I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2166 Xie Ting. . Yongxue

After being shocked, he looked at Qin Yu, "This is your so-called backhand? It doesn't seem to have any effect."

What a slap in the face.

Not counting slaps in the face, he even made a move.

He probably didn't want to waste any more time and wanted to kill Qin Yu directly.

Qin Yu also narrowly dodged and went to Yubi.

Situ Puppet is so fast, he is about to catch up in a blink of an eye, and he presses down with his palm.

Seeing Qin Yu being attacked, Jiaojiao caught Qin Yu with a teleportation, and teleported to the front of Yubi.

"Fuck! You lied to me, it's useless! She ignored me, what should I do now!" Jiaojiao was so angry that she was not only ashamed, but also because of a catastrophe.

"Who said it's useless, you block him for three seconds!"

Jiaojiao believed her, and rushed out. Under the changes, the roar of the beast shook the sky, the metal wings of the wings shone brightly, a roar, the space trembled, and people like Zhao Wuya had reacted, so they could only pin their hopes on Qin Yu ——It seems that Qin Yu wants to summon the founder of the Wuque Chuang Sect back then? Although the opening method is a bit buggy, the direction of self-help is right anyway.

Even Zhao He knows that Wuque has a deep foundation, otherwise those above would not care so much, and sent them down to make a wave, but as long as the safety of Tianzang World and his own life and death are concerned, Zhao He can only take this Ignoring the order from the superior, I teamed up with Zhao Wuya to cooperate with Jiaojiao to block the wave.

Situ Puppet's speed had indeed slowed down.

But it will only take a short while to die.

The shadow of the huge golem covered Qin Yu and Jiaojiao, and Qin Yu. . . . She took advantage of these few seconds to get in front of Yubi.

In the first second, slap, two hands are holding the jade bi.

The next second, da, Qin Yu lowered his head and put his head against the jade bi.

In the third second, snap, she knelt down.

"Master, I was wrong, I shouldn't have used your bellyband to deceive that Fei Chuan."

no response.

"I shouldn't have stolen your tablet to deceive that Fei Chuan."

Still no response.

"I shouldn't even say help him hold you down and let him do whatever he wants."

Well, still no response.

This is probably the scene of a large-scale introspection of "confessing from a wide prison".

Another way to open the call for help is particularly fresh and refined, and is suitable for all creatures who have an overwhelming desire to survive or even use unscrupulous means.

In the following photo, Wu Ya, Jiaojiao, and Chu Ci were all sent flying, and the demonic energy was like a sword, coming down from the sky of Gu Dao Peak. In the short time in the end, it was a matter of life and death, and a matter of fate.

Qin Yu gritted his teeth, and finally choked out a sentence.

In order to show piousness in response to the occasion, he also raised one hand, with the index finger and middle finger together, and placed it next to the temple of the fish, performing a classic swearing action.

"If I am still insane like this in the future, then heaven and earth will not tolerate it, and the sky will be struck by thunder..."

boom! !

There was a loud thunder.

Qin Yu: "!!!"

Oh my god, did it come true? I haven't done anything yet! !

Future mistakes will also be struck by lightning?

——It may feel that you should be struck by lightning for lying and deceiving people now.

In fact, Huang Jinbi wanted to say something about MMP a long time ago, starting from the time when Jiaojiao, the little prince and village woman, knelt down and cried for help.

The so-called big brother, when he is poked in the heart by his own cub, can he still cruelly attack the cub? But I need to vent again, I can't help it, I have to pick the people around Zai Zai.

Wall wall OR fish fish.

It is very self-conscious, and it knows that it must be the one who was recruited.

visual inspection. . . The Eastern Emperor still admired Qin Yu very much.

So, he is sad in his heart.

But this thunder really split Qin Yu?

Not really.

Above the sky, thunderbolts were densely covered, but they didn't actually strike down. They were in a state of desperately wanting to strike down but couldn't find a place.

However, this piercing terrifying thunder frightened Situ Puppet, and made him subconsciously turn the edge of the magic sword towards the thunder.

The thunder is still there, but the magic sword is broken.


Qin Yu was surprised, but felt that the jade bi was extremely hot under his palm.

Damn, it's so hot! !

She subconsciously wanted to withdraw her hand, but found that. . . The palm was glued to the jade bi!

I couldn't take it back, so I could only endure the terrible scalding.

But at this moment, Situ Puppet from behind still came.

Just like Qin Yu's murderous intention towards Tianjingsha, Situ Puppet had a similar attitude towards Qin Yu.

He has already noticed that this Gu Daofeng is a bit weird, and the thunder is also very terrifying, which made him feel palpitations and panic.

I can't delay any longer, this Qingqiu must be killed, it's over!

Otherwise, there will be no chance!

Situ Puppet was firm in his original intention, and stabbed Qin Yu fiercely from the sky, almost using all his magic power, and Qin Yu happened to have jade jade sticking to his palm like grilled fish, so how could he avoid it? Holding the jade bi and shouting: "Xie Tingyongxue!! Why don't you come out again!"

Harsh, tragic, desperate.

Use the most ruthless gesture and make the most ruthless threat.

"I'll hang myself in front of your house!"

You see, it's quite ruthless.

"Let you have no successors, and let all Gu Daofeng die!"

He is also very vicious, and the whole family will die if he scolds.

You say awesome or not, strong or not! ! !

Are you afraid?

Many people think that if Xie Tingyongxue doesn't show up, it's really unreasonable.

"My God, it's so ruthless! This stone will be tricked out of the water, and the dead will have to lift their coffins to cheat their corpses." Bao Han hid for a long time, but at this time he didn't stop his mouth, forcing him to say, But suddenly his eyes widened.

Because of that jade bi. . . really alive.


What does jadeite burn like?

It is probably the double fusion of ice melting and fire soaking in water. The charm of the fusion of ice and fire, the unpredictable depth, the dazzling brilliance that burns the eyes, that is a dusty woman. Ten thousand years later, the world left behind glanced back lightly.

Let an ocean evaporate in an instant.

Let a mountain forest collapse in an instant.

The allure of the country is condensed in the wisps of blue smoke curled up from its burning, and then condensed on the top of the jade bi.

She was sitting there, wearing a thin robe, which was as thin as cicada's wings, like a mantle condensed by drops of cinnabar blood honed by all the glamorous women in the world. He glanced ahead, that one.

Situ Puppet withdrew.

Like the tidal currents advancing bravely, they were frightened back.

He knows who this woman is.

Xie Ting Yongxue.

Even at the peak of Fei Chuan, she knocked him from the supreme authority to the dust, split her soul and body and suppressed the woman who has been suppressed for thousands of years.

In history, for tens of thousands of years, there is no sorcerer who does not hate this woman.

Because it was she who single-handedly destroyed the great situation where the Demonic Dao was almost unified, and destroyed the foundation of a large area. If the Demonic Dao was not strong, and the sparks would eventually regenerate, they would have been extinct long ago.

But no matter how much they hated each other, they still admitted in their hearts how terrible each other was.

The more I hate, the more terrible,

Situ Puppet, as a descendant of the Demonic Dao, has self-knowledge no matter how amazing and talented he is.

So he backed off.

Xie Tingyongxue glanced at him, "So proactive."

Situ Puppet hangs outside Gudao Peak, neither humble nor overbearing, but respectful, "Because of awe."

Xie Tingyongxue hadn't spoken yet, when she heard some yin and yang in the audience, and said "Northeast + Shaanxi localization" forcefully: "Why are you in awe, in fact, you are afraid of death."

Situ Puppet: "..."

You will die if you don't speak?

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