I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 695 Brilliant Arena (3rd update, end, come subscribe~)

"It's really... the sword manual of a sword must show one's affection." Qin Yu pursed his mouth, and Huang Jinbi didn't say anything.

Because it has been dazzled before.

"Then Moxie's sword manual can't be called "Great General"."

——Well, but "General" is not here, it is in the store system.

"The price of "Mo Xie" is 700 stars. You won't tell me that its price is much higher than 700 stars, just because the two books are more valuable."

--so smart.

Qin Yu: "..."

However, she also vaguely felt that the combined effect of the two sword manuals might far exceed the single book multiplied by two.

"Could it be the double-sword swordsmanship?"

——Well, Ganjiang Moxie is originally a husband and wife sword, but there are very few people who can control two swords at the same time. You need the talent of dual-purpose, and you happen to have it, because you have a lot of eyes.

Just pretend you're praising me.

"We'll have to get the Moxie Sword later on, let's put it away for now."

Qin Yu still has star levels available, but she has always had a sense of urgency, and has begun to cherish her life. Now that her level has increased, she has the authority to temporarily buy some things with star levels in the dungeon to save her life. Now she must not spend too much .

After going out with 800 stars all at once, it took Qin Yu three seconds to feel his heart ache, and then he took the cheat book and went to the supporting practice room of Qianfan Martial Arts Building to study and comprehend.

"According to your 700 star purchase quota, you can use the training room of our martial arts building for free for seven days. You can renew the fee if you use it up, and you can accumulate it for the next use if you don't use it up. Can I help you arrange it now?"

Of course, Qin Yu didn't want to waste time, and it happened that the general was also in Jiezi's space, so he went directly to the training room and immersed himself in enlightenment.


Can you learn a book of swordsmanship in seven days?


99.9% of the selected candidates at the ninth transfer station will tell you that it is impossible!

Most of the remaining 0.1% of people are based on their self-confidence, and very few of them succeed in the end.

This is a kind of probability, and probability reflects excellence.

Qin Yu didn't know that she had unknowingly become extremely good, because it took her three days to learn "Mo Xie".

But "Basics of Swordsmanship" failed to be understood after seven days, because the significance of the foundation lies in its long-term and cumulative nature. To put it bluntly, it is a guide to skills and directions.

"I think that when I have a deeper understanding of this aspect, you can help me choose a high-level swordsmanship cheat book."

Qin Yu made such a request to Huang Jinbi after learning two sword manuals.


Huang Jinbi agreed, Qin Yu also put away his sword, and after going to the bathroom to take a bath, let Jinbi communicate with the outside news.

"The battle field has begun?"

——It officially started three days ago, but you can sign up at any time.

Qin Yu didn't know the specific rules until she left Qianfan Martial Arts Building and went to the Brilliant Arena. It was different from what she had imagined. This kind of competition can be repeated day by day, and the number of wins will accumulate points. Winning a game of the same rank will add three points Points, one point will be deducted for a loss, and the points for consecutive wins will be doubled.

"But in addition to winning consecutively, you can also get leapfrog points by challenging people in a higher rank. The rules of leapfrog challenges are different from those of the same rank. If you win the leapfrog challenge, you can take one-fifth of all the points from the opponent. This kind of method is very rare, the right to challenge is up to oneself, and anyone who challenges has the final say.”

Qin Yu liked this method very much, so she signed up, and after her name was posted, she was swiping people's names on the arena system, ready to challenge people, when she suddenly got a reminder——You have received twenty-five challenge letters.

Before I realized it, twenty-five letters had become fifty.

Qin Yu: "????"

——It seems that the people from the ninth quarter are challenging you, and you are now the lowest bronze rookie, so you don’t have to be afraid of losing too many points, accept it?

The words of the golden wall involve another rule. It is very free to challenge each other in the same rank, but a leapfrog challenge can be a challenge from a lower rank, or a higher rank. It’s just that if a person of a higher rank challenges a lower rank and loses, Then you need to pay more points, which will be directly given to the other party at a rate of 1/2.

Qin Yu thought about these rules carefully, and when he figured it out, the number of challenge letters had reached eighty-eight.

"Heh, there are not many~~ Let me look at the rewards of the arena first. Hey, is there a reward of 1000 stars for reaching 300 points? It seems that there are few rewards, but it is not easy to reach 300 points. Are there other uses for the points?"

——This is just a reward for the amount of points. The real use of the points can be used to exchange for treasures in the arena. I will connect you with the arena exchange system. You can see for yourself.

Qin Yu opened it and his eyes lit up.

"So many good things! It seems that there are many that are not available in the Golden House store. Only Arena Points can be exchanged?"

——Yes, this is to encourage the chosen ones to participate in more competitions and improve their combat capabilities.

Qin Yu browsed the Douchang store, and suddenly froze in one place.

"Little Brilliant Meson? A storage ring? Can it be taken out of the transit area and accessible to all small planes?" Qin Yu's eyes were about to turn green, and after turning green, they became very dark, as if he was planning something.

——Yes, it can be regarded as a small ultimate storage ring in the Golden House system. Although the storage space is not large, it is better than that it can access all small planes. Another condition.

"Get 1,000 points within 24 hours a day?"

——Yes, a total of 43 people have obtained this result in history, but 5 of them were maliciously swiping points, which is a cheating behavior, and their results were cancelled.

Qin Yu raised his eyebrows: "And then?"

—to obliterate, along with the soul.

Not surprisingly.

"It's so strict, no wonder no one got it. I guess most of the remaining 38 people belong to the first four transfer stations, right?"

—Yes, 35 people.

This ratio difference is huge enough.

Qin Yu pondered for a moment, then looked over the rules of the arena again, his eyes flickering.

"I said, if I can reach the target within this day, would you believe me?"

--Do not believe.

Very quick response!

Qin Yu chuckled, "I don't believe it either, so I just said it casually."

After quickly reading these eighty-eight letters, "They are all bronze-level. It seems that most of them are testing me, and it is also possible that others paid to hire them to test me first. After all, if the higher-level players take the initiative to beat me, they will have to pay too much. big."

After Qin Yu finished speaking, he spent money to buy their fighting video to watch.

That's right, 88 fighting videos cost 88 stars.

This person never did unnecessary things, and he must have calculated something. Huang Jinbi didn't say anything, and contacted the battlefield to send the video.

Play together.

Yes, it was too time-consuming to play one by one. Qin Yu let it play at the same time, and she watched all the videos at the same time.

Each video is as short as ten seconds or as long as ten minutes, so I basically watched all of them after ten minutes.

Qin Yu directly picked out ten challenge letters.

——You pick the ten weakest people.

Qin Yu: "Yes, of course we have to pick the weak ones, after all I'm not very good, so be careful."

Huang Jinbi didn't speak, he was guessing Qin Yu's intentions.

Especially what Qin Yu added.

"By the way, can you show me the video of the five unlucky ghosts who cheated and got KO?"

what do you want ! ! ! !

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