I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 694 Arrogance (second update)

In such a movement and stillness, half an hour later.


But the elevator did not open directly, but first responded to the transmission department in the fifth transit area, and a cold voice came from the elevator.

"Report your identity and name and register it in the register. Before you leave, you will receive a copy of the rules and regulations of the fifth transit area. If you make a mistake, you will be dealt with according to the rules!"

Everyone reported their names one after another.

"Flower Tang Tang."


"Short tons."

"Qin Yu."

The orderly registration was suddenly interrupted, and the entire crowded elevator fell silent.

Dead silence.

An atmosphere called embarrassment and anxiety spread.

"Continue." Until the voice of the transmission department of the fifth transfer station came.

Only then did everyone pick up, waiting for all the names to be reported.

The door just opened.

No one moved, because they were still in an inexplicable state, and Qin Yu was the only one who was at ease, and walked out directly, slowly.

He didn't give them a look.

What an arrogant number one!

Everyone has complicated expressions.

Runsheng frowned and grabbed the sword on his waist.


Qin Yu was actually not that chic, because he was stopped when he got out of the elevator, and he took the booklet of regulations.

100 stars.

Qin Yu: "..."

If you don't take it, you don't understand the rules, and you will die. It's like spending money to buy your life, right?

What can I do, buy it!

"If you want to participate in the Arena, the Dharma Pool, and the Martial Arts Building, go first. If you don't go now, you will go to the Tianqi Immortal Pavilion instead. It may take a lot of time."

"Huh? You mean that the Enlightenment of Tianqi Xiange will last for a long time?"

"At least one year. If it takes a long time, ten years may not be impossible. Depending on the depth of potential, some people have deep potential and are difficult to wash, some people have special potential and are difficult to wash, but there are also some people who have strong potential and are easy to wash. It’s been washed out, so it’s hard to say how long it will take, but it will take at least one year, and generally an average of three years.”

So long!

Qin Yu was surprised, "Then I will delay the task time for three years."

——There is a trade-off, you can choose to be baptized later, a long time later, it’s up to you to judge.

Three years is a time without embarrassment. Some geniuses can leap forward in three days, and some mediocre people will not make much progress in thirty years.

But Qin Yu never fights with others. She always knows that what she wants to fight is fate.

her own life.

Those who come out of the dead door can only fight for their lives.

After deliberating, Qin Yu still had a choice, "I choose to be baptized now, but first go to Tianquan Dharma Pool and Qianfan Martial Arts Building, then to the arena, and finally to Tianqi Immortal Pavilion."

She has her plans, and she has never been moved by others. Huang Jinbi didn't say anything, and pointed her to these places.

Of course, when Qin Yu finished reading the rules and regulations, he also walked to Tianquan Fachi.

——Tianquan Dharma Pool is a place to comprehend the spiritual law. If you have spiritual energy, you also have the potential for cultivation. You can try it.

Qin Yu naturally tried it. The Tianquan Dharma Pool is a huge pool, surrounded by many Dharma pillars, and many arcane characters flowed into the pool on the Dharma pillars. There are many palm-sized light balls.

——That is the brilliance of the arcane method. If you choose those who have a sense, you can enlighten them by paying the star level.

Many people stood in the pool and held the light ball to comprehend.

Qin Yu also went down. To be honest, she has no experience in this kind of mystery. In the end of the world, it will be a barbaric awakening. There is no sense of realm at all, so she doesn't understand it for a while.

——Fill it, touch it with your fingertips, and you will feel it naturally.

Qin Yu obediently picked up the ball of light for a while, and every time he touched a ball of light, it softened and flowed through the gap between his fingertips.

"What does this mean?"

——It's very simple, if you don't have the corresponding talent, it doesn't want to talk to you.

Qin Yu: "..."

If you want to spend money to understand magic, it will hurt your self-esteem.

Half an hour later, Qin Yu gave up and said angrily, "Didn't you say that I have a spirit and a talent for cultivation? Why don't you bother with me!"

——Arcana is not the same as martial arts. People with martial arts talents can practice whatever they want, but arcana is different. It is only necessary to have both human body attributes and soul talents.

The implication is that it doesn't matter if you have the potential for cultivation, you have to find a cultivation path that suits you.

"It's really troublesome, that's why I don't choose to practice Qi now, I don't know anything about it, and it's useless to spend money on it."

——That’s right, a hexagram was used like that by you.

Qin Yu didn't want to talk to him, left Tianquan Dharma Pool, and went directly to Qianfan Wulou.

Compared with the profoundness of Tianquan Dharma Pool, Qianfan Wulou is down-to-earth. It looks like a library, but the shape of the building is a bit like a huge sailing ship. There are many bookshelves inside, and many cheat books are listed on it.

Of course, there is a price tag.

You get what you pay for, Qin Yu chooses to spend money to buy it - but he can't take it away.

——There is a restriction on every cheat book, and you can only take it out after paying the star level, and you can only learn it in Qianfan Wulou.

Now that he's here, he naturally has to pick a few books to go, but Qin Yu quickly decided that he should be more thrifty, just one book.

Because~~It's so expensive!

"A copy of "Swordsmanship Basics" needs 100 stars, why not grab it!"

——Already robbing.

Great, you finally admitted it.

What can Qin Yu do with it, so he obediently turned 100 stars and asked for this "Basic Sword Art".

This time, Huang Jinbi didn't ask Qin Yu why she chose it, because she knew Qin Yu's character, she was too calm and stable, and she always focused on laying down the foundation. "Basics of Swordsmanship" is really the foundation.

Then she will definitely buy it again, because the level of the golden house has increased, and Qin Yu's authority to consult the golden wall has also increased. She would never ask before, because the latter would not say anything, but now it is different.

"Is there any swordsmanship suitable for a general?" Qin Yu has an orthodox general at hand, and he didn't think about looking for other high-end swordsmanship in the past. He always felt that the one that suits him and this sword is the best.

——Yes, the third row and fourth column of the tenth bookshelf on the left hand side.

Qin Yu looked over and found that these swordsmanship levels also have specifications. Basic cheats like "Basics of Swordsmanship" basically have 100 stars. It can be basically divided into inferior and medium, the inferior needs 100-300 stars, and the middle needs 400-900 stars.

It's simply too expensive!

"It's so expensive to me, so it's probably even more unbearable for other chosen ones."

——You can only come to Qianfan Martial Arts Tower once for the stars you have accumulated over the past few years. You think it is expensive, just because you don’t think you will only come once in such a long time, and your consumption habits are different.

That's true, Qin Yu felt that this was just a transition, probably because of his ability to earn stars, so subconsciously he didn't think he couldn't bear it.

Then buy it.

"I'm looking for the general's swordsmanship." Qin Yu found it after walking a few steps forward.

But when she saw the name of the cheat book, she couldn't bear it.

Eat dog food to eat enough.

Because its name is "Moxie".

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