I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2189 miss you


Qin Yu has never been a hypocritical person, let alone the other party is his elder, if Xie Tingyongxue said no, then no.

She directly took Xie Tingyongxue's demon seed. Once she converted, the devouring nature of the demon seed itself would naturally be disintegrated by her, and it would no longer be able to damage the host's life and Dao foundation.

As for what Xie Tingyongxue said about her origin. . .

Qin Yu searched all her cognitions in the history of Wuque, but couldn't find any information here, but she noticed some waves of will in the plane.

Oh, does it know?

How old is that?

Qin Yu was very curious, and kept searching in his mind, but he heard Xie Tingyongxue's faint words: "Concentrate, don't think about messy things."

"Grandma, grandma, I'm thinking of you."


Xie Tingyongxue raised her eyes, the two-color deep pupils that were covered with ice and melting flames could not see the bottom, and she seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

Qin Yu hurriedly returned to Pipi's state, corrected his posture, and seriously changed Xie Tingyongxue's demon seed.

To be honest, although the demon seed that Qin Yu made himself had abnormal potential, after all, the time was too short to be as powerful as this one.

After all, it is Fei Chuan's demon seed, and it was bred in Xie Tingyongxue's body for thousands of years. The power contained in it should not be too terrifying, it is several times stronger than her own.

It is more difficult for Qin Yu to transform, no wonder Xie Tingyongxue wants Qin Yu to concentrate.

With this concentration, the effect will come out.

Xie Tingyongxue could feel the rising coercion on Qin Yu, but the latter himself was restrained, probably because he was afraid that the people under him would not be able to bear it.

Xie Tingyongxue glanced at Fang Yourong and those people, noncommittal, but with a light sweep of her hand, the defense cover against Wuque's disciples was completely broken.

When Chu Ci and the others were astonished, they only heard her say lightly, "If you can't bear this non-aggressive coercion, what a way to talk about it."

Qin Yu has no intention of attacking, and has restrained so much. Even if the remaining coercion is still strong, it is still a natural Taoist environment, which is conducive to everyone's perception and breakthrough.

It's just uncomfortable, vomiting blood or something is normal.

It's okay to die.

Those who practice Taoism, how can they not die.

Xie Tingyongxue has a cold heart, and has always paid little attention to personal safety and safety rules, otherwise she would not take so many lives to make a plan to kill Fei Chuan without blinking an eye, she is not like Qin Yu who would be upset about this Comfort or something.

A big killer who only has personal feelings when looking at the big picture.

This is Xie Tingyongxue.

Jiaojiao: "But she is still good to our Yuyu family. If you want her to survive, you have to be discerning!"

——I think she may just weigh the pros and cons and think that she doesn't need to sacrifice, and from the overall situation, leaving Qin Yu and Fang Yourong alone is enough to keep Wuque's inheritance alive.

Jiaojiao: "..."

Like this? No personal feelings?

Qin Yu knew that he didn't have such a big face when it came to personal feelings.

But because of Xie Tingyongxue's ruthlessness, Wuque's disciples suffered a lot. The coercion was too strong, and they all vomited blood in an instant. The Jingmen also vomited.

Because Chuci and the others listened to the words of the old man Xie Tingyongxue (maybe they didn’t dare to disobey it), not to mention that Wuque was like this, how could they have the nerve to let their disciple An Sheng avoid them, so they also took off their defenses, in a word , self-bear, self-comprehension, self-breakthrough.

As a result, the group vomited blood and coughed up.

For things like vomiting blood, just vomit and vomit, just like a person who vomits blood every day can always show a ferocious and powerful side, so we future generations can use this to encourage each other?

What's the point if you don't encourage each other, Wuque's boss treats his own cubs so cruelly, let alone others!

Fortunately. . . No one died, but it was because most of the people present were young elites, all of whom were proud and arrogant. Qin Yuzhuyu was in front of them, and they held their breath. If they can't compare with Wuque now, it would be too embarrassing .

Who is still not self-motivated?

So a group of people worked hard to understand while vomiting blood, and many of them gained benefits. The younger generation is like this. In fact, the benefits of the masters are even greater, because they can reach the master level, and their talents are basically the best in the world of Tianzang. Few of the younger generations can catch up with them, and there are only a few future masters, such as Fang Yourong and Jian Zhihuixue.

Even if the lords have many benefits and insights, it is difficult to break through, after all, they have already cultivated the peak state in the lower realm.

But it hasn't waited for them to show their substantial gains - such as a breakthrough in coercion and aptitude.

Qin Yu's side changed first.

The demon seed in his hand has not yet been transformed, but Qin Yu's cultivation has reached the peak of the Mahayana stage.

That is to say, in terms of cultivation alone, she is on par with people like Chu Ci, and even exceeds the total amount of spiritual power by many times. Mei and the others were surprised by all kinds of emoticons.

"Aptitude determines the capacity. We eat enough energy to eat one serving, but she can eat at least dozens of servings. This is the difference."

"But there's always a limit."

Chu Ci glanced at Qin Yushou and the demon seed that had been transformed into a golden color, thoughtfully, "It depends on how much power this demon seed can contain after transformation."

It is hard to imagine what it means for the demon seed produced by Fei Chuan and Xie Tingyongxue.

"Strange though, hasn't she started devouring it yet?"

"It may be backlashed by too much energy."

"She should have figured it out."

Have you ever seen this Qingqiu make yourself suffer?

What Qin Yu had just digested was her own demon-seed, and the huge energy had already pushed her cultivation to the peak of the Mahayana period. It was also because of the improvement in her cultivation that she began to accelerate the speed of transforming Feichuan's demon-seed.

Now, a demon seed has almost reached its golden luminosity.

When it was completely transformed into the righteous seed of Dzogchen, Qin Yu finally made a move on it!

But the way he did it was surprising, and even made Xie Tingyongxue pause.

She released a boxy golden cube.

That golden cube is really not a simple thing, and its appearance is quite impressive, making it hard to see through. Only those who were born in the evil choice will have an epiphany - here it comes, this woman's strongest trump card foundation! Cubic Fairy Home Farming Space!

Qin Yu was extremely rough, grabbed the demon seed and stuffed it inside.

After stuffing it in, she kept moving, and she was also staring at the Demon Dao Foundation——she cast a secret pattern of unknown origin, which entangled the Demon Dao Foundation!

"Binding? Be the third heir to the magic way?"

"It does not seem..."

"The premise is that Fei Chuan is dead, and Yuanya's death is only the Dao Foundation of the soul. His real body is not dead, so I don't know if it will affect it. Maybe it cannot be inherited in line in the inheritance rules."

Qin Yu didn't try to see if it had any effect, because she never thought about inheriting it!

What she wants is. . . Devour!

Swallow it for your own use!

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