I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2165 Master~~

The tangled nerves in the dog's mind were finally straightened out and penetrated to the end at once.

The Demon Lord did not die, and turned into Situ Puppet.

Situ Puppet's originally dull face changed slightly in an instant, like ridicule and provocation.

"Oh, I'm glad you finally figured it out."

Qin Yu: "What would you think if I said I knew it a long time ago?"

If Situ Puppet was the devil, he would have a deep understanding of Qin Yu, because he had actually experienced the feeling of being knocked out by her.

Even if it might be one of the moves, the state of death is real.

If he wasn't afraid of her ability, why would he have to pay such a high price.

"What flaw?"

"From Gu Chen's desire to train me as a substitute for a demon seed to devour me in the future, to you wanting to take this path, and my research and understanding of the demon seed later on, I think that the egg-like existence of the demon seed can be If you grow up to eat chickens, you can also directly devour yourself and replace them with the chicks inside the eggs. You will have better aptitude and better prospects for cultivation. Otherwise, with your completely different personality from Gu Chen, you will not go the same way. The only reason is that you also have the ultimate desire for power—you long for a stronger and more perfect magic way."

"so what?"

"So after I suspected that the demon species had this kind of operation method, I doubted everyone in the demon sect, thinking that you have been the demon king for so many years, and you have so many demon species, you must cultivate some good works. This is also That's why I refused to kill other people after I killed you, leaving them a dog's life. Sure enough, I started to investigate from the landlord... It was confirmed that Situ Puppet's aptitude was so good, but he hid it very deeply. Use puppet way to express, so that others ignore my own strength. Of course, I couldn't be sure if you were the devil at the time, so I asked Jiaojiao to take me back to the devil's palace quietly, and found The place where you and Situ Puppet lived, observed the traces of your life, and the smell left on those daily necessities, and I found..."

Everyone opened their eyes wide, the same? the same person?

Then I heard Qin Yu say: "I found nothing, they are not the same, there is no trace of connection."


Pants are off, you want me to hear this?

"I thought I was thinking too much. Situ Puppet might just like to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, but I still did the last investigation."

Situ Puppet narrowed his eyes and said hoarsely, "What?"

He always knew that even if he became Situ Puppet, it would be risky, because before he reached a cooperation with the evil way and devoured three immortal souls, he had no strength to counter Qingqiu.

So if the other party locked himself in from the beginning and searched and tested him in private, it is normal for him not to notice, and the other party is not considered an afterthought.

But he was also afraid at the beginning, he was perfect in every aspect, without leaving any traces, what could she find out?

Qin Yu: "I went to find your sleeping witches, the latest wave, that is, the group before we set off for Tianshu Secret Realm."

Situ Puppet: "..."

Everyone: "???"

Qin Yu: "I extracted something from their bodies, and then took some of your own hairs—I secretly pulled out a few while you were sleeping."

She seemed to notice the weird expressions on everyone's faces, but Qin Yu didn't care either. She studied medicine and dissected many bulges. She didn't have any grudges about it. After saying these words calmly, she looked at Situ Puppet said: "I did a comparison test and found that you are the same person. I thought that since you have such a means to hide and refuse to escape, then you have a bigger conspiracy. Sure enough, I saw it today."

Situ Puppet knew that Qin Yu didn't lie to him. She did know that he was the Demon Lord early on. Didn't the other party have already prepared for it?

"So, do you find that you are overconfident and the situation is out of your control, or are you burying another hole card that can turn the tables, and then exaggerate to improve your sense of accomplishment before the outbreak...or you are procrastinating!"

It's not like Qin Yu's style to talk so much nonsense.

Situ Puppet's complexion changed slightly, his eyes were fierce, and he was about to make a move.

But seeing that Qin Yu was as stable as before, he only said lightly: "You are right, I do have a hole card, which can solve the current predicament."

It doesn't look like she's joking.

Situ Puppet was on guard, and while targeting Qin Yuzheng who was about to intercept and kill him, he swept across the audience, trying to find something. . .

He is looking for a cat.

Sure enough, he quickly caught Jiaojiao's location.

When I saw it, I was shocked!

That's too late.

This Qingqiu really has a backhand! ! !

Even Situ Puppet, who had already mastered the huge power, was shocked.

And Zhao Wuya put all his eyes on him: he is indeed a peerless evildoer who is rarely seen in my chosen camp for thousands of years, I don't know what kind of trump card he will prepare for a comeback!

Bao Han: I knew it, what the hell did I know, this Qin Yu was a good abacus in his previous life, so here he does the calculations!


Jiaojiao, who was the "biggest trump card," had already rushed to the backyard of Gudao Peak ahead of time when Qin Yu was talking too much to delay time, and quickly took out things in front of Yubi and arranged them like a running water mat.

Ranking, tribute.

Then when Situ Puppet caught his trace, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he knelt down on the ground with a puff, holding the jade bi with his paws.

In other words, the ghost of the family, her husband cheated on her, broke her shoes, and she wants to kick herself out of the house. She is sad, angry and desperate, and the village woman sits on the ground to understand.

He just knelt down like that, grabbed the jade bi and pinched his throat, howling loudly.

"Master, Master, help, help!!! There are bad people who want to bully me and Qiuqiu!"

"They all hit the door, bullying me as a baby, bullying Qiuqiu as a weak woman, simply unscrupulous, cruel and ruthless, so scary, really scary."

"Scared me and Qiuqiu."

"Wuuuu, master, hurry up, ahhhhhhhhhhhh~~"

It was so miserable that I couldn't bear to look directly at it. Those who heard it were sad and those who saw it wept.

Fang Yourong raised his forehead, Tianjingsha was probably speechless too.

Not to mention others.

Han Hai Chaoyi felt Liu Rushi's hind leg twitch in his arms.

In the fierce battle before, Liu Rushi, who had just been repaired, also participated in the battle, but was injured.

She glanced down and raised her eyebrows, "Does it hurt?"

Liu Rushi: "No, I couldn't help but laugh."

Hanhai Chaoyi: "..."

The back hand with the strongest hole card?

Crying for help?

What a big hole card.

Scared them all.


Although the means are earth-shattering, but the effect. . .

In other words, Situ Puppet found that since he walked with the identity of Situ Puppet, his personality also tended to the latter, because Hu subconsciously kept his original personality away, afraid of being exposed, and became paralyzed over time.

But obviously, a certain strange thing can still make him fail.

When he saw Jiaojiao's earth-shattering howls, he was shocked.

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