I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 804 Toxic Hair

She put down her chopsticks, but looked at the delicacies that kept coming up from time to time.

I'm so angry, can I stop going up?

Qin Yu, who suddenly felt so sad like Jiaojiao, looked more and more beautiful, attracting many people to pay attention to her from time to time.

Lin Heng noticed the eyes of these officials and lowered his eyes to drink.

These people are stupid and ignorant. They never thought about what this fairy-like Mrs. Xiangye would look like squatting in the garden to catch birds and barbecue, let alone what she would look like when she was eating radish slices soaked in salt water with white porridge, let alone what she looked like. I've seen her still look like when she is eating greasy trotters!

Thinking of this, he felt that the image of this person was more and more clear in his mind.

"Misters, today's festival went so smoothly, it's worth sharing a drink."

Emperor Yue raised his glass, and the rest of the people also raised their glasses together.

Alcohol is fine, but Qin Yu drank a lot, and because he drank too much, he had a reason to go to the bathroom.

"Ma'am, you can drink a lot."

Among the female family members of the official family on the opposite side, there is a woman with a noble face. She is the old wife of Ge, and she is also a first-rank imperial order. Although her status is not comparable to that of Qin Yu, she is second only to her. In addition, she is old and has always been a heroic and enthusiastic person, so she is so teasing. There is nothing wrong with that.

Qin Yu's face was slightly red, and he said shyly, "I'm sorry, I'm a little drunk after just a few drinks."

She just wanted to say that she was going to leave for a while—to get a make-up fix, that is, to go to the toilet or something, everyone is female, you know.

Demon Queen: "It doesn't matter if you're drunk, you can sleep with me tonight."

This is so f*cking~~ This woman is going to go to heaven for being so coquettish.

Qin Yu quickly glanced at the top of Emperor Yue's head, as if he had already seen a piece of HLBE prairie.

"The empress is generous, but the concubines dare not presume, and they are just getting drunk. It's okay, it's okay, after all, my husband will definitely bring me home in the end."

Qin Yu smiled, seven parts shy and three parts submissive, and put his little hand on the back of Lin Heng's.

"Husband, what do you say?"

When the back of his hand was covered with soft palms, Lin Heng instinctively wanted to shake it off, but considering the scene in front of him, and turning his head, he could see Qin Yu's face and eyes.

She winked at him.

I don't know if Lin Heng saw through it, but in the end he didn't shake off Qin Yu's hand, but he still looked indifferent, and said lightly: "Naturally."

Although it was not very enthusiastic, it still frightened everyone in the audience, and they all stared at the touching hands of the two.

Lin Heng was about to warn this daring woman that enough is enough, but she didn't expect that someone would quickly withdraw her hand, hold the wine glass, chat and laugh with the rest of the female family members, and then continue to drink one after another.

Why drink so much alcohol?

She didn't even have to go to the toilet herself - the queen wouldn't let her out.

But ~~ others want to go up.

Those wealthy officials' wives and family members who were seduced by Qin Yu to fight for wine all had high bladder warnings, and one by one withdrew from the table and left.

Everyone else went, Qin Yu got up and wanted to leave, but the demon queen didn't stop her this time - the name was wrong, otherwise it would seem that she was targeting Mrs. Xiang Ye especially.

When walking out, Qin Yu noticed that many people were looking at her. She passed by the women's family. She glanced and saw a woman in white gauze on the side of the concubine.

One piece of white, one pair of eyes.

The ice is clear and the jade is clean, with high mountains and flowing water.

Qin Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, but the latter just glanced at him and was not moved.

Turning his face away, Qin Yu thought to himself: "The nanny mentioned that Concubine Ling, the most favored concubine in the harem, is as powerful as the demon queen."

Sure enough, there is capital to be an enemy of her.


Qin Yu finally got away from the banquet and went to Gongfang under the guidance of the palace staff.

After coming out, Qin Yu's originally calm face immediately changed a little, and he glanced at his palm, it was pale and bloodless.

But the blood was slowly returning, because she couldn't control it, and her poison was about to explode.

I don't know what kind of poison it is, maybe it's an aphrodisiac or something else, anyway, my blood is surging, my whole body is vacant, and my vision begins to blur.

That does not work.

Qin Yu suddenly supported a rockery, and said to the palace man who was leading the way with a lamp, "Girl, this road is not right."

This is not the way to go to the toilet.

Rather like. . . The way to the bedroom.

When Qin Yu said this, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the palace man's throat suddenly.

Just about to pinch and kill.

The palace man clasped her wrist instead, and pressed her hard against the rockery.

boom! Qin Yu's back fell down the rockery, her back was pierced with spikes, and in the next second, her throat was caught, and she saw the palace maid—a pair of mysterious and cold eyes.

This man is going to kill her!

Not good, she is not from the Demon Empress, and she didn't just want to make her look ugly, but directly targeted the murderous intent.

Qin Yu used to be able to fight back and struggle no matter how dangerous he was, but this time his luck seemed to be unlucky, the poison broke out!

More than one.

It was as if all Qin Yu's strength had been drained immediately, his whole body was like a flow of water that had softened his bones, only the man pressed him on the rockery and pinched his throat, and the other party exerted force.


Was the neck broken? No, Qin Yu's body is still Qin Yu's body. Her weakness lies in the suppression and withdrawal of poison, which does not mean that her physical strength is fragile. At least this palace official thinks that she can easily break Qin Yu's neck Time——she used her inner strength fingers but failed to pinch the neck bone.

This is impossible!

The palace man looked astonished, but suddenly a short thorn with the length of a middle finger appeared from his cuff, and stabbed fiercely at Qin Yu's heart!

But before that, swipe! A sword light flew up a human head.

The head fell to the ground, and a tall, cold-faced eunuch in eunuch uniform walked out from behind the rockery. With a flick of his finger, two strange projectiles flew out and landed on the decapitated corpse and the head.

As soon as they landed on it, they squeaked, and soon spewed out Martian gray gas, corroding human heads and corpses in the blink of an eye.

He didn't come over either, standing where he was, bowing slightly to Qin Yu.

"I have seen the master."

Qin Yu knew that he was not calling himself, but~~

When Qin Yu fell limply, a man caught her.

Lin Heng.


The prime minister's mansion, the main courtyard was heavily guarded by soldiers, and the maids who were born as secret guards went back and forth to replace the pots of blood, and it took a long time before they calmed down.

Doctor Yan collected the silver needle, packed his medical equipment, washed his hands, and then got up and walked out, bowing to Lin Heng who was sitting drinking tea.

"Master Xiang, the poison has been cleared, but the situation is not optimistic."

Lin Heng put down his teacup and looked at him, "Yue Selan Yin has a seizure?"

"Yes, the medicine the queen gave to Miss Qin is positive. It stimulates the blood energy, attracts the blood energy to become strong, and moves emotionally. It happens to be in conflict with the toxicity of Yue Selan's yin. Although it is strong and weak, it is a trigger point. , In addition, Miss Qin drank a lot of wine in the palace. Wine is a hair product, and nine out of ten poisons in this world will be triggered by alcohol. The combination of the two, she sent the wrong Yuese in advance Lan Yin."

Doctor Yan also felt that Miss Qin was quite unlucky. She was poisoned before getting married, attacked and stabbed in the thigh on the way to get married, and was aphrodisiac a few days after getting married.

What a bad fate this must be.

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