I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2187 The crash

Yuan Ya glanced at Chu Ci, raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly, "Look, there are still people who understand, it depends on whether you want to take risks."

Qin Yu ignored it, and only raised his left hand slightly, and settled the two matters with his fingers.

"First, I originally thought of getting a big benefit before ascension, so I would have no worries about the future, but you schemed against me and let me lose such a great opportunity. I was not happy. Second, I am the one who has nothing to lose. Well, old man Zhou will fail, and my elder brother won’t come back either. Since you know me well, you know that I can’t stand other people being nice to me, and dying because of me. I’m even more unhappy.”

"Since I'm so unhappy, how can I let you leave here so easily, return to your territory, and take advantage of the good time you won to start a war in the future, and let me become the prey of your men and horses again."

With her fingers still there, she raised her eyes and looked at Yuan Ya coldly.

"Actually, you just wanted to escape, which means that you have fear in your heart. This fear stems from the fact that you don't have 100% control over me—it's like you still don't understand how I let Fei Chuan take my demon seed. I was also backlashed, because you don’t understand, so you are afraid that I am still prepared.”

"Actually, you worry too much."

"I do."

Yuan Ya's complexion changed drastically, his gray air distorted, and he tried to destroy himself, but he was a step too slow, and the will of the plane forcibly locked and bound him, like a big hand pinching Yuan Ya in his palm—it was revenge, and he was almost killed by two people. Devouring, the will of the other plane is also dignified and vengeful!

So this shot was as rough as it wanted, and Xie Tingyongxue, who had been silently watching Qin Yu and Yuan Ya's nagging, also made a move.

The two joined hands with one will. . . .


Like lightning, Yuanya was completely taken down, which was not weaker than taking down Feichuan.

And at this moment, Yuan Ya didn't force him any more, but his gray energy twisted, and countless dark magic-pattern light characters flowed out of his body, ancient and powerful, similar to the core of the magic way.

The remaining demons like Goutou, or those like Chang Tingwan who became demons in order to cooperate with the plan, all felt the feeling of being deprived of their souls in an instant.

It was a cold sense of crisis with a sword resting on the neck.

"Kill me, they will die. Qiuer, look, this is the magic foundation you guessed, I did find it, and bound it with the magic pattern bond, once Fei Chuan dies, I will be the second in charge of it man of."

Yuan Ya obviously didn't want Qin Yu to swallow him, so he deliberately lobbied, but Qin Yu didn't listen or listen, and swallowed him without saying a word—useless mouth, just grabbed the cloud of gray gas with one hand, Rubbing the palms, there seemed to be a whirlpool in the hands, and he swallowed it in one gulp.

Bao Han, who was hiding in the corner, almost cried from fright.

Damn, this is Yuanya. . . She said eat it and eat it.

What to do after eating!

Was what Yuanya said just now a lie to her? !

actually. . . Really not!

As soon as Qin Yu finished eating Yuanya's soul dao foundation, the demon seeds in his body exploded.

The Dao Dao Foundation of the Demonic Dao also soared into the sky magnificently, and it was like a splattered ink, scattering crazily around and around, it was shocking to watch, and there was also a demonic energy in the air spreading wildly, and no one dared to touch it, so they could only defend.

But that defensive cover has been eroded inch by inch.

Very corrosive!

There have been people who have been infected by the devil's energy, and they lost their minds all of a sudden, and the eyes were full of hostility, as if they were going to be possessed by a devil in the blink of an eye!

"This... how could this happen!"

In fact, no one believed what Yuan Ya said just now, but they didn't think he was telling the truth.

Qin Yu couldn't swallow him!

Chu Ci's face was ugly, and she was quite regretful. She should have insisted on persuading her just now, but she was not very sure about it, and she also knew Qin Yu. . . Stronger than her, if the latter has judgment, she really dare not use her own thoughts to determine the opponent's layout.

"Protect others first, especially Wuque."

After Chuci communicated with other lords, he tried his best to protect other people who could not resist the erosion of demonic nature, but he didn't take his eyes away from Qin Yu, so he saw that Qin Yu was like a vortex of demonic power.

The demon species in her body also formed a whole of its own, frantically devouring Qin Yu's flesh and blood from the inside out.

Has the demon seed become refined? ! !

It's over, the Tianzang world will be destroyed!

——She is now like the source of the T virus, emitting the most powerful and purest magic energy, and all the high-quality elites and powerhouses in Tianzang World are here. If you don't restrain yourself, this Tianzang World will be destroyed Crash directly.

Huang Jinbi said this to Jiaojiao, but not to remind Qin Yu, but for the following sentence.

——I know you must have your own arrangements, but from the perspective of my job function, I need to report to the Golden House, because now the Golden House must have noticed the changes in the Tianzang world, and the world situation is changing.

——I will report first, if it can be delayed for a while, I will try my best to persuade the people above to be optimistic about this and trust your approach.

After Huang Jinbi finished speaking, he went to work, while Jiaojiao snorted softly: "The higher ups dare not do anything, I didn't see a few capable people in the previous crisis, if it weren't for people like my Yuyu and Wuque, Tianzang It’s already gone, and if the top still dares to fight, I’ll..."

He thought about it, and there was really nothing to threaten the golden house, so he poked the golden wall viciously with his cat's paw finger.

"I'll stab you to death!"

Jin Bi, who was frantically reporting to his superiors: "..."

I'm just a part-time job, it's really hard!

At that time, both sides of the Golden House and the Dark Gold House knew of the great changes in the Tianzang world. When the immortals were originally sent down on both sides, the higher ups had already begun to pay attention to the whole process.

It's such a big show, seeing the ups and downs, and the immortals die one after another, it's so f*cking exciting!

It's just that the emotional stimulation is different.

Evil Venerables of the Evil Way: Is it over? Oh, and there's still a cancer of professional paddling left.

Immortals of the Heavenly Chosen Dao: Ours are all dead too, yes, at the hands of the same murderer, there is not one left, but we are not angry at all? ! !

Then Daoji, the soul of Yuanya, ended up in person. . .

The venerables were as quiet as chickens, no matter what they thought in their hearts, they didn't dare to say more.

The layout has been sublimated, and the barrage needs to be cautious—after all, when Yuan Ya is on stage, other emperor-level existences must also be watching the screen.

But what did Qin Yu do in the end? Don't bring such a suicide crash!

Are you so vengeful?


"It's this again!" Liu Rushi felt that Qin Yu shouldn't do such a thing. It's not that she didn't know what happened to her. Situ Puppet and Fei Chuan had done this before, and she dared to devour Qilian Mo Dao Foundation Yuan Ya.

"Wait first." Hanhai Chaoyi felt that the situation was wrong, mainly because of Qin Yu. She didn't believe that Qin Yu would do such a thing.

Before, even if he was willing to give up such a big temptation to save a person, it is impossible to take such a risk and drag everyone into hell—you see, so many people in Wuque are also in this crisis, especially those who have demon seeds in their bodies .

It wasn't Qin Yu's fault that collapsed, it was everyone's.

But it was because the consequences would be so dire that Hanhai Chaoyi was sure that Qin Yu had another way to fight!

The two had just finished their conversation when they suddenly felt a strange change.

From the source of the crisis - Qin Yu.

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