I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2190 Special

However, the general method of devouring is useless, and Qin Yu is prepared for fear of side effects - the demon seed Fei Chuan is the biggest support.

hum! The moment the demon seed entered the golden cube, the golden cube burst into dazzling golden light.

Everything recovered perfectly, 100% awakened.

That's nothing.

Originally, the resources prepared by Qin Yu had already awakened Jiusuihe and many others, and the role of the Fei Chuan Demon Seed was mainly for. . . .

hum! ! !

When the dragon's chant ceased, soft and gentle, everyone's hearts suddenly became ethereal, and in the sluggishness, many immortal plants that grew crazily in the cube spread out, occupying most of the sky crazily, like a sea of ​​flowers in the sky for a moment, extremely beautiful .

But in this, as long as there is a dragon chant, there must be an echo, and the echo is gentle and delicate, slight and ethereal, like a harp, a shengqin, and a melodious echo, and then. . . Everyone can see with the naked eye that in the deepest part of the sea of ​​countless vigorous fairy plants, there is a crystal of light like a bud emerging from the ground. A piece of crystal light is tempered and condensed into dragon scales. Dragon scales grow from the earth, absorbing the spiritual energy of many fairy plants and surrendering to them. , born with dragon scales, pregnant with elegance, the crystal marrow enters the bone edge, the bone texture takes root for three thousand miles, the dragon claws are regenerated from the roots, the dragon claws coil the branches, the branches enter the clouds and tear the sky, and the golden awns swallow the sky Feather, warding off the cold and burning flames, grows upwards. It is a thunderbolt from the bottom to the top, and it is also a tree of life that connects heaven and earth.

The dragon statue crowns the top of the cloud, solemn and majestic to suppress the eight wastelands.

That is the outline of its branches and its shape, each dragon scale is a manifestation of dragon power.

"Long Qi, you are back."

When the corners of Qin Yu's mouth hooked slightly, and he whispered a soft sentence between the red lips, as if responding, the dragon scales on the branches were densely covered, and the brilliance was suddenly shining, so there were pieces of leaves with silver snow background and golden light and mist in an instant Slices grow infinitely, but in the blink of an eye, the branches are lush and lush.

Every growth is a Tao growth.

The end of growth is. . . bloom.

But everyone was stunned when they saw clusters of tender and delicate lavender flowers blooming in the silver and gold grace like clouds and wind.

They had never seen such wood.

The shape of the dragon is majestic and domineering, but the flowers it produces are so gentle and graceful, you can feel its tenderness and kindness at a glance.

Epiphany, countless people have epiphany.

Qin Yu just looked at it and smiled, "Sister Longqie, can you do me a favor, and then I'll praise you again?"

That voice was indescribably delicate, with a super intimate intimacy.

This made many people raise their eyebrows in unison.

Fang Yourong glanced at Qin Yu.

"Here comes another little sister, who is crossed in any race." Liu Rushi complained silently, this time Han Haichao Yi did not deny it.

remember. . . Someone called her Miss City Lord back then.

But this Miss Longqie is much gentler than Miss City Lord. As soon as Qin Yu said it, she seemed to know it, so the dragon claws spread and helped Qin Yu entangle the Demon Dao Foundation.

Qin Yu immediately formed a seal, began to devour, and then. . . hum!

Huaguang bloomed, every person, tree, sea of ​​flowers and even a foundation were swallowed by this light, and then boom!

A high-altitude explosion. . . gone! ! ! !

The sky was all clear at once.


But no one would exclaim and shake, because they all fell into a stupor, or rather. . . Sustained forced epiphany.

Only one person and one cat did not.

Xie Tingyongxue was the only one who remained awake. With a calm face, she said to the empty sky: "Spiritual beings, if they can transcend time and space, they can go back in time and space and understand the great way of the heavens. Countless epochs, recorded in the book is only a three-digit chance of transcendence."

Three digits? That is to say, there are hundreds of people?

Jiaojiao scratched her head, "I seem to remember this too. My father and Zen master both said that those who have the opportunity to transcend, who come out later, have a high probability of becoming a great emperor, because my master is a transcendent. She later Soon he will become a king."

Of course, there are also those who failed or died halfway, but in general, the detachment of the time-space regression level is recognized as the qualification certificate of the Great Emperor.

After a pause, Jiaojiao's eyes lit up, she stood up, her cat's tail wagging back and forth, "You mean...my Yuyu's aptitude has reached the level of a great emperor?!!! She can become a great emperor in the future?!! Wow! I knew that my family Yuyu was super powerful!!"

Xie Tingyongxue was happy at first, but when she saw Jiaojiao like this, she narrowed her eyes a little and said slowly, "It's not so much that she is amazing...I think you are also very extraordinary."

Jiaojiao: "Huh?"

Dazed for a moment, Jiaojiao blushed, "Although I'm cute, you don't have to praise me like that. I won't abandon Yuyu, but I allow you to hug me occasionally."

Xie Tingyongxue: "..."

She didn't say anything, because Jiaojiao disappeared right after her.

"Original? Time-space delay? You can actually summon it, it seems that you have a high degree of cooperation with her."

Time and space regression is the top opportunity. After all, it is related to the emperor, and it is no longer a benefit that can be shared according to the rules of life. Therefore, Jiaojiao couldn't pass it at the first time, but she just summoned it. There are no more than two reasons.

1. Qin Yu is special, 2. Jiaojiao is special.

Xie Tingyongxue's words were very slight, like a kind of conjecture, but it undoubtedly revealed that she had her own judgment.

Because the higher the degree of coordination, the higher the degree of participation of the summoned person, the better the result of transcending epiphany.


When Qin Yu returned to time and space, the Dark Gold House and the Golden House exploded! Because they lost the ability to observe the Tianzang world in an instant!

No, it's not that they lost it, but the Golden House and the Dark Golden House lost their observation of it.

The Xie Zun and Immortal Venerables were all shocked, subconsciously expecting the reaction of the Great Emperors, but. . . How could the great emperors explain to them.

The emperors are very independent and don't know how to communicate at all, because their judgments are all based on themselves, so no matter what the loss of contact at this moment means, they will not infiltrate their judgments. That said, let's see if it's necessary.

For a moment, it seemed like a secret.

Far away in the land of evil ways, Yuanya himself put one hand on his cheek and let out a long sigh.

"Sure enough, it's time and space backtracking... If I knew it, I wouldn't have sent this Dao foundation there."

After 58 reincarnations, it is too rare to get a soul dao foundation, the importance is second only to his soul deity, if he returns, his strength will definitely increase greatly, and he has a slight chance of winning against those old opponents in the past—even if He also made a lot of money when all his plots in Tianzang World were wiped out.

Ran goose. . no goose

However, when Qin Yu appeared, he was really happy at the time, thinking that he would play another game with this little girl, maybe he could break a layout of Tianxuan, after all, the Zen master and the old demon Donghuang on the opposite side had the same insight as him. .

If one goes up and the other goes down, it will be a big profit.

You can see the result.

Play off! ! !

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