I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2169 Lied to you!


For everyone, the days are like years, but the time is real, and it is actually only ten or twenty seconds.

That Fei Chuan's demon soul and demon body have already begun to fuse,

The speed of fusion is not slow, and it is estimated that Fei Chuan will come back in a while.

No one can stop it, in fact, it is very difficult to even get close, because the devilish energy is so fierce, even the devils like Goutou are very afraid.

"Master, Master, don't panic, do you want to do something?"

Qin Yu couldn't hold back, and asked Xie Tingyongxue.

"what do you want to do?"

"If he really comes back, Shizu, you are no match, and he hasn't merged yet, why don't you stop him?"

"If you can't wake up someone who pretends to be asleep, you can't wake up someone who wants to wake up."

I just want you to participate in the dungeon strategy, why are you feeding me chicken soup.

Qin Yu originally complained, but observing Xie Tingyongxue's expression, he suddenly realized something, and realized: "Master, he can't really wake up."

Qin Yu said abruptly, and Xie Tingyongxue was not surprised when she saw it, but said calmly: "A person of the devil way, the soul and body are not perfect."

It's not a double, it's a triple.

Qin Yu was thoughtful: "I know that the concept of a demon is that one plus one plus one is greater than three, so Fei Chuan actually lacks... a demon seed!"

Sure enough, when Fei Chuan's body was completely fused with the demon soul, everyone could see the terrible vortex hole in his heart, which dragged the majestic demon energy, but even if it swallowed more, it couldn't help it. To fill that empty void.

Probably Fei Chuan placed the demon seed in the heart back then.

"The devil seed? By the way, when he was suppressed back then, if he could separate his body from his soul, the devil seed would naturally be taken away."

But so far, no one knows where the devil seed is.

It seems that no definite group is searching for Hikawa's demon seeds.

There is no big deal on the demon body, and there is no big movement to awaken the demon soul near Lin Wuque. Is it because the evil way and the demon way do not know the importance of the demon seed?

No, there is only one reason.

"I must have looked for it, but I didn't find it. If I really can't find it, I can only find another place."

As Chu Ci spoke, he suddenly looked at Qin Yu as if he had an epiphany.

"It's no wonder that the former Guchen was still the later Demon Lord... They are trying to cultivate more and more demon seeds, and they only choose good aptitudes. I am afraid that they are not only for their own use, but also want to pick one. The best monsters."

Therefore, the prosperity and development of the magic way, or the continuous cultivation of "demon seeds" by people like the demon king and Gu Chen, is probably the earliest part of the deployment plan, which goes hand in hand with the release of the demon body.

"But now the plan for Qingqiu has failed. Could it be that Situ Puppet wants to sacrifice himself and give his demon seed to..."

Everyone's attention drifted to Situ Puppet, but Qin Yu didn't think so. She knew Mo Jun very well, and knew that the other party didn't have such a great spirit of self-sacrifice. He can't do it by himself to contribute to the recovery of the magic path.

Where did the most important monster come from?

Qin Yu's face suddenly changed slightly, and Jiaojiao immediately covered Qin Yu's flat belly, and said angrily: "If they dare to attack you again, I will crush them to death! Damn, he is here, run!"

When Situ Puppet came over, Jiaojiao hugged Qin Yu and was about to teleport, but Qin Yu held Jiaojiao instead, "What are you panicking, our patriarch is here, she will protect... Fuck! Where is she?!! ! What kind of person is this, the only baby and grandson don’t protect him, it’s inhumane!”

As soon as Qin Yu turned his head and saw that Xie Tingyongxue on the jade bi was gone, his face turned pale in shock, and Situ Puppet also turned pale in shock. Instead, he gave up attacking Qin Yu and was eager to search for Xie Tingyongxue. Soon, he searched for Xie Tingyongxue at a glance. arrive.

Xie Tingyongxue's ghostly figure had already approached the location of the 38 Demon Dragon, and Situ Puppet rushed forward, fearing that she would prevent Fei Chuan from waking up.

But when he passed by and took the initiative to attack Xie Tingyongxue, the attack pierced through the air, only to find that it was a phantom!

not good!

Situ Puppet looked back suddenly, and saw that Xie Tingyongxue was clearly still sitting on top of the jade bi, and her posture didn't change much.

she. . . This blindfold is so powerful.

But because it was Xie Tingyongxue, Situ Puppet easily accepted it.

"His face looked shocked, but he was actually relieved, as if he wished you were still here, probably because he was afraid that the patriarch would prevent Fei Chuan from coming back, but that's not right, Fei Chuan would not be able to wake up without the demon seed, so What he was afraid of should actually be..."

"What did you scold me just now?" Xie Tingyongxue asked softly.

"Oh, I see, his target is not me at all! Patriarch, the real monster they selected may be... not good!"

Qin Yuquan pretended not to hear Xie Tingyongxue's question and muttered to himself, as if he had an epiphany, he rushed out in a hurry.

It is not only to get rid of the topic, but it is also a real reaction.

Because the vortex in the chest of Fei Chuan's fused demon body had already sucked out most of the demonic energy, but it seemed to be greedy a lot, and even connected to the bodies of many demons. . . Also began to be attracted to the past.

When the dog heads and the others found out about this, they were horrified!

Goutou was already sensitive and suspicious, and when he saw this, he looked at Tian Jingsha angrily, "All this is your conspiracy, you knew it would happen, so you joined forces with us, in fact, it was just to bring us here and provide him with food! !"

Tian Jingsha: "Otherwise, what use are you for? Besides, this is also the devil emperor of your evil way."

Even though they knew this woman was cold-blooded and ruthless, Goutou and the others were still furious and tried to save themselves, but they had no choice but to bring them closer to Feichuan as if the demon seeds in their bodies had been controlled.

control? Their demon seeds were all given by the Demon Lord! That is controlled by the Demon Lord!

Goutou and the others looked at Situ Puppet, only to see a ruthlessness that was even more ruthless than Tianjingsha.

This is the way of magic, they should have known it a long time ago, because they are also such people in their bones.

The ridiculous and funny mood made them feel very frustrated, but the dog head was stubborn, and immediately howled: "Devil Lord, Demon Lord, save me!! Demon Lord Qingqiu! Great Demon Lord Qingqiu..."

Whoops, you still know how to specify it, right? You are the Great Demon King!

However, I always feel that this guy looks alike, quite a bit of Jiaojiao + Qin Yu's pattern.

This dog thing is quite clever.

The Great Demon Lord Qingqiu did rush over, but towards another person.

When Fifth Dao Ling was fixed by a body-holding technique, he raised his head and saw Qin Yu above the sky. His eyes were deep and deep. He only took one look, and his pupils shrank because he saw Qin Yu being attacked by Situ Puppet.

boom! !

A hole was pierced through the sky, and the attack power was terrifying. Undoubtedly, the current Qin Yu was no match for Situ Puppet, but with the addition of Jiaojiao, he was qualified to avoid it.

Situ Puppet completely targeted Qin Yu's attack, but on the other side, Fifth Dao Ling's body-holding technique had been unlocked, and he was about to move when a woman appeared in front of him.

"Junior Sister Fang, are you going to stop me?"

"Well, she wants to stop you, so I'll stop you for her."


"Does this answer sound happy? I lied to you."

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