I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2182 Closing

Qin Yu really wanted to swear, but because he was weak and thin like a thin paper, when he floated in, he easily grabbed her shoulder with one hand, and felt the fragrance in his ears. It is cool and soft with tulle, and there is sandalwood sound like incense.

"From the very beginning, I did not allow you to enter the chess game, and it is still the case now."

Qin Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then saw that he was pushed back by her, but he was not pushed away, but she approached Fei Chuan.

Not forceful, but also firm and irresistible, relying on the vitality Qin Yu gave her, she inserted her hand into Fei Chuan's abdomen.

Fei Chuan bowed his body slightly. Although Yuanya was on his face, it still had Fei Chuan's facial features, covered with a layer of gray air, and they didn't look at each other.

Xie Tingyongxue was so cold that he stretched out his hand to Fei Chuan's stomach for the second time. . . .

Suddenly, Fei Chuan's hand clasped her wrist.

The broad palm grasped the slender body without much effort.

"This is your second time..."

His voice was hoarse, resentful and resentful.

But Xie Tingyongxue was very indifferent, and only said lightly: "His sanity has not fully returned from the beginning to the end, and it is not your turn to settle accounts."

After finishing speaking, she raised her eyes, and met Shang Yuanya's vaguely invisible gaze amidst the gray mist.

"The general trend of the times, each depends on his ability. Thousands of years ago, I counted him as a game, but now others count me as a game, it's the same."

Then he reached out and inserted his hand into Fei Chuan's abdomen, and forcibly pulled out the bloody demon seed.

How should I put it, that action, that ruthlessness, is exactly the same.

Take a good monster seed and dig it back and forth several times.

Really poisonous.

There is no que and lonely way. . . Do you know this skill?

When the demon seed was pulled out, Yuan Ya made a sound, calm and gentle, like a gentle and refined elder brother from the neighbor's house, telling you the facts and reasoning.

"To destroy him, it must be complete. You can dig your own demon seed and return it to him, but it is not possible. Once the demon seed leaves the body, the coercion of the demon way you created will disintegrate Da Wuji, because it is not right. The lower realm has the karma of thunder and catastrophe, so to destroy Feichuan, two demon seeds are needed."

"You two... both will die."

"Why bother."

When he said this, it was his gesture of winning the game, because the one who died would never be his real self.

One hegemony through the ages, the tomb of the Jiangling Mausoleum ten miles away, buried in snow and bones, and there is not a single dust left.

Somebody has to die.

Not Qin Yu, nor Xie Tingyongxue.

It's the two of them together.

"Not necessarily."

Xie Tingyongxue was noncommittal, and then. . . . Press the demon seed directly into Qin Yu's body, and hold the other hand in the air.

Facing Fei Chuan.

The palm is radiant and dazzling, ice and fire walk together, and the world moves.

No, it should be said that it was facing a person behind Fei Chuan.

An unexpected person.

He was moved in, just in time to meet Qin Yu who was exposed behind Xie Tingyongxue.

The moment Qin Yu was pressed into the demon seed in his abdomen, he held Xie Tingyongxue's hand instead, and took a step forward, as if trying to stop her.

At the same moment, four people, three demon seeds, and one Yuanya.

There is also a Dawujilei, it's down!

At the last moment when it came down, everyone had to close their senses. Jiaojiao was about to rush in, but suddenly found that someone was pushed out inside.

It is the fifth knife feather.

Probably because of Xie Tingyongxue's strength, now, no one is her opponent, not even Qin Yu.

The demon seed was in her abdomen, and most of her body had recovered, but she was weak, so weak that the fifth knife feather caught her body.

At that moment, Qin Yu felt the man's big hands clasped his arms slightly tighter, and before she had time to look up at his face, she was pushed firmly and resolutely by him!

Qin Yu retreated outside, and saw with his own eyes that the fifth knife feather facing her was entangled by the ice and fire that shuttled behind him. It mercilessly penetrated his body cleanly, like chains entwined, including humans and demons. Bind Fei Chuan.


