I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2164 Awakening? (See you at the end of the month for monthly tickets)


It's too strong. Situ Puppet's strength is increasing terrifyingly. In terms of the strength of the soul alone, no one here is his opponent.

He tore apart the space, and everyone saw Fei Chuan's demon body, which was entering the world of Tianzang.

Compared with the sudden intrusion of such a murderous thing in Tianzang World, the space itself is somewhat resisted, but it cannot be refused.

Jiaojiao: "According to the previous practice, the planar will of the Tianzang world should not let such a dangerous thing in."

Qin Yu was not so optimistic: "It's different, don't forget that Fei Chuan is originally a native creature in the world of Tianzang."

Jiaojiao had an epiphany, yes, if it is local, no matter how much the local will think the other party is threatening, it cannot completely reject the other party. "

So Fei Chuan's demon body can definitely come in, it depends on how much time the other party will spend.

It also depends on whether Qin Yu and the others can use this time to stop something.

Fei Chuan's demon body is passing through the space channel. They either target Fei Chuan's demon body or the space.

The words of space. . . It is impossible for Qin Yu to let Jiaojiao take risks in the space and let him face Fei Chuan's demon body alone.

So both possibilities are PASSed.

There is only one last possibility left - to attack this Situ puppet, in the middle of the process of tearing the space, let the space barrier heal, and block Fei Chuan's demon body.

In fact, this is not Qin Yu's business alone. It stands to reason that talents like Chu Ci should be impatient, so once they have this kind of knowledge, they will all gather their strength and turn to attack Situ Puppet. Unfortunately, the gap is too great.

Their attacks seemed so vulnerable.

Qin Yu, who was the only one with lethal power, didn't do anything in a daze.

Why did she go?

When Tian Jingsha found out that Qin Yu had disappeared, he dodged immediately, but his shoulder was still torn by a claw, and blood and flesh splattered from the bend of his arm.

She went to an area a thousand meters away in an instant, fixed her eyes on Qin Yu, and only saw Qin Yu's flash of strong killing intent.

"In such a hurry to kill me, just overestimating me will cause you big trouble?"

She asked, and Qin Yu answered.

"You are not right, I have a hunch, you have a secret."

And this kind of secret is definitely related to the conspiracy of the evil way.

Tian Jingsha realized that her body was locked, Qin Yu's killing intent was too obvious, she would not let her go.

Killing danger in the cradle?

This is an advanced prediction.

Tianjingsha lowered his eyes, his eyes were deep and strange, and it was also at the moment when Qin Yu was about to kill Tianjingsha.


The whole space suddenly trembled.

The shaking of the space caused all the attacks to be squeezed away by the space, and Tian Jingsha also took the opportunity to dodge.

The reason why the space changed dramatically was because Fei Chuan's demon body came in.

Came in much earlier than everyone expected.

When it was over, everyone looked at Fei Chuan's demon body and then at Situ Puppet, feeling desperate.

Either way, they can't beat it.

No, it might have been possible!

Zhao Wuya: "Look! You two idiots, if you don't do anything at the beginning and don't spend your strength on it, maybe the three of us teamed up plus her can still have a fighting power, look now! MD, I'm unlucky to go down to earth and go on missions with idiots like you."

Zhao He was stunned to practice blood, wanted to refute but had no excuses, was extremely disheartened, and could only reluctantly shout: "This is the end of the matter, you are too late, now it is time to join forces to deal with this situation..."

Zhao Wuya: "With whom? With her? Go beg her!"

Zhao He: "..."

No, I don't want to.

Seeing that Zhao He was abolished, Zhao Wuya had found a chance to surrender, and immediately shouted to Qin Yu: "Girl, the situation is urgent now. Although the two of them acted stupidly before, it was very offensive, but please join hands now. There must be compensation afterwards."

Qin Yu knew Zhao Wuya's depth, and also knew the other party's good intentions, but she replied: "I'm afraid we haven't succeeded in joining forces, and the demon body and demon soul on the opposite side are about to join forces."

What? Zhao Wuya was startled, and suddenly felt a very strange feeling.

That kind of feeling is like the bottom of the deep sea, the dark space, the viscous and huge seabed pressure, which is everywhere and pervasive.

This is the external environment, but in this environment, the most frightening thing is that something seems to come out of it. . . .

This feeling goes deep into the soul, it is trembling and panic from the soul.

"It's the devil soul! It's coming out!"

Surprised by everyone, they suddenly saw ghosts and wolves howling in the huge Wuque Mountains.

"It's all the gods who have been alarmed!"

"Sure enough, once the demon body arrives, it will naturally lure the demon soul to awaken."

There are countless spiritual energy gathered in the sky, the spiritual energy is vertical and horizontal, and it seems to be suppressed downwards, but obviously it cannot be suppressed, the ground has already started to shake, some naturally cracked small gaps, but wisps of magical energy naturally escaped.

In the area, the souls of all people felt a kind of coercion.

After confirming the coercion, it is the demon soul.

You can see that Situ Puppet swallowed the immortal souls of three people, he can overwhelm Qin Yu, but Fei Chuan's devil soul breath is more terrifying than his.

"The most frightening thing is that his soul energy is still growing!"

Seeing that what Qin Yu said before is about to become a reality, no one here can stay out of it—except for those who are evil or evil.

"Senior sister, go in and call out those old men and women in the sky prison. When will they come out and play mahjong inside! If this is really playing mahjong, there will be several left for a table of four, right? Come out and take it down!"

Qin Yu couldn't hold back his howl, and Fang Yourong frowned when he was called out, "I lost their communication."

She is barely a member of the Heavenly Prison, and she is connected with it. Since the communication channel has been lost, there are only two possibilities.

"Either the call was deliberately not answered, or the communication signal inside was gone."

One is active and the other is passive. There is a big difference. No one knows what is going on now.

And the situation in front of him is already running wildly towards the worst situation like a wild horse - the bad guys outside have a big advantage, almost one-sided, and the inside can't get through the phone! Where's Zhou Xuanqing, have you eaten shi?

What kind of hell-level mode is this?

Jiaojiao was resentful, but Qin Yu calmed down instead, no, she seemed to have been calm all along.

As soon as Tian Jingsha thought about it, she realized that she was frozen. She was startled, and her eyes turned to Qin Yu.

I saw her floating high in the sky, facing Fang Situ, who had previously dominated the side with demonic energy, and Fei Chuan's demon body, who was awakening to lure the demon soul.

She spoke.

"It's really a big handwriting. It's hidden so deep, one ring after another. I'm afraid it was buried right from the beginning."

"However, do you really think I have no cards? Situ Puppet."

After a pause, Qin Yu slightly hooked his lips, "Or, the Lord Demon Lord whom I killed once."

Everyone: "???"

Demonic person: "!!!"

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