I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2177 Cannibalism


Xie Tingyongxue's situation is not good, and Qin Yu, who just slaughtered a wave of Tianjingsha, will not be better, because she saw Fei Chuan flying towards Xie Tingyongxue.

If something happened to Xie Tingyongxue, she would definitely not be his opponent.

So Qin Yu hurried over to save someone, only to find that after Fei Chuan approached Xie Tingyongxue, he might have realized that the thunder was a bit too powerful, so he paused and turned to look at Qin Yu.

After confirming his eyes, he wants to kill me and take my demon seed.

Qin Yu was startled, and turned around to run away, but Fei Chuan shot swiftly, and a magic light came directly.

In fact, the higher the realm, the less gaudy the tricks, open and close, rich and frugal, because their realm attainments have been integrated, and they can easily move mountains and seas, and attract wind and moon with one thought.

So this magical light looks simple, but it is more powerful than a bunch of creations combined.

One must know that Qin Yuxue's magic patterns still came from this man's apron inheritance.

Qin Yu caught his shot, but knew he couldn't dodge it, since he couldn't dodge it, he had already broken through.


The big formation trembled.

The two attacked as soon as they said they wanted to attack, without giving anyone time to react, they just felt that the two lights in the sky exploded, and then the light sources converged and scattered, causing the pupils to explode a blind spot of vision in an instant.

burning pain.

You can't look directly at the sun.

Chu Ci and others had to avoid the time of sight.

Who is stronger, the rising star of the magic way or the ancestor of the magic way?

Needless to say.

Opening their eyes again, Han Hai Chaoyi and Liu Rushi both saw Qin Yu vomit blood.

This time it's real, not her Bichi acting skills.

For her to vomit blood so boldly, it will undoubtedly be a serious injury.

"You want a demon seed and you went to her, she dug your demon seed, what did you ask me for!"

"There is an injustice and a debtor..."

"You are so careless!"

boom! There are countless changes in the gods and gods of the capital, mountains, seas and forest walls are everywhere, and Qin Yu, who was seriously injured, was grabbed by Fei Chuan's neck and pressed against the mountain wall. What shattered was not the mountain wall, but the energy of a completely solidified entity.

And Fei Chuan's hand was already on Qin Yu's abdomen.

He gave Qin Yu time to say three words to him, and he also gave everyone time to panic and run to stop him.

But that distance doesn't seem long, but the demonic energy is strong, especially in the formation, no one can go in, and can only watch Fei Chuan control Qin Yu from the outside, and is about to pull out the demonic seed in Qin Yu's belly.

Zhou Xuanqing attacked from behind, Fei Chuan forcibly endured the blow, his back trembled slightly, but only slightly.

The brilliance of the attack only fell on his back and spread out, like an open umbrella, but it couldn't bear the dark and violent power.

The gap was too great, but Xie Tingyongxue, who was the only one who had the ability to save Qin Yu, was unable to protect herself.

It's over.

Fei Chuan's hand was like cutting tofu with a steel knife, but it penetrated Qin Yu's abdominal skin so easily and accurately grasped her demon seed.

Bloody, cruel and evil.

Just like what she did to Situ Puppet not long ago, she didn't know whether it was retribution or Feng Shui's turn.

Wow, the bloody demon seed is like a peerless and magnificent jewel, it is clear emerald, but also infiltrated with pure black texture, darkness and vitality coexist, this seems to be her essence, with a charming temperament, which is unparalleled.

Qin Yu, who had been pulled out of the demon seed, was like other people of the demonic way, and like the fifth knife feather, the entire power system collapsed directly.

What is the result of bees losing their stings?

is dead.

Unless you get back the demon seed, you will die, unless you are Fei Chuan.

But Qin Yu is not Fei Chuan, she clutches her hollow abdomen that is constantly bleeding, and looks ahead at Fei Chuan who has already started to devour her demon seed.

Fei Chuan was very straightforward, he didn't push him, and he didn't even take the time to kill Qin Yu, because she was already doomed.

hum. . . When the demon seeds began to integrate into his body, Fei Chuan's aura continued to rise, and there was no upper limit to the peak. He had begun to infinitely approach the peak of his own demonic way ten thousand years ago.

Sure enough, besides his own demon seed, the one that suits him best is Qin Yu!

Qin Yu's pupils trembled, and the light began to fade, but she vaguely saw a lot of people outside the formation who were frightened and worried, and those faces were very familiar.

Fei Chuan took her demon seed, which means that the three-in-one finally completed her complete magic system. Even if she can't recover to the peak stage, she is absolutely capable of defeating Xie Tingyongxue, who is already restricted by the heavens.

In this round, the evil way and the evil way are still winning.

that's all. . . lost?


The huge Tianzang seems to be divided into two worlds at this time.

1. The mortal world outside Wuque, which is ignorant but frightened by the changes of the world.

2. Within nothing.

And Wuque is divided into two worlds.

1. In the big formation, one will overcome the catastrophe, one will reach the peak, and the other will perish.

2. Powerless outside the formation, despair and helplessness go hand in hand.

If someone could hear as high as the heavens, if they entered the formation, they might be able to hear Qin Yu's long sigh of life while supporting him to dodge the difficult levitation, and then see her broken power system after losing the demon seed. . . The spiritual power that is constantly escaping is like the blue misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River in spring when a hundred flowers bloom, and it is like the dark splendor rendered in black in the cold winter night. They exist in opposition to each other, but they continue to pass away from her together.

dying person.

Both died.

"Maybe... there is a turning point." Fang Yourong murmured and prayed like this.

Fifth Daoling hummed.

Are they so lucky? Rather, it was an unwilling hope based on the understanding of Qin Yu.

She won't die so easily, because something is wrong.

Something is missing.

for example. . . a cat?

Just when the two looked at each other to confirm what the other was thinking, Zhou Xuanqing's eyelids twitched suddenly in the big formation, and suddenly heard a crack.

With a flash of his eyes, he also randomly manipulated the formation space, and while his face was pale, he still insisted on blocking the evil spirit block where the space cracked, so as to help the flashing short, fat, plush cat jump out of the space, and dragged the two Go to Qin Yu personally.

"Here we come! Hurry up!"

Jiaojiao is impatient.

However, Qin Yu changed from the melancholy and melancholy just now, and neatly pressed both hands on the heads of the two people.

Zhao Wuya and Zhao He: "!!!"

This is such a familiar action. . . giao!

Zhao Wuya is very euphemistic: "I am with you, I..."

Zhao He even wanted to curse and even threaten.

But they all saw Qin Yu's eyes.

After confirming his eyes, this is a person who is cruel and merciless and wants to sacrifice them to heaven.

Zhao Wuya was stunned for a second, as if he had caught something, but Qin Yu didn't even give him an explanation.

Well, obviously they don't have the qualifications for her to spend time and effort explaining carefully.

As soon as the palms were pressed hard, the bodies of the two people disintegrated and dissolved, and were swallowed by Qin Yu.

"This..." People like Chu Ci were surprised. Well, although they have been surprised enough times this day, the scene in front of them is still quite scary.

Immortal Situ Puppet Tunxie was not as shocked as the two immortals Qin Yutun.

The former is an evil person, but Qin Yu. . . Both good and evil, but the strange thing is that no one thinks she is a bad person.

But the bad guys blatantly eat people in order to protect themselves! ! !

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