I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2163 Ultimate move! (It's over, it's so hard, take a shower and go to sleep.)

But I heard the evil sword Chifeng over there interjected loudly: "It must not be to deal with me, He Dehe can... But it's useless if he goes, he just dies."

Others felt dizzy when they heard it, and felt like they were playing charades.

Qin Yu narrowed his eyes and said lightly, "Come back."

What she called was Jiaojiao who was about to move over in a hurry.

"Qiuqiu! I want to go there, or..."

Qin Yu: "No matter how powerful a dead person's body is, it's not worth your risk. He's right. That space is not under the protection of the Tianzang World Plane. Those who attack must exceed the level of immortal generals. You and I will go over there." It’s all sent to death, anyway, no matter whether the other side succeeds or not, it will be sent back here, we just wait.”

As she spoke, she suddenly raised her eyes, her gaze coldly swept across the evil sword, like a scythe in autumn.

"Until then, it's all about reducing their power as much as possible."

Then she folded her hands together and opened the field wide!

And at that moment, Jiaojiao also had a perfect tacit understanding, and directly moved the space - moved the space where the evil sword Chifeng was located to the place where Qin Yu's domain was opened.

Gulu, like a gulp, directly swallowed the evil sword Chifeng who couldn't avoid it and was terrified.

This was very abrupt and swift, which shows that Qin Yu's murderous intentions are strong.

But after Zhao He, Zhao Wuya and Bao Han's eyelids twitched, they felt the terrible coercion before seeing whether the evil sword Chifeng was dead or not.

Damn, is there such a big commotion? Even stronger than when this fucking field was revealed?

They were scared.

But soon found out. . . This is not the movement brought by Qin Yu.

Fei Chuan's demon body is here!

"It's outside the plane barrier, in the space gap."

Since Chu Ci has been in charge of the Tianzang plane for many years, he is naturally extremely sensitive to this.

When the others heard what she said, they were colorless, "So she was eager to kill Tianjingsha and Xiejian Chifeng, because she was afraid..."

Chu Ci's eyes were deep, "Because there is no internal force to guide it, it is only a demon body that loses its soul and it is difficult to find the correct space passage to enter the Tianzang world. If he blindly attacks the space, even if he has the power to break through the barrier and get out of the gap, it will be very difficult. It is easy to attract space turbulence and be swept away."

So Qin Yu wasn't waiting for Fei Chuan's demon body to come in by himself, but said that his body was very honest to prevent the possibility of the demon body entering the Tianzang world.

Because once you enter. . .

"The demon soul is in Wuque, and if the demon body comes to Wuque again, I am afraid it will stimulate the awakening of the demon soul. When the two become one, it will really be impossible to recover." Daoguang looked condensed, "We must stop it!"

How to stop it?

Now that the evil sword Chifeng has been brought into the domain by Qin Yu, the rest will be. . .

"What are you waiting for, fuck her, that idiot!!" Jiaojiao roared ferociously.

Fortunately, Chuci and the others have already started.

Qi Qi locks on to Tianjingsha and strikes directly. Even if she can't kill her instantly, she won't cause any trouble.

This can be regarded as being under control. If Fei Chuan's demon body can't get in, the situation will be much easier to control.

Righteous people have a sense of gratitude, but they faintly feel that it is unreal, and they always feel that there is something wrong.

until. . . Fang Yourong suddenly felt a creepy feeling, glanced at one place, thoughtful, and suddenly his figure flashed.

Just dodge a one-man raid.

who? Sky clean sand?

No, it was someone no one could have imagined.

"Situ Puppet!!" Jianzhi Huixue saw this scene, because he recently made a sword from behind, and Fang Yourong also returned the sword just in time.

The two swords met, but hit the puppet.

The magic energy on the puppet was very strong.

Although it is normal to say that they are all demonic ways, but the demonic energy is probably too strong, and it is not like his original power at all.

But everyone didn't have time to think about it, only to see this strange Situ Puppet suddenly took a deep look at Qin Yu, and it was this look that made everyone feel offended for no reason.

And he also said something weird.

"It's really not easy. You can count as killing three of them. I have been waiting for a long time."

Qin Yu's eyebrows twitched, suddenly he controlled the domain with his left hand, and his right hand raised his soul to grab the soul in the domain.

But it was too late.

They have come out.

In the domain, only Xie Jian Chi Feng was trapped, but there were three souls. Apart from Xie Jian Chi Feng, it was the soul of Xie Xian Gui Shu Taoist who was the first to die, and the soul of Mu Li. There were three souls in total. people.

Three souls came out of the domain, and in the blink of an eye they entered Situ Puppet's eyebrows.

What kind of feeling does that immortal-level soul eat three in one go?

Generally speaking, it will explode, just like a snake eating three pig stomachs will explode.

But this Situ Puppet was so weird, after swallowing it, it became stronger at a terrifying speed as if it had mutated normally.

It is not so much devouring as it is a kind of sacrifice.

Moreover, this kind of sacrifice is probably not a one-way arrangement, but a two-way arrangement.

Jiaojiao: "Those three are also willing? Snake spirit disease, this is not self-destruction, and the soul sacrifice will directly be lost!"

Since when did the evil candidates have such high ideological and moral qualities?

This is not normal!

You see, even the other evil choice is dazed.

"Fuck! Soul Sacrifice?" Bao Han was shocked, as an evil way, he didn't even know there was such a showy operation.

No one was in a daze and didn't expect such a result. Both Zhao He and Zhao Wuya, who were also immortals, were dizzy, but Zhao Wuya, who was born in Tianxuan, had a quick mind and suddenly figured out something, and his eyes changed.

Fuck, it wouldn't be what he thought it would be!

Did you specially send three geniuses at the level of senior disciples down for soul sacrifice?

The so-called two-way—actually, it is the two-way cooperation between the venerables of the evil election camp and this "Situ Puppet", and it has nothing to do with the three Taoist ghosts.

They are dead chess!

Of course, if they can successfully kill Qin Yu, that would be a great thing, and there would be no need to make the next move, but since all three of them were killed by Qin Yu, that would be the next move.

This chess move is the ultimate ultimate move of the evil chosen camp, and it is also the strongest ultimate move they can come up with so far.

The Dark Gold House's Evil Selection camp is too generous. This Qin Yu can be so tyrannical now, maybe he was forced out by Evil Selection's unlimited assassination method.

Anyone who encounters this will be crazy!

The change of Situ Puppet actually confused Goutou and others, but they are demons and they knew each other before, so at first glance, the first boss above them is so secretive, so they are naturally sensitive.

The eyes of the always cunning dog head were wide open, God is sorry, there was a terrible thought in his mind, and he didn't know whether he should say it or not.

Maybe he didn't dare to say it, because Situ Puppet's magic power had surpassed Qin Yu's.

Stronger magic, stronger magic.

Yaoyao confronted Qin Yu, and their eyes met for a while, because neither of them could afford to delay, so Qin Yu took a deep look at him.

"It turned out to be you."

"it's me."

The bald conversation that made others anxious was accompanied by Situ Puppet's decisive action of tearing apart the space.

He is going to introduce Fei Chuan's demon body!

This time, no one can stop it!

By the way, here is a modification. The first evil fairy to appear is Taoist Guishu, and he is also the first to die, and the swordman Xiejian Chifeng is behind. The sword man was written as Taoist Guishu. If I revise it again, I will also change the previous one. Sorry, I have been confused recently.

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