I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2168 Press to death! (Going out to do errands today, meeting at night, tired, only one updat


Ah, this twists and turns, if Huang Jinbi were to describe this dungeon, it would be - the start is wretched and developed, the middle game is shameless, the audience is shameless, the end game is full of monsters, and the horizontal comment: This damn little goblin.

Oh, what the little goblin is talking about is not Qin Yu, but the world direction of the Tianzang world.

The water is deep, there is no plot line, it all depends on active triggering.

Qin Yu: "When the fart is triggered actively, I am passive."

She is not a god, if it wasn't for people like Gu Chen who took the initiative to plot against her, how could she follow the clues to plan.

She is defending herself!

——Without bad luck like you, they wouldn't take the initiative to blackmail you, so it wouldn't be a trigger.

What the hell you said makes a lot of sense, I can't refute it.

This was just a moment when Qin Yu and Huang Jinbi were coercing briefly in private when the situation changed drastically. In fact, it was an old habit to plan the situation at the same time while coercing.

Huang Jinbi looked at the dragons that appeared one after another in front of him, and couldn't help but broadcast it to Qin Yu in real time.

——I'm afraid it will take shape by the time of the next nine articles, so get ready.

——I'm afraid it will be when the eighteenth article is down. . .

——Wait for Article 28. . .

——You Wuque are really 38!

Huang Jinbi went from cautious and serious to the point where she couldn't bear to publish any more, Jiaojiao might still be in the state of being a little prince, and immediately jumped out: "I warn you, don't rise to personal attacks in critical times!"

Although he also felt that Wuque's sect was too evil, it made people say in a Taiwanese accent, "You people are really 38~~"

It just means that the other party is very annoying.

Look at such a powerful magic dragon, you actually made 38 of them! !

The magic dragon is not a magic energy, it is actually a soul soldier segment by segment, as I have already said before, and forging such a soul soldier, not to mention the forging level issue and Wu Que's large-scale investment in the foundation of the entire sect, simply this kind of The materials for soul soldiers are probably astonishingly rich.

"If I were in the Heavenly Hidden Realm, I'm afraid all three would be enough." Xue Sheng had a strange expression on his face, with white eyebrows stroking his beard and sighing, "No wonder Wuque fell so quickly after the age of saints. The reputation of the head is enough to keep it prosperous for thousands of years, not to mention that Wuque's own school management is very good, and there are many talents. How could he live in the eastern part of Lielu for so many years? The Dragon Soul Soldiers must be hollowed out."

Chu Ci was thoughtful: "I'm afraid that not only one Wuque, but the entire Lielu's decline... is also intentional."

Because suppressing Fei Chuan's demon body and demon soul itself required a terrifying investment.

Someone must be sacrificed.

So there is a cemetery and the tomb of the ancient emperor, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Unfortunately, there are always ambitious people who want to break this state of repression in order to create chaos.

So always, Wuque is still very admirable, it's just human nature, and it's also a practice.

All the bosses had different expressions, but just now they had this complicated feeling when they saw that all the 38 magic dragon soul soldiers had entered the world, and now that the magic dragon appeared, it ascended to heaven!

I could actually see the coiled chains of the magic dragon being dragged out from below. . . A huge stove.

A red jade alchemy furnace hanging in the depths of the underground abyss, the shape of the alchemy furnace is similar to Zhou Xuanqing's metamorphosis prop alchemy furnace, and the appearance and texture of this alchemy jade are clearly similar to the jade bib on the back mountain of Gudao Peak.

When everyone was startled, they saw a cloud of black gas rolling in the red jade pill furnace, and collided with the wall of the pill furnace.

At this moment, everyone's souls seemed to have encountered the duckweed of the waves, swaying weakly and without a master.

Not far away, the demon energy released from Fei Chuan's demon body, which was hanging motionless in the air, roared and flew towards it as if it had found its own home.

I can't stop it, I really can't stop it, such a powerful demonic energy is killing people, even if they are not demonized, they will be killed directly.

But what's the situation with this Wuque Heavenly Prison, when Zhou Xuanqing came out, he brought his own BGM, and if he wanted to play more, he would play more. He thought he was a king, but now he looks like a rookie?

All 38 black dragons released?

this. . . It won't be the king of villains, will it?

When everyone saw Zhou Xuanqing who still had his own BGM, and Zhou Xuanqing and the group behind them.

One of them is the fifth knife feather.

They all have magic in them.

This Nima. . . .

Everyone in Wu Que was stunned, nine out of ten could not believe the scene in front of them.

The fifth knife feather has a different meaning to Wuque. He is heroic and stern, upright and fair. If Fang Yourong represents Wuque's elegance and integrity, then he is Wuque's strictness.

But suddenly found that Wuque's rigor meant betrayal, which was countless times more uncomfortable than the betrayal of Senior Sister Qingqiu in the past.

Xie Shuling: Probably because everyone still feels that Senior Sister Qingqiu is not serious.

"Zhou Xuanqing, you really are not a good person!"

Zhou Xuanqing: "Just because the demon soul is about to come out, you think I'm bad? Then you are just as self-righteous and prejudiced as those people in the heavenly realm."

Qin Yu: "I have no prejudice against you, I just think you haven't killed me, a rebel who rebelled against the sect, then you must be with him."

The fifth knife feather: "..."

By the way, Qingqiu's words are very righteous, very politically correct, and the spirit of righteousness is awe-inspiring.

But everyone always felt that something was weird.

Bai Mei: "I remember when she rebelled against the sect..."

The big brothers and big sisters are a model of strong nurses, but this time the feng shui turns.

Sell ​​as fast as you want, and go straight to the "rebel" and "death".

You say embarrassing is not embarrassing!

Fortunately, there is Fang Yourong, she is by no means a brazen, mean, unkind person like Qingqiu, so. . .

"Did you release the magic dragon?"

She cut to the chase and asked.

Fifth Daoling glanced at her, turned his palm over, with demonic energy in his palm.

He has devil energy, which comes from the devil seed.

"Let me just say it, I didn't talk nonsense before, we..." Zhao He wanted to say something, but suddenly stopped talking.

Because that Qingqiu glanced at him lightly.

The atmosphere suddenly dropped to the lowest point.

This kind of silence is not only because of the mutiny of these people inside the sky prison, but also because of the appearance of demon souls and demon bodies, but they are helpless.

But there is another reason - Xie Tingyongxue is here.

Fortunately, there is Xie Tingyongxue.

She was here, and the others did not dare to say more, and waited for her reaction.

In such a situation, can she still determine the world with one hand like ten thousand years ago?


Xie Tingyongxue said simply.

Qin Yu and Jiaojiao's bodies refused, Jiaojiao: "Why, you used to be so hot!"

"You also said that it was in the past... Tens of thousands of years ago, it was wasted, but it was just a life hanging. It's okay to kill those demons. Fei Chuan, I can't kill them now."

In fact, what she said is also true.

Because everyone actually felt that the most powerful sage thousands of years ago sealed himself in jade, if he was either weak or suppressed, if he was still as strong as ten thousand years ago, it would not conform to the characteristics of the times.

The age of saints is finally over.

Facing Fei Chuan who was about to return, Xie Tingyongxue just sat there quietly, watching him being united and revived under the cooperation of the evil way and the evil way.

And between the heavens and the earth, there seemed to be traces of a man who was about to reappear in the world along with the bloodline visible to the naked eye between the demon body and the demon soul.

he will return.

Xie Tingyongxue watched coldly.

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