I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2181 Great Wuji


If the situation becomes extremely urgent, you will have a feeling that reality is moving faster than the mind's frightened imagination.

What are you afraid of? It develops faster than it, and it is worse.

And you can't stop it.

In fact, at the very beginning of today's round of twists and turns, they found that they were useless and paddled the whole way.

Of course, those immortals who didn't paddle basically died, and those who paddled were more parallel than them.

But even so, they still hope that the victory is on their side, and if they win, they hope that it can be done at the least cost—of course, this is nonsense, but when it is actually extended, it can be understood that they do not want some people to sacrifice for it.

At least if this person is really Qingqiu, the person who made all the righteous, evil, and demons willing to eat vegetarian food and fast in the hope of her disappearing from the world, if she really is going to die. . . It was still for the Tianzang world, so they might feel uncomfortable.

But would Qin Yu really die?


In the next second, they collectively affirmed this matter.

Because of Xie Tingyongxue and Yuan Ya's Fei Chuan, he has already fallen into the thunder of silence.

Thunder bombing.

Whether it's Fei Chuan, Yuan Ya, Xie Tingyongxue, or Qin Yu outside of Jie Lei, they are all in one state—life and death, the overall situation.

Whoever is born, whose situation is alive.

Whoever dies, whose game is dead.

A thunderbolt, light travels nearly three states, the wind is soaring thousands of miles, and one glance enters the abyss of soul.

At that moment, it was the confrontation between the flesh and blood and the thunder, and it was also the clamor of the soul. Outsiders could only vaguely see two silhouettes in the scorching golden light, one black and one ice fire, which could not be seen clearly.

But it's clear on the outside.

Qin Yu vomited blood.

Because the demon seed was hit hard.

The power of Wujilei is still very powerful, with special effects and tyranny.

Of course, Qin Yu was also included.

"Fish, how are you?"

Jiaojiao felt that Qin Yu's condition was very bad. After all, the demon seed was dug out. Not to mention that the demon seed was going to be destroyed, it just wouldn't be exterminated. Without the demon seed, it was like the bee was gone and the poisonous needle was gone, and the vitality was gone again. It has been hollowed out, and now it is like a skin and bone bag with empty flesh and blood, let alone the thrilling beauty of the past, even a little bit of vitality in the world is gone.

It's just that she didn't feel it at all, she just stared at the thunder, there seemed to be sparks in her eyes, suddenly shivered, and her expression changed slightly.

When her face changed, Jiaojiao was actually nagging.

"You'd better make sure that you won't kill you this time. In other words, you and the patriarch's grandma decided that she was inside and you were outside. If you were outside, you shouldn't die. She should still have shelter for you." heart."

Jiaojiao felt that he would be too concerned about whether the patriarch grandma died, but if Yuyu died, he would really want to explode.

As soon as he said that, he went crazy!

——This mouth is really poisonous.

As soon as Huang Jinbi said that, at that moment, the place where the thunder light accumulated suddenly changed dramatically.

Because there is a huge surge of magic power.

That seems to be the power of the demon seed, and also the power of the demon way.

"Could it be that Fei Chuan..."

"No, that's not Feichuan! It's Feichuan's demon seed, but it's not Feichuan."

That is Xie Tingyongxue!

I saw that terrifying magic light approaching Fei Chuan's peak state.

Almost 80% of the coercion of the magic way.

this. . . . Does Xie Tingyongxue have such powerful magic power just by getting Fei Chuan's demon seed?

"No, what should be concerned is that she not only took Fei Chuan's demon seed, but she herself also immersed herself in Daoism, and gained great power from it!"

There is more than one demon, Wuque. You can see that the Fifth Dao Ling and Tianlao are basically hiding demon seeds, but their original intention is not evil.

Only Xie Tingyongxue is different, she really mastered the way of magic, not what she thought before—just to divide the three parts of Fei Chuan and hide the magic seeds.

So. . . Isn't Fei Chuan the real threat, and Xie Tingyongxue is the final crit?

