I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2180 The original formula (Going to take a bath and rest, this stage is about to end at its

When Bao Han came to his senses, he still couldn't suppress his emotions, and even faintly felt that the more arrogant the big boss in the end, the scarier the result of this round would be.

A fire at the gate of the city affected the fish in the pond. . . .

He'd better slip away first, anyway, there's nothing wrong with him.

Bao Han just wanted to leave the dungeon mission to go paddling, when he suddenly heard a piercing sound of splitting, followed by a huge impact that lifted his whole body directly, and landed on his stomach after a difficult 360-degree somersault in the air. Eyelids looked up in horror under the strong pressure, and finally saw his big brother Yuanya occupying Fei Chuan's body, he didn't say anything, but looked at Qin Yu without looking at anyone, and then raised his left hand .

That movement is very natural and elegant, not greasy and exaggerated at all, but it also makes people understand what he wants at a glance.

You can pick the stars with your hands, and you can swallow everything with your mind.

Vientiane is the myriad phenomena of this interface plane.

And the one who can control everything in this world has never been the most powerful and noble ruler of a certain plane.

They are neither the all-powerful heroes of the sage era, nor Xie Tingyongxue and Fei Chuan who stand at the top among these heroes. They are the representatives of the era and the treasures of history, but they are not the masters of everything.

Because they are neither. . . .

——No wonder he spent so much energy in ambush in this Tianzang world, but he was unwilling to attack Fei Chuan easily, but chose such a moment. . .

——What he wants is not to master Fei Chuan and use it as combat power, nor to slaughter the world of Tianzang, but the will of the plane!

——He wants to step on Fei Chuan's shoulders and use his capital to devour the will of the plane! ! !

The quick reminder from the golden wall came too late after all.

In fact, it should also know that its reminder is only for Qin Yu, and Qin Yu probably doesn't need its reminder.

Because how could she not understand this old opponent.

From the moment Yuan Ya appeared, she knew his intention.

To be honest, it makes sense for this guy to be able to stand at the peak of the evil ancestor.

It's really easy to let go of its figure, which makes it touch the world of Tianzang.

The timing was so well grasped - just when she turned the tables and counterattacked Fei Chuan, making his true self defeated and weakest, she took advantage of it and directly controlled him.

It doesn't matter if you don't accept it.

But knowing Gui knew, whether it could be organized or not was another matter. Anyway, Qin Yu's face was not very good-looking.

This ups and downs, without a stop.

Originally, I just went for a walk to bask in the sun after eating, and went to a prostitute in the red light district, but suddenly the police came to clean up pornography, swept out a nest of drug dealers, and let you lie down in a bloody battle with guns.

It makes no sense.

But is it so easy to devour the will of Tianzang World?

In fact, it is that easy, because Yuanya has been preparing for too long, Fei Chuan's foundation is his foundation.

As long as it's strong enough, it's fine to strike when it's weakest.

"When Wu Ji Lei Jie came down, it was the time when the barrier of the Tianzang plane made the largest concession to Lei Jie, and it was also the weakest... It's really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I'm afraid even Qingqiu and Xie Tingyongxue are counted. went in."

It was originally Qin Yu who was in charge of the comeback, but he was cut off suddenly, and it was hard to get over it.

Zhou Xuanqing naturally knew what people like Chu Ci had figured out, and seeing that Yuan Ya, whose origin was unknown, was about to overthrow the entire Tianzang world, they naturally wanted to stop it.

To prevent it, we must also pay attention to means and methods.

Qin Yu actually met Yuan Ya's eyes, the latter didn't say anything pretentious, but everything was kept silent.

Qin Yu didn't need the other party to say anything, she also knew where the other party's confidence was.

"There is only one way to stop him. It is very simple and the most direct. It is even in line with our previous goal, and that is to destroy Fei Chuan."

"The difference is only in time!"

"We must completely destroy Fei Chuan before he devours the will of the plane."

