I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 803 Li Cheng

The character design must be established first, and it cannot be collapsed. Even if he is a villain, he actually likes women who are more innocent in his bones. If you are too ruthless, he will be afraid and won't care.

So Qin Yu installed it, and when he was hesitant, she let go of the blood that had been blocked from the meridian, allowing the blood to circulate normally.

Qin Yu calculated the time before, and concluded that the time of the poisoning was before the end of the ceremony, which means that she would have an accident in front of people. Such a big ugliness, even if it was designed by others, would be disgraceful than the imperial court would blame her. He would also execute her in private, declaring to the outside world that she "did a sudden illness".

So she can't let herself have an accident-that is, to control the blood flow speed and slow down the toxic flow.

But now that Lin Heng wanted to shake her hand, she wasn't sure if this man would be able to fight, if he could, he would definitely notice it, so she drained the blood again.

Lin Heng also saw her reluctance, and never doubted it, but his eyes were dark, but there was no fluctuation.

Only after Qin Yu put the palm on his own. . . A slight touch with a fingertip, an instant electric shock.

static electricity.

That's right, there was a sudden static friction.

Is this a copy of Gongdou or a copy of an idol drama? This kind of plot is here!

Qin Yu's face was slightly suffocated, and he retracted his fingers and instinctively wanted to retract them, but Lin Heng clenched his fingers and grabbed her palm.

Her frail, boneless little hands were as cold as a loach.

Lin Xiang, who has never been full of sinister calculations, thought lightly.

Qin Yu didn't know what he was thinking, but felt that this man's hand was colder than hers, so cold that it seemed to have no warmth.

The two of them didn't reveal their inner thoughts, and walked up together with their hypocritical faces.

"It's really a good match." Many bureaucratic female relatives felt so emotional, and the concubines were also unhappy.

Compared with sharing a man with many women, they naturally have a heart for this powerful figure with peerless beauty and means. They usually dare not say it and have fear, but it does not mean that they are willing to have a woman become special - this Qin It must be the reincarnation of Hu Meizi!

Yes, just like the Queen!

"Mrs. Xiangye is so extraordinary and refined. In terms of temperament, she is very similar to the younger sister Lingfei." A concubine who was neither yin nor yang said to a concubine in a white skirt. The latter smiled lightly but did not speak. Among the concubines of the beautiful family members.

But her beauty is like a beacon, shining among these women.

The sacrificial steps are very long, but there are countless masters in the palace, with many eyes and ears. Qin Yu didn't speak to Lin Heng, and the latter didn't ask, but Qin Yu thought that the other party should know that she didn't touch the thing.

After reaching the top step.

"Thanks for your hard work, madam." The demon queen smiled charmingly, stretched out her hand to wrap Qin Yu's arm, and pulled her out, and Lin Heng let go of her hand.

Those who are close relatives thought that Qin Yu was from her family.

Hehe, I just poisoned her.


Qin Yu also smiled hypocritically, "Your Majesty is concerned, it's only a few steps away." After she finished speaking, she noticed that Emperor Yue was looking at her, so she bowed her body and saluted.

The Emperor Yue raised his hand to avoid the ceremony, and after being reminded by the courtesy officer, the Xiangye and his wife had to touch the hem of the emperor's back sleeves.

What kind of caress is this?

As soon as Qin Yu looked up, he met the demon queen's gaze.

Am I touching your husband's sleeve or yours?

Of course each touch their own.

When Qin Yu stroked the demon queen's sleeve, the ceremony official saw her reserved, so he smiled and said, "Madam, you can use more force."

Alright, so Qin Yu put in a little effort.

The demon queen deliberately took a step forward, as if she had been pulled vigorously by her, and went straight to Qin Yu, almost hugging her full.

"Madam, take it easy, I can't stand your torment."

Qin Yu: "..."

The ceremonial officer lowered his head and didn't say a word.

The demon is dead!

This woman is crazy!

Qin Yu reflexively looked at the emperor next door.

But just in time to see Lin Heng reaching out to Emperor Yue with a clear and fair face, the latter had an embarrassed expression, his eyes dodged, and he seemed to be afraid.

Well, I am afraid of this, no wonder I don't care about my wife openly seducing my wife.

Qin Yu: "I guess the emperor must be worried that a ruthless person like Lin Heng will push him off the altar."

——You still care about him, why don't you care about yourself, there are still fifteen minutes before the poison.

After stroking the sleeves, they knelt down to worship the heaven and the earth together.


After the ceremony.

"Fifteen minutes is enough. I'll find a reason to say that I'm not feeling well. The sacrifice is over, so I can't just let me go. This Lin Heng is also smart, and he will definitely notice that I am poisoned."

Qin Yu was about to speak to Lin Heng, when he heard the demon queen say: "Madam, the ceremony is over, there is still a banquet in the palace, the court is full of civil and military officials, the clan and the court's female family members are all complete, you need to Attend, or they will all be disappointed."

It seemed that if she didn't go, she would let all the "wives and concubines" dove away, and she took the blame for offending people.

The poison was given by the demon queen. According to the normal situation, Qin Yu has already had an attack now, but she hasn't, so the demon queen is suspicious and has another plan - to delay time and see if Qin Yu will still be poisoned. Yes, it means that the time of poisoning changes according to the body constitution, and it is harmless. If not, is it because Qin Yu secretly detoxified it by himself or is the poison useless to her?

No matter which one it is, it proves that Qin Yu is a hidden person, so he should pay more attention to it in the future.

But Qin Yu couldn't care about the consequences, she couldn't let herself be poisoned.

But now she can't go.

Qin Yu looked at Lin Heng, trying his best to brighten his eyes, so that he could see the deep meaning, but obviously, this man is not fat and charming, not Wen Xi, not Xiao Tingyun, nor her relatives and friends.

There is no tacit understanding between them.

Hey~ When Qin Yu sighed, Lin Heng ignored Qin Yu and agreed to the invitation of the emperor.


The dinner had to be eaten, and Qin Yu had no choice but to refuse, since he didn't have to refuse, then~~

eat it.

"Hey, the level of all aspects of this world is actually good, but the styles of the times are different. The ancient times are ancient times, lacking technology, but the material level is not low."

These meals are full of tricks, even if it is because of the national high-level dinner, it also reflects some characteristics of the times.

Of course, it’s hard to talk about the private ones.

Qin Yu didn't generalize either, picked up chopsticks to eat and drink, and didn't care that there was a gentleman sitting beside him.

Lin Heng glanced at her a few times without paying attention, but the latter ignored him once.

Lin Heng: "..."

——If you still eat and drink during blood control, the food in your stomach will trigger an esophageal reaction, gather in the whole body, and naturally affect the blood. You should restrain yourself.

Fifteen minutes can be extended indefinitely - as long as Qin Yu can control it.

I've been hungry for several days, and I eat cabbage and radishes. Although I added pig's trotters or something later, it's only one meal. I don't want to be vegetarian anymore, and it tempts Qin Yu even more.

But really can't eat anymore.

Qin Yu felt that she couldn't control the blood in her body, as if the toxicity was about to flare up, making her qi and blood surge.

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