I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2188 Kind of demon? (Thank you Qingfengyunqing, end.)

Looking up, Han Hai Chaoyi and the others saw that before Qin Yu clasped his hands on his abdomen, after the flesh and bones were devoured by the demon seed, the most obvious thing was the demon seed in his abdomen.

What she held was the demon seed, as if she was playing with it, as if she didn't care about the immediate crisis at all.

And she also spoke slowly like an innocent child.

"What I prepared for his demon seed is not a backlash at all."

"Backlash is only one of the functions. If a dragon is served, the ultimate goal of its process system should be—"

She raised her eyes and hooked the corners of her mouth, revealing an innocent and innocent smile, and this smile suddenly seemed to be under the eyes of many immortals and evils in the supreme heaven.

"The Dao Heart breeds demons, and the demon seeds become Dao!"

If it is said that the heart-seeding demon is the core content of Fei Chuan's original magic way in Tianzang World, then the enlightenment of the demon-seeding is the follow-up of Qin Yu's creation.

That's her way.

then. . . She closed her eyes, the center of her brows, her soul, her hands, and many secret lines and magic lines became one, regardless of each other.

It seems to be similar, it seems to be the kind of mysterious secret pattern that she controlled before.


The power of the demon in her hand reversed.


"Since it is possible to plant a demon seed in a cultivator's body and cultivate the demonic magic power to achieve the power of the demonic way, is it feasible to reverse the demonic seed and achieve the power of the righteous way?"

Only kids ask this question.


This is possible because there are mathematical rules in the middle that can be applied.

However, if the way of power, especially the two ways of attribute versus order, changes, it means that all system rules will change accordingly. 1 is no longer 1, and 2 is no longer 2, so it is not true.

Adults understand this reality, but only the most monstrous, powerful, and creative adults choose to create rules.

Qin Yu is that kind of person. She created a new rule to make this kind of equality possible, that is, she created a stronger secret pattern—both evil and righteous.

Using this secret pattern system, she learned and inherited Fei Chuan's magic way, and dissected and studied many monster species, experimented with changes, and finally became the great change she controlled at this moment.

Now comes the problem.

"If it can be reversed, then... how strong will she become if such a powerful magic power is reversed into our righteous cultivation power?"

Daoguang and the others were collectively silent.

Especially Nangong Mei.

His mind is very complicated——since he entered the Tao, he determined to be irreconcilable with the Demon Dao, and he even did not hesitate to die with it. Facts have proved that he is really naive.

A truly awesome character, he never thought of destroying the Demonic Dao (PS, he can't even destroy the role of the Demon Lord on the bright side.), people directly try to eat the opponent's negative side to digest and sublimate themselves.

This is equivalent to a girl from a good family who was molested by a dude on the road and tied her home to ask for this or that. Then she killed the dude during the bridal chamber. By the way, she changed her appearance into a dude who invaded the family property and occupied the big dude. A young daughter-in-law of noble birth.

Bai Mei thought that as an old man from a casual cultivator background, he was well-informed, but today he was really frightened.

Afterlife is terrible.

That shot is not just about the front waves, it is like holding the whole ocean in your hands!

Can't afford to be provoked, too social and too social.

The surviving dog-headed demons think that after today, if they are still alive, then in the future they will not dare to curse a certain female demon king even if they make circles.

Qin Yu didn't know that she had scared a group of people, anyway, she concentrated on rebelling against the demon species at hand.

It went smoothly, there was no obstacle at all, why, because she never used unsuccessful research to practice the final result.

So her Taoism is improving at a frightening speed, from the transcending catastrophe period directly to the Mahayana period, and then decisively climbed to the peak from the Mahayana period, and the flesh and blood body is transformed at a speed of one breath and crazily washed.

Her coercion also changes every once in a while.

People who haven't ascended yet have the coercion of immortal level, but now, people who haven't ascended yet. . .

"What is the coercion of this level?" Xue Sheng and the others can't be blamed for their lack of vision, this is cross-class! At most, they only come into contact with the immortals of the upper realm, and the more advanced ones. . . Da Luo Jinxian?

Everyone Huanghuang was terrified, and found that he could not resist the coercion with all his strength, but they also obeyed, and they were willing to kneel down—if Qin Yu had a thought.

Because of the rebellion, the previous T virus-like magic crisis was directly resolved, and instead turned into someone's large-scale "crazy upgrade" stage performance.

They were both frightened and curious about the level of Qin Yu's coercion now.

"It was Da Luo Jinxian just now."

Chu Ci, who has the most background and vision, is in charge of explaining.

"What now?"

Chu Ci suddenly paused, because Qin Yu's coercion over there also stagnated for a moment.

That's three breaths.

Everyone suddenly felt that it was difficult to breathe. It was a moment of high pressure, but it disappeared soon, as if it was an illusion.

Only then did Chuci speak, "Honorable."

Everyone: "???"

Chu Ci: "She was afraid of crushing Wu Que and those people, so she took it back."

After a pause, she explained, "We happened by the way."

Your explanation is very detailed, but it is unnecessary.

"Couldn't it be, she can be honored before ascending?"

"It's not that she's a senior, but that she already has the potential to directly reach the senior level. You just need to give her the resources."


Is that what we understand?

Upgrade without barriers?

"Probably not close."

Chu Ci replied gracefully: "After the ascension, the Da Luo Jinxian and above have basically monopolized, because the aptitude has been fixed, it is difficult to break through the potential, especially the immortal."

It means that we novice chickens have not broken through the future of Xianzun. It has been fixed. Whatever your qualifications, you will have your future. Of course, there are very few breakthroughs just before the battle.

That is relying on the chance against the sky.

But now someone told them that a person who has not yet ascended has already obtained this entry certificate.

Are you angry? !

"Then she is already qualified as a fairy, but she is still absorbing..."

So where does her future stop?

Chutz didn't answer, because it was beyond her cognition.

Or. . .

She looked at Qin Yu above, her eyes were clear and gentle, but she couldn't hide the burning brilliance she saw, she seemed to smile.

"It's my habit not to make predictions about people who are far better than me."

Coincidentally, just after saying this, Xie Tingyongxue handed over her demon seed to Qin Yu.

"Turn her."

Qin Yu: "I turned it, you can use it."

Xie Tingyongxue: "I don't need it."

Qin Yu: "I previously suggested that you secretly swallow the will of this plane and you don't do it. It makes no sense not to swallow this now, even if you already have the capital to be promoted to the immortal... Don't you want to?"

Plane will: "..."

Although I am incorporeal, I can hear it.

Xie Tingyongxue was suspended in the air, his thin clothes fluttering, and said indifferently after hearing the words: "Since I was born, I have been related to the rest of this Tianzang world. Will is useless to me. If Tianzang is weak, I am weak. Strong, I am stronger."

Um, whether it is strong or not depends on the fate of a big plane? There is such a foundation without devouring the will?

My patriarch grandma, you seem to have a great background.

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