Things that can be done slowly and meticulously once the overall situation has been grasped, now we can only adopt the most radical, risky and even almost impossible methods.

"The will of the plane has appeared, and it is fighting against his devouring."

The shaking of mountains and forests is already a description of a small scene. No amount of words can fully describe the feeling of everyone at this time-the kind of majestic giant statue that looks at the established rules of the sky, and the place where the soul rests and rests. It is the infinite being, it is the origin of all.

It is not the first time Qin Yu has seen the will of the plane, but this is the most powerful one, invisible and colorless, everywhere, you can clearly feel that the world, mountains, seas, rivers and even many living systems are under its protection and control , but it will one day become a coveted delicacy for others.

As expected of Yuan Ya, the vision of this kind of boss is really extraordinary, and he wants the best when he makes a move.

But Qin Yu was unwilling to give in.

"It only takes three minutes at most for him to swallow successfully. We have a way to deal with Fei Chuan. If Fei Chuan is gone, his purpose will be in vain."

Qin Yu made a decisive decision without hesitation, and didn't even care if he would expose anything, "Jiaojiao, move all of them ten miles away."

Although Jiaojiao didn't know why Qin Yu gave the first order, she still obeyed, rushed out, and then activated the ability to move space, trying to move everyone outside the formation.

This is not easy, after all, this area is no longer the original space, it contains too much power, and there are too many strong people, Jiaojiao can only do her best. . .

During that brief space distortion, Qin Yu didn't wait, she made a seal with her hands, and the mark was a little different from the one that backfired on Fei Chuan before, if it was a backlash against Fei Chuan before, this time. . . However, they caused a backlash against Qin Yu.

Every imprint emptied a lot of vitality from her body.

Decaying, decaying, but there is a kind of vigorous and powerful mind and majesty.

A woman who works hard, has the capital, and is confident that she will make it. She already has the most dazzling demeanor in the world. The scorching sun cannot hide her brilliance, and the darkness cannot sink her.

hum! !

As soon as Qin Yu's majestic vitality comes out, it is complete, complete, and flawless. There are many secrets in perfection, maybe it is the magic pattern, maybe it is the attainment of Taoism, maybe it is the sum of her beliefs, Or maybe it's the mysterious power she showed not long ago.

It has a corresponding effect on that demon species.

"I see, she wants to lure the demon seed back? As long as the demon seed leaves Fei Chuan's body, Fei Chuan's complete body will naturally disintegrate, then..." Nangong Mei, Bai Mei and the others thought they had guessed right, but their expressions changed quickly.

She didn't lure back her demon seed, but gave it to someone.

When the majestic vitality fell on Xie Tingyongxue, Yuan Ya also showed a playful and unsurprising smile, but said nothing, just continued to devour, they were all fighting for time, they were all doing what they wanted to do from the beginning things.

No one can stop it!

So when Xie Tingyongxue got the majestic vitality to make up for the huge loss due to the fight against the Wuji Thunder Tribulation, turning losses into profits, and then. . . Don't say anything else, just rush out of the thunder calamity - there is no one who can't break through, and there has never been anyone who can't break through the heavens!

Wherever she goes, there will be a catastrophe!

So when Xie Tingyongxue approached Feichuan, that is, Yuanya, everyone knew her strategy with Qin Yu.

Mie Feichuan is still the old three steps.

Du Tianshensha, Xie Tingyongxue, a necessary fit demon seed.

Here is the original recipe.

But in order to ensure the changing situation in an emergency, and because it is a race against time, it is more resolute and ruthless.

And there is another powerful force - Wujilei!

"perish together..."

"It was originally a way to die together, but now it's probably no different, it's just that there is an extra Yuanya."

Amidst the murmurs of the crowd, someone suddenly said tremblingly: "Is there another Qingqiu?"

Because of that monster. . . It seems to belong to Qingqiu?

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