Just when people think so,

Nine out of ten people have their hearts skipped a beat.

Facts also proved that their suspicions were not unreasonable, because—the powerful magic power exposed by Xie Tingyongxue had suppressed more than half of the Wujilei that had killed Fei Chuan in a big way.

Yuan Ya squinted his eyes, but the corners of his mouth curled slightly, as if he had already colluded with Xie Tingyongxue. . .

"Fuck!! Yuyu, our grandparents don't know how to..."

Jiaojiao was so shocked, he saw that Qin Yu's face changed just now, was it because he realized that Xie Tingyongxue was the patriarch grandma. . .

"The heart of a woman is the most poisonous, especially at an age of tens of thousands of years, she really has a heart like a snake and a scorpion!!!"

Jiaojiao panicked and tried to give Qin Yu her vitality, but Qin Yu suddenly pressed her head, "Quick, take me to teleport... stay away from here!"

To Jiaojiao, these words were equivalent to two words - run!

"Ah, I'll take you away right away! Bah! This old woman is so bad!"

Jiaojiao was cursing, hugging Qin Yu and trying to teleport her, but. . . One step slower.

"No, why is the space frozen! Not good, Yuyu!!"

Jiaojiao was about to fish for Qin Yu, but found that he was gone.

Fuck, where is the fish in my arms!

—she was dragged in!

Turning her head to look, Jiaojiao was almost scared out of her wits.


Qin Yu is not actually dragged in, but the scope of the thunder disaster has been expanded, and Qin Yu is the original owner of the demon species after all. The relevant people are also included in the scope of killing.

So she was brought in, powerless to resist.

It was so terrifying, Qin Yu could only lift his thin and pale cheeks a little, and saw the gray sky.

This is not Wujilei, it has been upgraded and become. . . .

"There is no silent thunder calamity."

Liu Rushi was stunned, while Han Haichaoyi, in a trance, suddenly realized something, and subconsciously looked at Xie Tingyongxue.

The ancestor of Wuque Gudao?

Has this game of chess been premeditated since ten thousand years ago?

Small Wuji is one of them, if there is an irreversible change, there will be great Wuji!

Hanhai Chaoyi only saw the same expression on Xie Tingyongxue's face as usual, the same as before, the same as just now, never changed.

"Crazy, it's crazy! Even Da Wuji can be attracted, what is the origin of this woman!!! She must not be a normal ten thousand year human monk, could it be because of the coexistence of dao and demons, which attracted the scourge of heaven?"

Bao Han was terrified as he clutched his violently beating heart.

Demons, even Fei Chuan, who created the original magic way that shakes the foundation of the entire Tianzang orthodoxy, and Fei Chuan, who even makes the will of the plane feel threatened, can't actually lead the Great Wuji.

Because Dawuji never came to the subordinate planes, and only existed in the highest planes like the heavens.

But it came down today.

All gods and demons are killed!

This is the strongest ultimate move that truly overturns all accidents and nails the result to death.


"The stronger the demon, the greater the indestructibility. Could it be that she cultivated her demon nature only for the current situation?"

One Fei Chuan is not enough, if you add Xie Tingyongxue who sacrificed her life to become a demon, it will be enough.

Chu Ci and the others had a sense of epiphany, and suddenly understood Xie Tingyongxue's intentions, but they couldn't say it, and they didn't have time to say it, because it was too terrifying.

Have you ever seen the world turn white and gray in an instant, depriving all spiritual power, as if the entire plane was hollowed out and banned, and turned into a barren as if time stopped, and only that one left in the gray is not tight An irregular and slender thunderbolt came down quickly.

If it falls.

All life must perish.

Regardless of Xie Tingyongxue, regardless of Fei Chuan.

Regardless of Yuan Ya's soul Dao foundation, it doesn't matter. . . Qin Yu, who was already dying outside the station, fell into the shithole for no reason.

"I'm not going to die, I still want to struggle, but if you insist on dragging me in, I..."

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