I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2174 Real Dragon

Although Xie Tingyongxue, Zhou Xuanqing and Fifth Daoling's overall design gave them the feeling of lying down for the first time, but this is a good thing.

Qin Yu: "Are you sure you won? I always feel..."

She suddenly stopped talking and rushed towards Tianjingsha.

The streamer shot, but was intercepted by a magic knife in the middle. The magic knife swept across, Qin Yu only turned to the back side, the blade passed through his throat, his left hand was wounded, and the palm of his hand was like a sharp sword.

Bang! !

The magic star sputtered, and their eyes met.

Situ Puppet stopped Qin Yu halfway, and this moment turned the situation around!

Tianjingsha, it really is Tianjingsha.

Her second clone finally appeared.

A slender red snake, it is said to be a snake, but it is not, because it has legs.

After it appeared, the strange and strong beastly coercion directly collided with Chu Ci and others.

Everyone was frightened, and before they could react, they saw it entangle Tianjingsha, and the scales on its body pierced her skin and flesh.

have eaten? parasitic? Symbiosis?

Jiaojiao: "Oh my god, it's Panlong Transformation! Just now it seemed to be from seven claws..."

Qin Yu: "Dragon?"

Jiaojiao: "Yes, yes, it's a dragon or a real dragon. It's impossible. How can there be a real dragon blood in this lower realm? Seven Claws is already considered a high-blooded dragon family, which is rare in the heavens, and it is even more impossible to appear in the world." The lower bound."

Even Jiaojiao said so, Qin Yu couldn't help but believe it, and became even more curious about Tianjingsha, but curiosity was nothing but curiosity, and she also knew that the other party's change might not be a good thing for them.

And the worst thing is - she didn't have time to stop Tian Jingsha.


The powerful coercion reversed, and the coercion turned into a physical storm. The storm looked like a hundred-foot-long real dragon coiling up, majestic and fierce, but ruthless.

"What does Coiling Dragon Transformation mean? If her second clone is a seven-clawed true dragon, does that mean that her own race is a true dragon?"

Jiaojiao was also in a hurry, but she didn't know much about it, "Generally speaking, the blood of real dragons is very high. Under my father's rule of the Eastern Chu Territory Shenting system, real dragons are already a high-ranking ethnic group. Their patriarch is even my father. Everyone should be treated with respect, from the perspective of race, if she is a real dragon, it is impossible to put the body of a real dragon on her clone, unless..."

——Unless she had to strip her main body to a second clone to protect her safety in order to conceal her real dragon physique, or the real dragon body of this second clone was illegally seized and devoured by her.

"It must be the second type, she is such a bad person."

"However, no matter what kind of dragon she is, if she transforms into a dragon, she does have the talent of avatars, and after being one, she is almost equal to a real dragon."

Qin Yu: "Very powerful?"

Jiaojiao: "It's very powerful, but it won't exceed Fei Chuan, and it may be similar to this Situ Puppet, because I saw the dragon scales of her second avatar real dragon just now, and it looks like a newborn baby dragon, so I guess she is devouring Other real dragons, MD, don’t let this person go to heaven, God will definitely let the real dragons kill him! The high-level monsters hold grudges very much, and hate those who mess with cubs the most.”

As soon as Jiaojiao finished speaking, Tianjingsha had indeed turned into a dragon. It was like an ice-scaled seven-clawed cold dragon, tens of feet long, coiled in the sky, bowing down like a dragon, and let out a dragon chant.

Qin Yu's heart trembled. Although she didn't know anything about real dragons, she could feel a kind of soul throbbing from the dragon's chant.

"Fuck! It's a sacrifice!!"

Jiaojiao and Huang Jinbi are even more recognized from the heavens, "True Dragon Sacrifice? It's over! This Feichuan..."

— Stop it! !

We all knew we had to stop it, but it was too late.

Situ Puppet stared at Qin Yu to death, and even if the others sensed something was wrong, they couldn't stop it, because they didn't have that strength anymore, and the only two capable ones were in the formation.

Seeing the scene outside, Zhou Xuanqing's pale face seemed to be dripping with blood, "If it's a sacrifice? I'm afraid it's not a temporary response."

Indeed, it was not a temporary response, the ice dragon transformed from heavenly sand into gods was already entrenched above the formation, using a real dragon sacrifice to guide Feichuan, only to see pieces of dragon-scale ice armor attached to Feichuan's body, trying to resist the formation. The destructive power of Shensha and Xie Tingyongxue, but the dragon scales were cracked inch by inch when they were born.

Jiaojiao and the others were extremely worried, but at first glance they were happy.

Fuck, I'm still Wuque's awesome, don't care if you sacrifice the seven-clawed real dragon or something, it's still broken!

"It's not that simple, Xie Tingyongxue will soon face catastrophe, and the woman didn't use the real dragon to sacrifice just for the resistance of this little time, she should want to take advantage of the few seconds of resistance to infuse the soul of the real dragon Sex, let Fei Chuan wake up!"

The role of the real dragon sacrifice is too great!

After being stimulated like this, Fei Chuan actually woke up, and the cinnabar blood that appeared and dimmed between the brows immediately reappeared, and opened his eyes.

boom! ! !

The power of magic is unrivaled!

The entire Shensha formation was suddenly hit by a powerful demonic storm, the thirty-eight dragon rings spun chaotically, Chang Tingwan and the others were backlashed, and they all vomited blood, but it was just blood?

No, they should have died directly, because the backlash was too severe, but they were only seriously injured and survived, why?

"Boss Zhou!"

"Depend on!"

"Old Zhou!"

Granny Jinding and the others were stunned when they saw Zhou Xuanqing's backlash at that moment, and they used their status as the leader to guide and resist the backlash out of ten. white hair.

He didn't vomit blood, he just endured all this with a blank face, but he still refused to let go of his control over the formation, but he waved his hand. . . . Chang Tingwan and the others were moved out by a force.

This time, everyone was angry.

Chang Tingwan: "That's why I hate you older people the most. You can't stand a crisis and you just think, "I'm going to die when I'm young." Self-sacrifice is great, right?"

Tian Dazhuang, with a sluggish breath, said, "You're just here to force me to say this, and I haven't seen you mention it in person."

I'm so upset, why not mention it?

Chang Tingwan's complexion was pale, the corners of her mouth were red, but her eyes were anxious. She, who had never bowed her head to appeal to anyone in her life, swept the audience with her eyes.

She was thinking, who can stop all this, who can turn the tide?

Not only her, but Grandma Jinding and others also felt unwilling.

Neither reconciled to all defeats, nor reconciled to not being able to share the results of such a defeat.

"Wu Que, my Wu Que fate, is it really going to end on this day?"

They are unwilling, others are desperate.

From steady victory to despair, in fact, it is only a short distance away.

Against the trend of the overall situation, strategizing.

Could it be that the evil way won after all?

Bao Han, who had been shivering after hiding for a long time, sighed in his heart. In such a situation, the seven-clawed real dragon has come out. Can this Qin Yu make a comeback like before?

In other words, she seems to have been paddling salted fish for a long time, and she is not as energetic as before.

Could it be because Xie Tingyongxue and Fei Chuan are too high-level, and she can't reach that level.

Bao Han was thinking this way, among the gods and demons, Fei Chuan woke up with the majesty of the devil emperor, his eyes locked directly on Xie Tingyongxue above him, raised his hand, and the magic light flew straight from the ground to The sky, upwards, seemed to destroy her.

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