I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 802 Impeachment


"Your Majesty, our official system has long stipulated that officials are prohibited from having actual contact with civil organizations that are not under our imperial court, but Lin Xiang not only has contact with the Qin family, a family of martial arts, but also has a marriage relationship with it. Isn't this a violation of the law? law, knowing the law and breaking the law?”

Throughout the dynasties, there is a fundamental attribute of the existence of Yushi, which is courting death.

This censor was so bold, when he impeached Lin Heng, all the other courtiers looked erratic, as if their souls were wandering away.

It seemed that only the emperor and Lin Heng listened carefully.

Lin Heng's expression was very indifferent. To put it bluntly, he was dead-faced and paralyzed. Yu Shi didn't dare to look at him, so he just lowered his head and continued to say: "Besides, Qin Lin has a bad reputation. There have long been rumors among the people that he used As the leader of the martial arts alliance, he established Jianmen, raised people and horses, occupied the mountain as king, and collected protection fees from the people in the area where he was located. The amount was not small, which caused a huge burden on the people. In the future, I am afraid it will lead to a catastrophe.”

He said it very seriously, and the more serious it is, the more it sets off the seriousness of Lin Heng's crime, and it also makes people think about it—Qin Lin's contact with Lin Heng is naturally based on Lin Heng, so Qin Lin has won so many people's fat and anointment. It is absolutely impossible to only give it to yourself, and it must be given to Lin Heng.

A generation of power ministers, and got a huge amount of money, what will happen in the future?

Think carefully and fear.

The courtiers from Xiangye's line were a little unsteady and wanted to argue, but they didn't all stand up, but the third-rank Shang Shuling came out.

"What Zhu Yushi said is very true. As officials, we must naturally put people's livelihood first. Since there is such an accumulation of public grievances, can someone complain?"

Just as Zhu Yushi was about to speak, the minister went on to say: "Appeal, verify, file a case, and then the imperial court will send people to investigate, and the three divisions will interrogate. If the prime minister of one dynasty is involved, there will be a joint retrial of the three sects and five ministries. Isn't that true?" Judgment can be made based on just a rumor? The impeachment of the censor is a power. When the censor impeached, he used the law to accuse the prime minister. Have you ever thought that such accusations are groundless and illegal in the official system? .”

Zhu Yushi was not easy to wait, so Gu Zi said coldly: "Master Shangshu said that it is our censor's responsibility to impeach officials for injustice, so I am not wrong to impeach, and the important case for verification is the third party of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs. business."

"Master Zhu's impeachment is indeed correct, but the content of the impeachment is wrong. Qin Lin is unknown, but because Qin Lin has a relationship with the prime minister and accuses the prime minister of violating the law, then you know the law of the bureaucracy It is mentioned in the article that officials are prohibited from having actual contact with civil organizations that are not under the imperial court. Specifically, the official must have actually used his official power to benefit the organization, otherwise it is only a personal relationship and does not involve the law. As for the Prime Minister and Qin Lin It is a common thing for a daughter to get married, and the in-laws of a man and a woman are reincarnated in the heavens, so does it mean that you have to get the consent of your censor to marry any woman?"

Zhu Yushi's face turned red immediately, he was speechless, he didn't know how to reply, other censors also saw the stern faces of the senior officials of Xiangye's line and sharp eyes, as if they had prepared traps for them to fall into.

A dead fellow Taoist will never die a poor Taoist.

Zhu Yushi is still looking forward to being in the queen mother's party, but that group of people don't want to encounter Lin Heng's bad luck today, so the lord Yushi can only look at the emperor. Seeing that Zhu Yushi was defeated and asked for help, his mouth moved slightly, as if he wanted to speak, but the veteran cabinet minister shook his head slightly to hint.

Emperor Yue could only remain silent, but Lin Heng finally spoke.

"The impeachment of Yu Shi is a matter of course, no matter whether the impeachment is successful or not, it is right. Since it is right, there is nothing to say."

Since there is nothing to say, let's not say it.

Emperor Yue's expression was slightly relaxed, "It's about time, let's continue the ceremony, are the queen and Mrs. Xiangye here?"

Although Qin Yu had listened thoroughly from afar, he had just arrived.

The head eunuch let out a howl, and the officials waited with dignity out of etiquette, but they were all dazzled by the two women slowly approaching in front of them.

One is the wife of the emperor, and the other is the wife of the prime minister. I am afraid that apart from the queen mother, there is no other woman in this world who is more noble than them.

But there is no other woman more beautiful than them.

One is as charming and evil as a demon, and the other is as beautiful as a fairy. The two came together, and the background of the palace hall seems to be hand in hand.

This is a woman from a martial arts family? That sinister and hypocritical Qin Lin's daughter?

How can she look more decent than her own queen?

Well, or it can be said that their empress is too immodest.

The hearts of all the officials are very complicated, especially those Qingliu bureaucrats who really look down on martial arts people, they feel like they have been slapped in the face.

But in fact, they also look down on this queen, but why~~ this queen is also a little unpredictable.

The atmosphere once fell into an uncomfortable situation, especially the young officials, all of them lowered their heads to the extreme.

until the sacrificial ceremony begins.

Sprinkling the holy spring, reading the eulogy, and holding the carved vines, anyway, the process is huge. If Qin Yu hadn't been specially trained in etiquette, it would be really embarrassing.

But she just felt that she was not ashamed, while others were imagining.

Xu Yuliang's official position is not high, and he watched the ceremony process from below. He had seen this "teacher's wife". He had inquired about this woman and his students before, and knew that it was just a decoration for the Prime Minister's Mansion, and she should not be treated as such. mistress.

But I don't want to have accidents again - this woman is probably a little different.

too special.

Listening to the eulogy she read calmly, Xu Yuliang seemed more orthodox than those imperial officials. Is this person really just the daughter of a martial arts family?

Or was the Qin family training her long ago? But the Qin family doesn't have such a background either. Could it be that Master Xiang fell in love with her early on?

If not, it means that this woman is talented and intelligent, and she has been trained to this point only a few days after she first married into the Xiangfu.

But is that possible?

The officials thought deeply, but the female family members and concubines were very straightforward - if this lady does not die, she may come out in the future.

Because Lin Heng never kept women by his side before, if he did, it must be special.

"Master, madam, please hold hands and climb up the sacrificial steps, throw the carved vines and mourning texts into the sacrificial furnace and burn them, then touch the hem of the emperor's back sleeves, and worship the heavens together. In this way, today's ceremony will be over."

The ceremonial officer led the guidance, but Qin Yu didn't care. He just glanced at a certain lord. They were husband and wife in name, but they couldn't fight each other. She even had to drink his porridge with trepidation, and he would even hold her hand. ?

In fact, Qin Yu knew that he would, because it was just a trivial matter, and he even dealt with Zhu Yushi's apparent impeachment, let alone this matter.

Sure enough, Lin Heng stretched out his hand, Qin Yu didn't care in his bones, but on the surface he hesitated on purpose, with a look of forbearance and reluctance. ——As a woman who has just eloped, if she is too forgetful, people will think that she is unfaithful.

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