I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2179 Love is Presumptuous

The gray smoke appeared strangely, but its speed was extremely terrifying. It flew away as soon as it appeared, but it didn't care about the walls of the formation, and entered the formation as soon as it flew.

Many people saw it, but few of them reacted. Firstly, they didn't know what it was, and secondly, they didn't know what it was for.

only one person.

When Liu Rushi saw the gray smoke, he was stunned for a moment, and suddenly frightened, he immediately changed his usual "Mrs. I remember it, when I died, it devoured me..."

Although practitioners should keep life and death out of their affairs, and there are definitely many idealists who can see through the world and ignore life and death, death is still the most terrifying, especially the flash before death if someone is murdered.

The culprit who killed you came to your gradually cooling and swallowed corpse in a daze. . . . And you can't see what he looks like.

The memory is too long, maybe out of fear, maybe because of weakness, but after all, because of seeing it again, you recall the most terrible scene.

that's it!

Her reminder was a bit hasty, but it was still a step behind.

When Qin Yu glanced over, the gray smoke had already landed on Fei Chuan's body.

The mighty and invincible Fei Chuan was first backlashed by Qin Yu's unusual means, which he could not find out, and was about to be defeated. Then he was touched by this strange and non-aggressive gray smoke.

Hiss, like a spark falling on the cold water.

The feeling of splashing out?

No, it's all-pervasive penetration, and. . . Possession!

Once it enters the body, it invades.

There is no need to modify and describe it with cumbersome words, it just invades it so simply and decisively.

In the blink of an eye, the color of the world changed, and the coercion even resisted the Wuji Thunder Tribulation that was bombarding Xie Tingyongxue.

It was a slightly familiar visual sense of show operation.

Jiaojiao: "The upper body of a ghost? Yuyu, it's as if the patriarch's grandma was on your body just now..."

superior. . . body.

superior. . .


Qin Yu covered his mouth.

Fortunately, Xie Tingyongxue, who happened to be struck by lightning, didn't pay attention to this side. She just seemed to feel it. She looked up at the black-red sky that suppressed the whole audience with the evil coercion split in half, and then looked at Fei Chuan who was secretly occupying the front.

She could see that there was another kind of way in the pure magic way.

evil ways.

Refer a. . . It seems vaguely familiar.

Before Qin Yu could point out the other party's identity, Jiaojiao exploded, "Damn! It's you again, old immortal stinky Yuanya!!"


Being able to make Jiaojiao explode like this shows that the psychological shadow Yuanya left on him comes from both himself and Qin Yu's encounters.

But the latter reason obviously accounted for a lot, because he was used to being scolded and punished since he was a child, mainly because he couldn't see Qin Yu suffering, and his teeth itch when he thought about it, so he was particularly concerned about Yuanya.

It's also poisonous to say that this shit is supposed to be an evil patriarch who looks at the three thousand worlds, but he has been eyeing Qin Yu from the very beginning.

It's poisonous, don't take such a leapfrog to touch porcelain, one after another endlessly, it's shameless.

——It was Pengci who started to focus on it. To be fair, it was a chance encounter. Her mysterious characteristics attracted his attention. After repeated troubles, it promoted her obscene development.

You summed it up pretty well.

Jiaojiao was speechless, but she couldn't relax with Yuanya's appearance. His nerves and body were quite tense, and he tried to lock onto Feichuan after Yuanya's occupation to prevent the opponent from raiding Qin Yu.

But he soon discovered a fact that made his head bald - as a small space expert, he couldn't lock the existence of the other party.

It's like fishing for loach with your hands, and it's gone after a swipe.

That slippery feeling that Qiu couldn't grasp made Jiaojiao inexplicably flustered, and it was also a kind of fear. She always felt that Qin Yu would suffer again today.

- Suffering. . . Why do you have such an illusion?

With a sudden reminder from Jinbi, Jiaojiao came to her senses, yes, it seems that Yuyu didn't suffer a lot in the previous PK on Earth, but Yuanya was kicked into the shit hole by her.

"But that time it was because of the big bald Jia Luo and the Zen master. This time... can Yuyu contact them to have a fight?"


——Earth is the weakest small plane and cannot come down, not to mention Tianzang is one of the oldest and most powerful big planes, even the emperor can't even think about descending.

Jiaojiao got angry, "You know what's wrong with you, what's wrong with heaven, what you can't do, the boss of the villain has come back and forth, don't you think it's showing up now!"

Huang Jinbi also knows that Qin Yu's way of doing things is not "close" to Qin Yu. Well, the support is quite small, and it all depends on his own stubborn development. Although he attaches great importance to strategy, he doesn't give much help in tactics. It's no wonder that Jiaojiao is quite resentful deep.

——You also know the way it descended on Earth in the past, but it is nothing compared to this time.

Jiaojiao: "What did he do?"

——First, drop a soul matrix in the area of ​​the plane controlled by the evil way, conceive and grow up, eliminate all evil ways, correct the way, do not do evil things, or do good deeds to add merit, but generally speaking, the first time It is impossible to completely deceive the past, so falling, reincarnation, rushing, there is a high probability that it will take several operations to completely eliminate the influence of the evil way, and finally leave a character who has nothing to do with the evil way.

Jiaojiao suddenly realized: "It's like Qin Yu wearing a vest, except that Qin Yu's covering is leather, and he even trimmed the inside."

——Yes, according to Liu Rushi's reminder just now, he may have already been reincarnated in this Tianzang world, and he doesn't know which character he has played. Undoubtedly, the world of Tianzang attracts him. It may be because of the particularity of Fei Chuan and Mo Dao, or it may be because he is aware of Qin Yu's existence, but no matter what, he has plans in this world, involving Qin Yu, It is related to Feichuan, which eventually led to the current situation.

Jiaojiao suddenly came to a sudden, and had to admit that the coquettish manipulation of the evil ancestors was really cowhide.

Huang Jinbi heaved a sigh of relief secretly, feeling that he had finally been appeased, but suddenly heard Jiaojiao say something angrily.

"Then why are they so wicked and so hard-headed? No one on your side does this? Not even a single person who came down to help Yuyu!!!"

Then Jiaojiao bald and said something quite deafening.

"What do you mean by paying attention to her and trying to win her over? Paying attention is love, love is presumptuousness, love is possession, and possession requires action, so just talk about it!"

Er, this question is quite sharp, fat and petite prince, have you also been caught by your fish ghost?

Can you read less about those domineering presidents falling in love with me?

Fortunately, Huang Jinbi was witty, and he had a flash of inspiration, and immediately replied.

——Then let who come down to earth? The emperor, or the Zen master?

Jiaojiao: "???"

Let my majestic father and my abstinent black-bellied master take possession of my Yuyu?

Valuation is love, and love is unbridled possession.

No, I refuse to imagine that picture.

Jiaojiao's reaction was very intuitive. In fact, the time that passed was also very short. Since he called out Yuan Ya's identity, in fact, few people present knew what this name meant, except for being possessed by Yuan Ya just now. And Bao Han, who was seriously injured when he almost took his life away when he left.

Yuan Ya! ! !

What the hell! Is this another Shura field where the ultimate ruler is forced to increase the difficulty of the dungeon infinitely?

Bao Han trembled at this.

His dark gold wall is strange.

——Yuanya is from our evil choice, what are you afraid of?

ah? Oh yes, why is I still in such a panic! !

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