I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2175 My Demon Seed (Good morning, please subscribe)

Xie Tingyongxue is worthy of being a big boss in the ancient times. Facing such a turnaround brought by Tianjingsha, she didn't change her face. Facing Fei Chuan's attack after waking up, she was also calm and just looked at it coldly. Hold, and then press down with the palm of your hand.

The ice and fire shine down.

Two beams of light, one straight line.

boom! ! !

They met at a height of one hundred feet, collided there, and destroyed there. Therefore, the height of one hundred feet was raised and lowered by a distance of thirty feet, and that part of the space seemed to be intercepted.


The height of the upper peak is not broken, but directly turned into powder.

The high-altitude creatures were extinct directly, and even the aura was emptied, turning into a completely dead and ethereal area.

Xie Tingyongxue was fine, but her aura was stronger than before.

And Fei Chuan didn't seem to be serious, just looked at her deeply, without even averting his eyes.

They look like two kinds of existence.

God, and, demon.

That look at each other is a kind of conflict and contradiction with sparks flying around, and there is also an inseparable charm and entanglement.

"Tell me, if I think that Patriarch Xie Ting of our family is the love-hate white moonlight in the heart of the demon Fei Chuan, am I too in love?"

"Ah? Qiuqiu, do you think so too? I thought I was the only one who thought they were adulterous and like dogs and men."

"What are you talking about...Although I think so too, but the situation is critical, be serious! The most important thing now is to resolve this situation."

"Why don't you solve it? Situ Puppet can't even deal with a man like that. There is also a monster who has transformed into a dragon, Tian Jingsha. It's too difficult to close. Qiuqiu, let's ascend, let's live and die here."

"Actually, I have an inappropriate and despicable idea here. I don't know if I should say it or not."

"I'm not wearing pants, but my bench is ready."

"If Patriarch Xie Ting of our family is willing to sacrifice his appearance...Will that lecherous dog man Fei Chuan fall for it?"


This is not someone's secret voice transmission, but a conversation in a corner in a stately way, one person and one cat are secretive and great.

Of course, it was so obvious that it must have been deliberately disturbing La.

Fei Chuan suddenly turned his head to stare at Qin Yu, his eyes were cold and heartless, as if looking at a dead person.

OK, the effect of interference is good.

Even Patriarch Xie Ting, you look at me with that kind of eyes that look at dead people, I am trying to save you!

"Look at what I'm doing, you old man, you've been dead for thousands of years and you're still dead, you want to kill me? The demon seeds are gone, is my elder brother's demon seeds useful? Ah, you can still just stare at me , either because you are reluctant to leave my beauty patriarch, or...you can't get out of the big formation."

Qin Yu and Jiaojiao teleported to the front of the big formation, talking through the transparent barrier of the big formation, and suddenly said the last sentence, and smiled with contempt in his eyes, "Even if that stupid real dragon sacrifices, you There is no real demon seed, and because you awakened before absorbing this demon seed, you have your own sanity and don't want to use it."

"But now, you can only use it, or you can't come out."

"Unless you kill my patriarch with your own hands and take out your demon seed from her body, this is also your purpose, right?"

The following inquiries were directed at Tianjingsha.

Tian Jingsha: "Killing Xie Tingyongxue, bringing Fei Chuan back to life, and killing you, these three things are of equal importance."

The implication is the recognition of the importance of Qin Yu, and it does not deny that their evil plots are great.

Indeed, the power to win the situation is now back in their hands, isn't it?

"But I didn't see you pinning on the two of them. I just saw you pinning on me. So in your heart, I'm the most important thing. I'm your sweetheart."

Can't beat you, can't beat you?

Naturally, Tianjingsha wouldn't show that he was disgusted, otherwise this Qin Yu would have a sense of embarrassment that his old lady will finally make you pregnant.

Besides, she couldn't get away.

Others can.

for example. . . .

Situ Puppet's golem appeared behind Qin Yu, without any embellishment or warning, he just did it.

It wasn't once before that he wanted to kill Qin Yu, but he failed repeatedly.

Stealthily, cautiously.

This time, if Qin Yu can't hide, then maybe. . . .


There was a dull sound, as if it was cracking from the depths of the flesh and bones.

Then there was a thud.

Someone knelt down.

It wasn't Qin Yuha who was kneeling anyway.

It was Qin Yu who knelt down.

Are these two sentences contradictory?

It can be understood in this way.

The person who knelt down was Qin Yu.

When the crowd was shocked and confused, Qin Yu turned around, supported the barrier wall of the formation with one hand, and covered his chest with the other, with a pale and weak face, condescending, kneeling on the ground, vomiting blood, and his skin and flesh turned from the inside out. The blooming Situ Puppet.

"I remember I said before that since I decided to fight, I have never been under the authority of others, so I, since I have become a demon king, you demon king... even if you cheat death, you will have to die sooner or later .”

Situ Puppet's current injuries are more than serious, he can't even speak, he can only spit out from his mouth, "You knew me...my truth, you have plotted..."

Qin Yu: "Yeah, didn't I remind you during the fight? I thought you would be more vigilant, and you would attack me first if you broke out in advance, and then I would reverse it, but you didn't. Then I can't expose it myself. Well, how embarrassing I am, the highest warning in acting is to be in the play, I can only cooperate with you and continue to perform."

Here comes, here comes, she who is extremely poisonous like the Dark Bat King is here again.

That elegant Bailian Bichi peak-level taunting show-off and attacking performance came again.

Situ Puppet swallowed a mouthful of the blood that was about to be spit out, "The devil... what did you do to my devil?"

Qin Yu: "Ah, you are wrong."


Situ Puppet was stunned, but before he could react, he saw someone who had been covering his chest with Bailian Bichi take a step forward.

Hold his head with one hand, and lower it with the other.

directly into his stomach.

Blood spattered, and black devil blood flowed on her hands.

Qin Yu leaned down slightly, and said lightly on the side of Situ Puppet's head: "It's my demon seed."

That evil, that cold, that frivolous, that treacherous, looks like the ugly goblin Gulu in the evil cave of Lord of the Rings holding the ring and saying something: "My precious~~"

This is Qin Yu, she speaks for herself.

Pull out the magic seed and devour it.

In fact, it took less than two minutes from the reversal to the present.

There is no nonsense, Qin Yu's sentence "It's my demon seed." has exhausted all her foreshadowing plans.

Surprisingly, it is logical to think about it, but it is extremely scary to think about it carefully.

She didn't get involved in Xie Tingyongxue's game, so she was planning her own scheme.

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