Xie Tingyongxue is going to sacrifice him directly, use the fastest speed to fuse the demon seed, and then. . . .

After seeing that scene, Qin Yu finally saw Fifth Dao Ling's face and his eyes.

He didn't speak, just looked at her and smiled slightly.

Never enthusiastic, never happy distance, distant mountains and rocks, never shifted.

Then he turned his back, covered by the light, and Qin Yu didn't let Qin Yu see his face melted by all the sacrifices.

boom! ! !


It is destruction and sacrifice.

The huge impact made Qin Yu, who had just come out of the formation, a little shaky. In a trance, his back bumped into the cracked wall of the formation, and he saw Zhou Xuanqing sacrifice all his spiritual power.

All gods are evil, send them one last ride.

This is the final close.

In the beginning, in the beginning, it was the plan of the three of them, dragging these people into the Changting Pavilion.

But only three of them will die.

must die.


boom! ! After Qin Yu's back hit the formation wall, he shook slightly, and this side shattered, rather it was a hole that Zhou Xuanqing tried his best to open.

let her out.

When Qin Yu touched the outside air, he felt a chill down his back. . . . The silent thunder that hit her face made her feel as if she was being roasted on a sticky board, until a hand suddenly stretched out from behind, supporting her waist.

"Senior Sister..."

Qin Yu held Fang Yourong's hand and bent sideways slightly, he was too weak.

When the wind blew, she melted into the water and also into his arms, and went away with the wind.

Fang Yourong didn't say anything, but lightly covered Qin Yu's eyes with his other hand, covering up the scene ahead.

It's okay if you don't look at it.

Fang Yourong thought about it.

She should cover the eyes of little junior sister.

after. . . always forget.

Jiaojiao arrived quickly, seeing them like this, she didn't say anything, she just let go of her coercion in front, blocked the attacking force, and firmly protected Qin Yu behind her.

Can't see anything anyway.


The dust has not settled, but it is clean and neat, and the market closes directly.

No hidden dangers of flaws have been left behind.

The ten-thousand-year plan begins with the battle of saints and ends at this moment today.

Only light and dust walk together to know that there are stars that have died.

If you don't tell them, no one will know who they are.


Dozens of mountains, seas and lakes outside Wuque were all razed to the ground.

Other people who were forcibly sheltered by Chu Ci and others, whether they were allied forces or Wuque people. . . Everyone watched this scene in silence for a long time.

The silence was terrible.

No one could speak.

Until someone heard a very faint sound somewhere.

"Actually, I know that whether it's a great cause planned by a tyrant or a gentleman who is popular in Jiyue, if you have a plan, you must pay for it."

"If one person is to die, someone else must die."

"Senior sister, if I said that I knew they would die, would you believe it?"

Fang Yourong lowered his head and watched as he lay on his lap and breathed lightly. His pale and slender fingers touched the air, and drops of blood dripped from his fingertips, soaking in the dust.

Prosperity and loss of qi and blood, uneven heart arteries and veins.

Her little junior sister didn't even care about recovering herself anymore, she just lay there and said such soft and calm words to her in such a tone.

"I know, you've always been smart."

"It's just knowing that you can't do it, and knowing that you can't do it but wanting to do it are two different things."

"It's as if I sent him into the formation."

He asked her and she couldn't refuse.

They have always been brothers and sisters who cooperate very well, he believes that she knows what is the most correct arrangement.

If it is correct, it will be done.

So she is Fang Yourong.

Fang Yourong lowered her eyes, restrained all her emotions, and did not let go, only her thin red lips were lightly pursed.

"The patriarch's grandma told me at the end that I can only be used by them, and I can't end it."

Is this sarcasm? Is it contempt?

No, it means. . . She was the one they wanted to keep when they fought thousands of miles and did everything possible to do whatever it took to give it a go.

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