I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2183 Devour


Qin Yu murmured in Fang Yourong's arms and seemed to be talking to herself. There was a moment of silence after she finished saying that sentence. She was using that silent time to calm down all the emotions that were unwilling to be sad. Then, she supported Fang Yourong You Rong stood up on his shoulders, and stroked the demon-seeded wounds on his lower abdomen.

Its return meant the reshaping of her body strength system, but she was still weak and tired, and even her healing power seemed to have stagnated.

But when she stood up and looked directly at the hollow space where there were no living beings under the great silence and thunder calamity, there were faint bloodshot eyes in her eyes, but they were bright and clear, like a mirror, including everything.

What she can see, others can also see through her eyes.

real. . . None came out.

I can't get out either.


Hanging in the air, Jiaojiao carefully tugged on Qin Yu's sleeve, but Qin Yu didn't say anything, just pulled him into his arms and hugged him, lowered his head, and said softly.

"It turns out that not every parting has a farewell."

Maybe it's too late, maybe I don't want to say it.

And so they went.

That's right, no matter which one of those three people is picked, they are all strong and unshakable.

In such silence, Chu Ci suddenly said something.

"what is that?"

Everyone was shocked, and when they looked along, they saw a cloud of gray air.

Fuck! Haven't hung up yet? !

Couldn't that gray air be Yuan Ya!

"Ahh! Why isn't he dead yet!" Jiaojiao put her arms around Qin Yu's neck and acted coquettishly, but her chubby body still moved in front of Qin Yu.

Anyway, if there is danger, he must be in front of her.

but. . . There are already people in front.

It was Fang Yourong.

This person always does what he wants to do quietly and is serious and responsible, which is for ordinary people.

But she is more than serious about people she has a preference for - she often pretends that she is not serious.

Seeing Fang Yourong like this, Jiaojiao moved her body again, making it appear that she was the one who could protect Qin Yu.

But what he said just now was a bit cowardly.

Until Qin Yu said lightly: "He is almost dead."

Like this?


Jiaojiao immediately straightened her waist (however, the goose has no waist, and is plump and boneless.), but her voice is very powerful, and her breasts are domineering!

"You old bastard is still alive!! You belong to the cockroach! You crackling endlessly! Why, you want to blackmail our house when you are dying! You are so beautiful!"

Beating up the dog in the water or something, although it has no quality, is somewhat meaningless, but it is true. . . very! pain! quick!

Make everyone happy.

It's just that they soon felt that something was wrong.

The gray air turned into Yuan Ya's appearance, light and fluffy, almost transparent, but the outline was outlined, at first glance. . .

"You look a bit like a stickman." Qin Yu commented.

Yuan Ya: "At first I wanted to come out while my vitality was not gone, but seeing you grabbing your beautiful world's thighs to take advantage of her arms, it's not easy to disturb me, so I just waited for a while, you see, it's worth paying for it." It's worth it."

As soon as these words were said, the atmosphere on the spot suddenly became a little bit. . . Little embarrassment.

Hanhai Chaoyi and the others were originally injured, but upon hearing this, they felt that healing was secondary.

Isn't this game over yet?

You see, this is not the start of the war.


giao! Fuck you, you are almost leaving the stage, and you blackmailed me in public!

Qin Yu carefully glanced at Fang Yourong who was obliquely ahead, just in time to see the indifferent glance from him, she immediately retracted her gaze, with a cold expression on her face, "I suspect that you are making trouble out of nothing for no reason, and Chen Cang is fabricating and imagining it out of thin air. Tell me, Holding your breath, what do you want to say to me?"

Yuan Ya's level is unfathomable, so he doesn't care about it, but he just calmly said: "Actually, it's not a big deal, I just want to see how you devour the will of this world's plane, how should I put it, what you want is actually the same as mine, we originally It's the same kind of people."

Qin Yu's eyes flashed, a little dark and cold.

There are many kinds of bad guys, they like violent and evil deeds, and they do all kinds of bad things.

They also like to do whatever they want with their brain power and tricks, and control others to do bad things.

Yuan Ya is such a person.

Qin Yu knew that the other party was determined to seduce him, and he didn't move his eyelids, so he asked suddenly: "Old man, you have lived for so long, you have no children."

His silhouette doesn't look old at all, it looks very clear, but it's just that he can't see the appearance clearly.

Yuan Ya smiled: "Huh?"

The elongated ending sound is like a lamp in the dark night, the flame is scarlet, ghostly, cold and evil.

Qin Yu put his hands behind his back, and said casually: "Twice and three times, you are always the same tone. I think that even if you want to coax people into evil, you should change your tricks. In your eyes, this is the only thing left of me. Is there a flaw?"

Yuan Ya: "Verbal rhetoric is useless, it's just a matter of thinking about mouth addiction, I think you have a deep understanding."

He is very down-to-earth and doesn't put himself in the highest dominant position, but because he is too down-to-earth and spares no effort to scheme against Qin Yu, who was not very powerful back then, this advantage has become very annoying.

Anyway, Jiaojiao is infinitely jealous of this person, so she secretly asked Qin Yu not to talk nonsense with him, and just take it down!

"I can't take it down. He is the soul matrix, and it's almost gone. I'll count the time." Qin Yu pinched his fingers and said to Yuan Ya: "You still have three minutes."

Yuan Ya: "Well, even if I am sure that I am no longer a threat to you, why don't you swallow this will immediately? Now is its weakest time. Only by swallowing her can you truly have the future for us. This kind of people are the capital of the first battle."

The plane of an earth is extremely valued by the two camps of Tianxuan and Evil Xuan, let alone the world of Tianzang.

If the wealth value index of the earth is 10 billion U.S. dollars, then the hidden world will be 10 trillion U.S. dollars.

Will Qin Yu give up on it?

Impossible, she is not that kind of person.

"Actually, you knew all three of them were going to die, and you also knew that I was here. You are the one who will benefit in the end. In fact, I never think that there is any difference between the choice of heaven and the choice of evil."

Yuan Ya sighed, and said slowly: "As long as the benefits are sufficient, who can truly let go?"

After a pause, he looked deeply at Qin Yu, "The real winner is the one who always walks away those damned ones, feeling sad and guilty while accepting the benefits unceremoniously."

Qin Yu: "You are hypocritical and boastful of me, are you trying to get rid of me after the failure of your new invention?"

Yuan Ya: "Am I behaving like a loser?"

What's the meaning? Could he still turn the tables?

"You have no chance of coming back, but you feel that you have not lost, and I don't think you are wrong."

Yuan Ya smiled.

Qin Yu was expressionless: "Because your idea is that the planar will of the Tianzang world is the greatest treasure, unparalleled in the world, it can give people great power, but it can also satisfy many people's wishes, such as making some People don't die."

She stared at Yuan Ya, almost mocking, "I will be shaken if you are sure."

Yuan Ya: "Swallow it, and your capital will surpass many immortals. As long as you ascend, your future is at your fingertips. You don't have to worry about those gains and losses anymore, but it can also bring Xie Tingyongxue and the others back to life. The two choices are different for others." It's easy, but for you, it's hard..."

After Yuan Ya finished speaking, he couldn't help but smile, "I just like to see you in such a difficult situation."

Fuck, this pervert.

I ran for a day, went shopping to buy clothes, and went to do things for her and my grandmother’s social security. I didn’t have time to add changes when I got home. I can only change twice today. I will work hard tomorrow~~Thank you for your support~~

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