I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2178 gray smoke

"No, it's useless to lose the demon seed and eat a hundred immortals. She dismissed the fat cat early on, and specially asked him to capture Zhao Wuya and the two of them and send them to her. I'm afraid she was prepared and expected it." Her demon seed will be taken away by Fei Chuan, if so, then she must have a plan for devouring Zhao Wuya and the two..."

Chu Ci and others had just guessed keenly, and before they guessed completely, they saw a dramatic change.

That scene came from the demon seed that Fei Chuan was about to completely devour Qin Yu.

Just stuck at 99% progress.

At the moment when the last 1% is about to be completed.

Before the great change, Qin Yu devoured Zhao Wuya and the two of them, just like the reflection of a dying person, those who passed away directly traced back into the body, plus the flesh and blood bodies of the two immortals plus soul power, and it was two perfect supplement pills, Qin Yu suddenly returned to a state that exceeded her previous peak period. Although it was short-lived, she was still dying. She still had something to do.

Both hands made a seal, the mark was so strange, I had never seen it in my life, but it felt vaguely familiar.

Every move is so cautious and heavy, full of vigor as if against the rules, and it can be seen from the fact that the space she is in automatically retreats and distorts with her seal movements.

That kind of distortion is soft and delicate, not oscillating, not a powerful attack damage, but its active retreat and compromise.

Is it scarier to be beaten into a pig's face, or is it more terrifying to become a pig's face on your own initiative?

Of course it is the latter, the degree of fear is MAX multiplied by 10 times.

Strange, mysterious and powerful.

Together they are mysterious.

This Qingqiu/Qin Yu has mastered a mysterious power, Jinbi poked and searched secretly, but couldn't find it.

Is it insufficient authority? No, if the authority is not enough, Qin Yu shouldn't be able to get it either.

When the golden wall was thoughtful, everyone was immersed in it.

The mystery is so extreme that you can’t see through it, and it’s extremely difficult to remember it, and it’s over in a flash, but it’s undoubtedly terrifying, and it’s so terrifying that it affects Fei Chuan.


It's backlash.

People with insight like Chu Ci recognized the changes in Fei Chuan.

It’s true that it’s backlash, but how can this be done? It’s impossible.

"Whether it's spells or curses, with an existence like Fei Chuan, it's impossible to be effective, otherwise the situation would have been created back then."

But she has indeed done it now, no matter how far-sighted people like Chu Ci are, they can't figure it out. In fact, even Huang Jinbi and Jiaojiao, who have insight into the upper heavens, can't figure it out.

Qin Yu is a person who has always been deep in his thoughts and deep in his hands after digging. Many times he would not tell it frankly.

No need, Jiaojiao's little brain can only listen to Yuyu and eat.

Anyway, if she breaks out and wins in the end, he can stand proud and proud with his hands on his hips.

Is there anyone in the world who is more inseparable from Yuyu's family than him?


Neither Qin's father nor mother can do it!

In other words, when Qin Yu formed the seal, no one knew what method Qin Yu was using, and since he searched the history of the Tianzang world, there is no classic record that can be used for reference.

"No matter what, it can be guessed that the root of the backlash must be the demon seed."

Bao Han: "No wonder, no wonder she was poached by the demon seed and almost died. I guess she had already planned this step! The demon seed must have been transformed by her! It's not the original demon path at all!"

It has to be said that although this strange work of the evil way has always had a great brain, it is quite accurate when it fits Qin Yu.

Fei Chuan naturally knew that there was something wrong with the demon seed, but he had no choice but to attack.

The fusion rate between 99% and 100% made it impossible for him to part with it at all. If he attacked and parted with it, the heavy damage he suffered would be no less than what she did in the battle of saints thousands of years ago.

Fei Chuan turned his head and saw Xie Tingyongxue, who was already enduring the third wave of Wujilei's tribulation.

His demon seed is on her. . .

Now, he can choose two paths.

1. Let go of the demon seed of Qingqiu, dragging the seriously injured body into the Thunder Tribulation area, kill Xie Tingyongxue and regain his own demon seed.

2. Resist the backlash and forcibly integrate, as long as he forcibly gets past the last 1%, he will have the ability to counteract the backlash—and then kill that Qingqiu.

Fei Chuan chose 2, so he remained expressionless. When his body was constantly being backlashed and burst out of cold blood, he pressed the destructive and terrifying demon seed in his abdomen to forcibly fuse it, while locking Qin Yu, as long as he waited a while With a little chance and spare energy, he will go over and kill her instantly.

Fei Chuan under full strength is still very scary. His lock means a kind of soul power. Even if he can't be distracted from the soul attack, it still brings huge pressure to Qin Yu, and the coercion released by the other party makes the original It was Qin Yu who was "returning to the light" and became weak at the speed of falling in a straight line.

No, she can't last that moment! !

This Fei Chuan is too strong, her own capital is not enough to support such a strong output.

and. . . There is coolness behind.

It was a small red-tailed blue-scaled dragon that jumped out from a hidden place in the space, stretching the back of Qin Yu's head. . .

"Damn! We've caught you!"

boom! With a heavy blow in space, Jiaojiao jumped out, clapping her two paws together to form a space cage, and locked the little dragon body of Tian Jingsha in the cage. He is not Qin Yu in the strongest state, and he has no ability to kill Tian Jingsha, let alone The latter is a seven-clawed true dragon. Even if the other party has entered the evil way now, according to the rules of the heavens, he cannot kill her without notifying the dragon family. After she was exposed, she was crushed and grabbed, and she could only be locked up temporarily, and then. . . .

Then Jiaojiao shrank the space cage, slapped it directly on her stomach, locked it in the universe inside her stomach, and then turned into a golden light and rushed into Qin Yu's body.


With this combination, Qin Yu has no worries. He is not afraid of the woman in Tianjingsha doing things again, and he is supported by Jiaojiao's powerful spirit. As if with the help of a god, he immediately broke through Fei Chuan's resistance. .

Fei Chuan's magic system collapsed and collapsed, and the result was tragic. What's frightening is that no one else knew why he collapsed so tragically.

How did she do it, simply designed that monster?

What kind of method must be used to severely damage the magic way in the ancestor capital of the magic way.

Anyway. . . It's dramatic, really dramatic.

But obviously the result was good, and all of a sudden it turned around and counterattacked.

It was too late for everyone to be happy, Jiaojiao just akissed her hips and twisted her buttocks, and was about to ridicule the conspiracy of evil ways and evil ways, but she suddenly heard a scream.


Jiaojiao turned her head subconsciously, but saw an evil fairy. . . By the way, this guy seems to have come here with Mu Li and the others, but he paddled the whole time, no, he didn't even paddle, and squatted on the bank to eat melons.

He didn't ignore this person, but Yuyu saw this guy's self-protection attitude and told him to leave it alone, so he didn't waste his energy on him.

Why, what is this guy doing out here now?

Still howling, howling what?

Bao Han, right now, was sitting down on the ground, sweating all over, and holding his head in pain.

This whole process is going on to the end, one is not beaten, and the other is beaten, you suffer so much?

Just as Jiaojiao was about to yell at him, she was suddenly startled, because a wisp of gray smoke came out from the seven orifices above Bao Han's covered head and face.

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