on guard, he was ready to kill her by force.

So he raised the fairy crystal ball in his hand, concentrating a beam of blood light, this time it was a single attack!

Towards Qin Yu. . .

hum! A white light enveloped him from above.

It was Jiaojiao who appeared in a teleport, holding a mirror in his hand, and directly covered the mirror light!

The ghost gate opened, and the mysterious energy surged, directly entangled Taoist Guishu, trying to drag him into the ghost gate.

Fuck! ! Another fairy?

Originally Taoist Ghost Shu concentrated on attacking Qin Yu, but he also took precautions against Chu Ci and others, but he just didn't expect Jiaojiao to have such a big killer in hand. Once the ghost door was dragged, all his actions were affected, keep Balance is difficult, and that is just a few breaths. . .

Chu Ci and others have already dodged around, and the strongest single attack is the group attack!

boom! ! !

The light was violent, and all of it hit Taoist Guishu. Taoist Guishu was severely injured, but he also used the crystal ball in his hand to forcibly cut off the breath from his body, and escaped from the ghostly ghostly atmosphere. Nearby shadows.

Then there was a devil's claw rushing towards his face.

Pooh! The devil's claws directly inserted into the wound on his body that had just been opened.

Pierce, unleash the spell!

A curse driven by magic is a curse!

The disintegration of the curse master caused all the evil power in his body to be disordered, forming a devouring vortex. Immediately afterwards, Jiaojiao punched the ghost gate at him, and the ghostly energy of the ghost gate spontaneously entered his body.

The evil power and the Nether Qi rolled together, and they collided and attacked, causing Taoist Ghost Shu's body to swell into a huge sphere in a blink of an eye.

Immortals, their physiques are already hard to destroy, and their souls are even more difficult to perish after being immortalized. This is the main reason why it is difficult for people from the lower world to completely eliminate the threat of the other party even if they can defeat the immortal.

Qin Yu knew this a long time ago, so he chose the most environmentally friendly way-let him collapse on his own!

Daoist Ghost Shu already knew that he had failed, so he immediately squeezed the two crystal balls in his hands and poured in a lot of spiritual power.

At that time. . . The space cover was finally opened!

The confinement cage is lifted! Tianjingsha and others rushed in brazenly!

"Not good, go down..."

When Chu Ci and the others saw their family members in danger, they knew that with the strength of Tianjingsha and Yan Shili, the people below were not enough for the other party to kill, so they flew down one after another. . . .

However, as soon as they went down, Qin Yu's expression changed.

She is locked.

Chu Ci and others heard the huge movement behind them, turned their heads to look, and changed their colors in horror.

The evil thunder fell from the sky.

It was more like a sword than thunder, and the evil sword struck Qin Yu directly.

Abrupt, ferocious, and unrivaled in strength, he is more than one level stronger than the previous Taoist Guishu.

And Qin Yu who was hit was only swallowed by the fierce and terrifying sword energy. At that moment, it seemed that the entire sky was occupied by the sword light that dissipated violent and evil energy.

Wuque's disciples who had to go to war after being killed by Tianjingsha and others also suddenly heard the big news and took a look.

Although I didn't see who was hacked clearly, I thought about it with my toes. . .

"That must be our Senior Sister Qingqiu!"

"It's her! I know it!"

After Ying Ruoruo and others confirmed this, few of them were too sad. They were all surprised—well, maybe because they were used to it.

Anyway, in all likelihood, my senior sister Qingqiu will not die.

They have never seen a tougher person than her!


In the next second, Xie Shuling yelled, "I'll go, I didn't break it!"

Such a big movement, didn't it break?


It did not split.

The sword flow was smooth, and the evil fog was heavy. The "Qin Yu" who was chopped under the sword had already been turned into powder, but the Qin Yu a thousand meters away was indeed intact.

"The magic puppet technique, one of the ancient magic patterns, is very powerful."

The voice came abruptly, but Qin Yu caught the speaker at a glance. A shadow of a person appeared inside the blade wall of the ten-foot-tall evil sword. He looked like a person sealed in the sword, tall, thin, His gaze was like lightning, looking at Qin Yuxie coldly and domineeringly.

Qin Yu: "Sealing the body in the sword to travel through the lower world, Your Excellency's methods are also very powerful. Could this be the superior swordsmanship in the swordsmanship—the swordman?"

She spoke very seriously, as if she really admired her, but the other party still heard her ridicule and contempt.

This is normal, there is no one who is not humiliated by this woman when he is chosen by evil.

"If you equate me with those wastes in front of you, you will suffer."

"The evil people who fought with me all ended up eating shit."


Good, don't talk nonsense to her.

This swordman, Xiexian, directly attacked. . . . Another sword swept across half the sky.

Qin Yu's long hair fluttered with it.

Thousands of miles of clear skies, domineering sword evil.

But ask whether that sword can kill someone. . . .


Because there is another sword coming.

hum! The fairy air is ethereal, and the sound of the piano is curling. I can see the gorgeous light flying behind Qin Yu, with countless petals dancing and whirling, as if a fairy descended.

There are indeed immortals!

The immortal hasn't figured it out yet, but the sword has arrived.

The two swords were not piercing, and Qin Yu, who was between them, was motionless, his robe was rolled by the fluctuating air current of the sword light, and finally. . . The waves are at the beginning of peace.

There is a sword man in the sky on the left and right, and an immortal in Chinese clothes.

Swordman Xiexian: "It's you! Zhao Wuya!"

Zhao Wuya: "It's you! The evil sword Chifeng!"

The tone of greeting is like a long-lost brother reunited.

Hmm, probably the inheritance type.

Hate index MAX ah.

"I think the so-called righteous way of the Tianzang world is still stable, but I didn't expect to secretly ask for help from the upper realm to move people."

Xie Jian Chi Feng sneered and sneered. He looked like a playboy without a limit, but he still wanted to take the route of immortality. Hearing this, he smiled: "Isn't this for your evil ways? In case you don't come from our upper world It’s a fairy rank, so how can you meet people when you go out.”

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